14,929 research outputs found

    Relativistic Hydrodynamic Cosmological Perturbations

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    Relativistic cosmological perturbation analyses can be made based on several different fundamental gauge conditions. In the pressureless limit the variables in certain gauge conditions show the correct Newtonian behaviors. Considering the general curvature (KK) and the cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda) in the background medium, the perturbed density in the comoving gauge, and the perturbed velocity and the perturbed potential in the zero-shear gauge show the same behavior as the Newtonian ones in general scales. In the first part, we elaborate these Newtonian correspondences. In the second part, using the identified gauge-invariant variables with correct Newtonian correspondences, we present the relativistic results with general pressures in the background and perturbation. We present the general super-sound-horizon scale solutions of the above mentioned variables valid for general KK, Λ\Lambda, and generally evolving equation of state. We show that, for vanishing KK, the super-sound-horizon scale evolution is characterised by a conserved variable which is the perturbed three-space curvature in the comoving gauge. We also present equations for the multi-component hydrodynamic situation and for the rotation and gravitational wave.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Singularities in scalar-tensor gravity

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    The analysis of certain singularities in scalar-tensor gravity contained in a recent paper is completed, and situations are pointed out in which these singularities cannot occur.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe

    String theoretic axion coupling and the evolution of cosmic structures

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    We examine the effects of the axion coupling to RR~R\tilde{R} on the evolution of cosmic structures. It is shown that the evolutions of the scalar- and vector-type perturbations are not affected by this axion coupling. However the axion coupling causes an asymmetric evolution of the two polarization states of the tensor-type perturbation, which may lead to a sizable polarization asymmetry in the cosmological gravitational wave if inflation involves a period in which the axion coupling is important. The polarization asymmetry produced during inflation are conserved over the subsequent evolution as long as the scales remain in the large-scale limit, and thus this may lead to an observable trace in the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 10 pages, REVte

    Cosmological Gravitational Wave in a Gravity with Quadratic Order Curvature Couplings

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    We present a set of equations describing the cosmological gravitational wave in a gravity theory with quadratic order gravitational coupling terms which naturally arise in quantum correction procedures. It is known that the gravitational wave equation in the gravity theories with a general f(R)f(R) term in the action leads to a second order differential equation with the only correction factor appearing in the damping term. The case for a RabRabR^{ab} R_{ab} term is completely different. The gravitational wave is described by a fourth order differential equation both in time and space. However, curiously, we find that the contributions to the background evolution are qualitatively the same for both terms.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure

    Indication of antiferromagnetic interaction between paramagnetic Co ions in the diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn1−x_{1-x}Cox_{x}O

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    The magnetic properties of Zn1−x_{1-x}Cox_xO (x=0.07x=0.07 and 0.10) thin films, which were homo-epitaxially grown on a ZnO(0001) substrates with varying relatively high oxygen pressure, have been investigated using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at Co 2p2p core-level absorption edge. The line shapes of the absorption spectra are the same in all the films and indicate that the Co2+^{2+} ions substitute for the Zn sites. The magnetic-field and temperature dependences of the XMCD intensity are consistent with the magnetization measurements, indicating that except for Co there are no additional sources for the magnetic moment, and demonstrate the coexistence of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic components in the homo-epitaxial Zn1−x_{1-x}Cox_{x}O thin films, in contrast to the ferromagnetism in the hetero-epitaxial Zn1−x_{1-x}Cox_{x}O films studied previously. The analysis of the XMCD intensities using the Curie-Weiss law reveals the presence of antiferromagnetic interaction between the paramagnetic Co ions. Missing XMCD intensities and magnetization signals indicate that most of Co ions are non-magnetic probably because they are strongly coupled antiferromagnetically with each other. Annealing in a high vacuum reduces both the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic signals. We attribute the reductions to thermal diffusion and aggregation of Co ions with antiferromagnetic nanoclusters in Zn1−x_{1-x}Cox_{x}O.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, accepted for Physical Review

    In-situ measurements of the optical absorption of dioxythiophene-based conjugated polymers

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    Conjugated polymers can be reversibly doped by electrochemical means. This doping introduces new sub-bandgap optical absorption bands in the polymer while decreasing the bandgap absorption. To study this behavior, we have prepared an electrochemical cell allowing measurements of the optical properties of the polymer. The cell consists of a thin polymer film deposited on gold-coated Mylar behind which is another polymer that serves as a counterelectrode. An infrared transparent window protects the upper polymer from ambient air. By adding a gel electrolyte and making electrical connections to the polymer-on-gold films, one may study electrochromism in a wide spectral range. As the cell voltage (the potential difference between the two electrodes) changes, the doping level of the conjugated polymer films is changed reversibly. Our experiments address electrochromism in poly(3,4-ethylene-dioxy-thiophene) (PEDOT) and poly(3,4-dimethyl-propylene-dioxy-thiophene) (PProDOT-Me2_2). This closed electrochemical cell allows the study of the doping induced sub-bandgap features (polaronic and bipolaronic modes) in these easily oxidized and highly redox switchable polymers. We also study the changes in cell spectra as a function of polymer thickness and investigate strategies to obtain cleaner spectra, minimizing the contributions of water and gel electrolyte features

    Soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of weakly ferromagnetic Zn1−x_{1-x}Vx_xO thin film

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    We performed a soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) study of a Zn1−x_{1-x}Vx_xO thin film which showed small ferromagnetic moment. Field and temperature dependences of V 2pp XMCD signals indicated the coexistence of Curie-Weiss paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and possibly ferromagnetic V ions, quantitatively consistent with the magnetization measurements. We attribute the paramagnetic signal to V ions substituting Zn sites which are somewhat elongated along the c-axis
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