1,139 research outputs found

    The Case ∣ Ascites with oliguric acute renal failure

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    The Structure on Invariant Measures of C1C^1 generic diffeomorphisms

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    Let Λ\Lambda be an isolated non-trival transitive set of a C1C^1 generic diffeomorphism f\in\Diff(M). We show that the space of invariant measures supported on Λ\Lambda coincides with the space of accumulation measures of time averages on one orbit. Moreover, the set of points having this property is residual in Λ\Lambda (which implies the set of irregular+^+ points is also residual in Λ\Lambda). As an application, we show that the non-uniform hyperbolicity of irregular+^+ points in Λ\Lambda with totally 0 measure (resp., the non-uniform hyperbolicity of a generic subset in Λ\Lambda) determines the uniform hyperbolicity of Λ\Lambda

    Sampling Neural Radiance Fields for Refractive Objects

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    Recently, differentiable volume rendering in neural radiance fields (NeRF) has gained a lot of popularity, and its variants have attained many impressive results. However, existing methods usually assume the scene is a homogeneous volume so that a ray is cast along the straight path. In this work, the scene is instead a heterogeneous volume with a piecewise-constant refractive index, where the path will be curved if it intersects the different refractive indices. For novel view synthesis of refractive objects, our NeRF-based framework aims to optimize the radiance fields of bounded volume and boundary from multi-view posed images with refractive object silhouettes. To tackle this challenging problem, the refractive index of a scene is reconstructed from silhouettes. Given the refractive index, we extend the stratified and hierarchical sampling techniques in NeRF to allow drawing samples along a curved path tracked by the Eikonal equation. The results indicate that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art method both quantitatively and qualitatively, demonstrating better performance on the perceptual similarity metric and an apparent improvement in the rendering quality on several synthetic and real scenes.Comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Technical Communications. 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Project: https://alexkeroro86.github.io/SampleNeRFRO/ Code: https://github.com/alexkeroro86/SampleNeRFR

    “I can’t see an end in sight.” How the COVID-19 pandemic may influence suicide risk: a qualitative study

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    <jats:p> Zusammenfassung: Theoretischer Hintergrund: Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, eine deutschsprachige Adaptation der Bergen Study Addiction Scale (BStAS), einer Skala zur Erfassung von exzessivem Studierverhalten, zu entwickeln und zu validieren. Methode: Die Daten von 615 Studierenden wurden analysiert. Die DimensionalitĂ€t der BStAS wurde mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalyse ĂŒberprĂŒft. Außerdem wurden Korrelations- und hierarchische Regressionsanalysen durchgefĂŒhrt, um ZusammenhĂ€nge von exzessivem Studierverhalten mit Persönlichkeit und Gesundheit zu untersuchen. Ergebnisse: Der Vergleich mit Dynamic Fit Index Cutoffs deutete auf eine moderate Missspezifikation des einfaktoriellen Modells hin. Wie erwartet war exzessives Studierverhalten positiv mit wöchentlichen Lernstunden, Neurotizismus, wahrgenommenem Stress, psychosomatischen Beschwerden und Schlafproblemen assoziiert und hing negativ mit Lebenszufriedenheit zusammen. Schlussfolgerung: Es ist fraglich, ob alle Items der BStAS Aspekte einer Verhaltenssucht erfassen. Die Ergebnisse legen dennoch nahe, dass die BStAS ein Studierverhalten misst, das in Bezug auf physische und psychische Gesundheit von Relevanz ist. </jats:p&gt

    Computing hemodynamic response functions from concurrent spectral fiber-photometry and fMRI data

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    Significance: Although emerging evidence suggests that the hemodynamic response function (HRF) can vary by brain region and species, a single, canonical, human-based HRF is widely used in animal studies. Therefore, the development of flexible, accessible, brain-region specific HRF calculation approaches is paramount as hemodynamic animal studies become increasingly popular. Aim: To establish an fMRI-compatible, spectral, fiber-photometry platform for HRF calculation and validation in any rat brain region. Approach: We used our platform to simultaneously measure (a) neuronal activity via genetically encoded calcium indicators (GCaMP6f), (b) local cerebral blood volume (CBV) from intravenous Rhodamine B dye, and (c) whole brain CBV via fMRI with the Feraheme contrast agent. Empirical HRFs were calculated with GCaMP6f and Rhodamine B recordings from rat brain regions during resting-state and task-based paradigms. Results: We calculated empirical HRFs for the rat primary somatosensory, anterior cingulate, prelimbic, retrosplenial, and anterior insular cortical areas. Each HRF was faster and narrower than the canonical HRF and no significant difference was observed between these cortical regions. When used in general linear model analyses of corresponding fMRI data, the empirical HRFs showed better detection performance than the canonical HRF. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate the viability and utility of fiber-photometry-based HRF calculations. This platform is readily scalable to multiple simultaneous recording sites, and adaptable to study transfer functions between stimulation events, neuronal activity, neurotransmitter release, and hemodynamic responses

    Enhanced Thermoelectric Power in Dual-Gated Bilayer Graphene

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    Thermoelectric power of a material, typically governed by its band structure and carrier density, can be varied by chemical doping that is often restricted by solubility of the dopant. Materials showing large thermoelectric power are useful for many industrial applications, such as the heat-to-electricity conversion and the thermoelectric cooling device. Here we show a full electric field tuning of thermoelectric power in a dual-gated bilayer graphene device resulting from the opening of a band-gap by applying a perpendicular electric field on bilayer graphene. We uncover a large enhancement in thermoelectric power at low temperature, which may open up a new possibility in low temperature thermoelectric application using graphene-based device.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Early utilization of hypertonic peritoneal dialysate and subsequent risks of non-traumatic amputation among peritoneal dialysis patients: a nationwide retrospective longitudinal study

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    BACKGROUND: The hemodialysis (HD) population has a particularly high incidence of amputation, which is likely associated with decreased tissue oxygenation during HD. However, information about the risk factors leading to amputation in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients is limited. Here, we have investigated the association between the use of hypertonic peritoneal dialysate (HPD) and subsequent amputation in PD patients. METHODS: Based on the data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance research database, this observational cohort study enrolled 203 PD patients who had received HPD early during treatment and had not undergone amputation and 296 PD controls who had not undergone amputation. Subjects were followed through until the end of 2009 and the event rates of new non-traumatic amputation were compared between groups. RESULTS: The incidence of amputation was 3 times higher for the HPD cohort than for the comparison cohort (23.68 vs. 8.01 per 1000 person-years). The hazard ratio (HR) for this group, estimated using a multivariable Cox model, was 2.48 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.06–5.79). The HR for patients with both diabetes and early adoption of HPD increased to 44.34 (95% CI = 5.51-357.03), compared to non-HPD non-diabetic PD controls. CONCLUSION: Early utilization of HPD in PD patients is associated with increasing risk of amputation; this risk considerably increases for those with concomitant diabetes
