56 research outputs found

    Studi Motilitas dan Daya Hidup Spermatozoa Kambing Boer Pada Pengencer Iris-Sitrat-Fruktosa= Motility and Viability Test of Boer Goat Spermatozoa at Tris-Citrat-Fruktosa Extenders.

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    Penelitian untuk mengetahui motilitas dan daya hidup spermatozoa kambing Boer pada pengencer trissitrat-fruktosa telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Fisiologi Reproduksi, Balai Penelitian Temak, Ciawi-Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah masih terjadi penurunan kualitas Spermatozoa kambing Boer pada penyimpanan suhu ruangan, karena seperti diketahui semen kambing mudah mengalami kerusakan yang mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas semen, terutama motilitas dan daya hidup spermatozoa. Dua ekor kambing BOW jantan digunakan sebagai sumber semen. Penampungan semen dilakukan sekali dalam seminggu dengan menggunakan vagina buatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase motilitas antara ejakulat 1 dan 2 yang diamati setelah 3 jam pengenceran berbeda nyata (69 vs 67,1%P0,05). Sementara itu, untuk spermatozoa hidup yang diamati pada 3 dan 6 jam setelah pengenceran tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) antara ejakulat 1 dan 2, tetapi tingkat penurunan untuk persentase motilitas dan spermatozoa hidup pada ejakulat 2 memberikan rataan tingkat penurunan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan ejakulat 1 (2,1 vs 4% untuk motilitas dan 0,6 vs 1,8% untuk spermatozoa hidup). Disimpulkan bahwa pengencer Iris-sitrat-fruktosa dapat mempertahankan kualitas semen kambing Boer. Kate kunci: Kambing Boer, semen, spermatozoa A study on motility and viability test of Boer goat spermatozoa at tris-citrat-fruktosa extenders was conducted at Laboratory Reproduction, Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production, Ciawi-Bogor. The aim of the study was to know the quality of Boer goat spermatozoa storaged on room temperature, because goat semen was easily damaged which decrease the quality of semen, particularly sperm motility and viability. Two Boer bucks were used as semen source. Semen was-collected once a week using an artificial vagina. Result showed that the percentages of sperm motility between ejaculate 1 and 2 for 3 hours after diluted were significantly different (69 vs 67.1%P0.05) between ejaculate 1 and 2, but decrease for percentage of sperm motility and viability in ejaculate 2 were decrease compare to ejaculate 1 (2.1 vs 4% for motility and 0.6 vs 1.8% for viability). It was concluded that tris-citrat-fruktosa extender could extend the quality of Boer bucks spermatozoa. Key words: Boer goat, semen, spermatozo

    The Use of Local Breed for Milk Production in Indonesia

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    Buffalo (river and swamp), Hissar cattle and Etawah grade (PE) goats are three breeds of potential livestock which can be developed as dairy animals in Indonesia to increase national milk production. Riverine buffaloes (Murrah) are found only in North Sumatera province. Hissar cattle are found in a relatively small number in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara and North Sumatera  provinces.  Swamp  buffaloes  and  PE  goats  are mostly  found  in  Java.  Under  traditional  management system in Indonesia, potential milk production of buffaloes varied 0.5 – 2.25 l/day, while Hissar dan PE goats produced milk of 2 – 5 l/day and 0.5 – 2 l/day, respectively. These animals are well adapted with local environmental conditions, hence, become their biological strengths. In some areas, the farmers are familiar in rearing these animals, so that development of buffalo, Hissar and PE production will be easier to be implemented. It is still required to disseminate the relevant information in order to support the improvement of people nutritional status and increase farmers’ income.   Key words: Buffalo, Hissar, PE goat, mil

    Exogenous progesterone treatment during pregnancy for increasing milk production and growth of kids of Etawa grade goat

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    Naturally, progesterone in ruminant is mainly produced by corpus luteum and it is reponsible for maintaining pregnancy, and affecting udder development and milk production. Exogenous progesterone treatment is expected to give similar positive effect on milk production as the endogenous progesterone does. Fourty mature Etawa grade (PE) does were synchronized for oestrus using Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) followed by natural mating. Does then were treated with CIDR intravaginally, as a source of exogenous progesterone, at day 15-75 after mating (Group A), day 75-135 after mating (Group B), and without exogenous progesterone treatment (Control). Blood samples were taken before and after exogenous progesterone treatment for determination of progesterone concentrations. Soon after birth, kids were separated from their respective dams and they were milk fed through milk bottle. Feed consumption and milk production were measured daily, while bodyweight was measured forthnightly. Results showed that response of does following exogenous progesterone treatment was not expressed by an increase in progesterone concentration in the blood plasm. However, treatment group showed kid with birthweight of 10-13% higher compared to Control Group. In relation to milk yield, birthweight and pre-weaning growth of kids, the positive responses of exogenous progesterone treatment were not significant, though there was a substantial decrease (71.2%) in pre-weaning kid’s mortality. Key Words: Oestrous Synchronization, Progesterone, Milk, Etawa Goa

    Front Office as a Green Hotel Practice at Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the readiness of the Front Office Department towards a green hotel through the implementation of green practice at the Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport. Research methods: This research data collection method was carried out by observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. The data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative analysis to determine whether the implication of green practice at Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport has gone to a green hotel or not. Findings:The results show that 90% of green practice has been implemented in the Front Office Department of Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport where of the 3 green practice indicators with a total of 10 sub-indicators, 9 of them have been implemented and 1 has not been implemented in the Front Office Department at Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport is on the green action indicator with sub-indicators doing recycling. Implication: The Front Office Department at Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport is almost eligible to support Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport to become a green hotel

    Daya Tarik Lembu Putih dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan

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    Purpose: This study is to determine the current development of sacred Lembu Putih (White Cow) tourist attraction as well as the strategy for developing such a tourist attraction as a sustainable tourism. Research methods: The data collection used is participatory observation, structured interviews, documentary study, and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is the mix methods. Results and discussion: Internal factors that influence the development of white bull tourist attraction as Sustainable Tourism are attractions, facilities, accessibility, human resources and prices, while external factors are political factors, economic factors, social factors, technological factors. Implication: A priority tourist attraction development strategy is obtained, namely expanding networks, promoting, and maintaining cooperation with the government and the private sector to support improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure

    The effect of feeding gliricidia on reproductive and productive performances of Javanese Fat-tailed sheep

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    The effect of feeding gliricidia on reproductive and productive performances of Javanese Fat-tailed (JFT) sheep was studied.Thirty-two 1FT ewe lambs (ahmtt 4-5 months of age and liveweight of 12-14 kg) were randomly divided into four treatment groups . They were given free access of King grass (Pennisetttnt putrtoreophoides) dan gliricidia (Gliricidia sepiwn, Jaeq) leaf with ratio 100:0% (Group A= control), 75 :25% (Group B), 50 :50% (Group C), and 0:100% (Group D) . All groups were suplemented with concentrate (GT03, Indofeed) at 1008/head/day. Forages were given 2 .5-3% (dry-matter) of liveweight . Results showed that feeding gliricidia 25-100% of the total forages increased dry matter intake by 5.3-19 .9% and crude protein 39 .3-142 .1 % . But NDF consumption decreased 36 .9-8 .4%. Higher nutrient intake was reflected into an increase in growth-rate which associated with an increase inovulation rate (16.7-116 .7%) and pregnancy rate. "Ova wastage" decreased markedly (33.4-50.3%) in the groups given gliricidia 50-100%, though coumarine (anti-nutrient) consumption increased to 40 .78/head/day . Lanths from the gliricidia supplemented groups grew faster and had heavier weaning weights than those of control group . It was rmu luded that feeding gliricidia up to 1(10% as forages and concentrate GT03 at 100g/head/day gave positive effect on growth-rate, relinxluclive and productive erformauces in the first breeding of JFT sheep

    Mengembangkan Strategi Atraksi Ekowisata Taman Sari Buwana

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    Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produk atraksi ekowisata, dampak yang diberikan, fasilitas yang ada serta kendala yang menghambat pengembangan, dan juga mengetahui strategi yang bisa digunakan dalam pengembangan Taman Sari Buwana. Desain/metodologi/pendekatan: Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan cara observasi langsung ke lapangan, mengumpulkan dokumentasi dan wawancara kepada beberapa narasumber yang menghasilkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif lalu di analisis dengan analisis SWOT. Temuan: Hasil dari analisis SWOT berupa: pertama, strategi SO: Potensi yang dapat digunakan sebagai area trekking, meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat, memperbanyak petunjuk arah, memanfaatkan lahan kosong, meningkatkan jaringan informasi dan promosi. Kedua, strategi ST: mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada, pelatihan masyarakat, pemasangan petunjuk arah dengan izin, membangun fasilitas yang dibutuhkan, promosi melalui sosial media. Ketiga, strategi WO: jalur trekking alternatif, menambah jumlah karyawan, petunjuk arah yang mudah dibaca, penambahan tempat parkir, pemanfaatan dana pokdarwis. Keempat strategi WT: memaksimalkan fasilitas yang ada, pelatihan karyawan, memperbesar petunjuk arah, menjalin kerjasama dan komunikasi yang baik. Implikasi: Kombinasi antara kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman menghasilkan empat bentuk strategi yang digunakan oleh pihak-pihak terkait untuk mengembangkan Taman Sari Buwana

    Productive and reproductive performances of young Ettawah-cross does

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    Productive and reproductive performances of 85 heads of Ettawah-cross (Peranakan Ettawah or PE) does at first breeding were studied at the Research Institute for Animal Production, Bogor . They were fed freshly-chopped King grass (Pennisetum put7xtreophoides) and corn-husk (2 :1) ad libitum and concentrate feed was given at a rate of 300 - 400 g/head/day . During the last month of the pregnancy and lactation period the amount of concentrate feed was increased to 500 - 700 g/head/day . Sixty-five does were in pre-pubertal stage and 86 .2% reached puberty at liveweights between 16 - 21 .8 kg (mean 18 .8 t 0 .4 kg) which is about 60% of mature liveweight . Oestrus without ovulation was found in 6% of the animals which has contributed on the relatively low conception rate (64 .7%) . A high pre-weaning mortality of kids born (37 .5 %) caused production inefficiency that suggests the challenge to improve management practices . Milk yield of PE does varied widely (0 .3 - 0 .8 kg/day), hence, there is a chance for improvement towards increasing milk production in Indonesia through well planned selection program

    Penampilan reproduksi kambing peranakan etawah betina yang dikawinkan dengan kambing boer jantan=Reproductive Performance ofEtawah Grade Does Mated with Boer Bucks and Pre-Weaning Growth of Their Progeny

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    The study was aimed to evaluate the performance of Etawah grade does mated either with Boer or PE bucks and the growth of their progeny upto weaning age at 3 months old. Fifty heads of PE does and 3 heads of PE and 3 heads of Boer bucks and 2 heads of teaser bucks were used in this study. All goats were given similar feed of 2.5 kg fresh chopper King Grass (Pennisetum purpureophoides) and 0.7 kg concentrate. The PE does were randomly divided into two groups (A and B) of 25 animals. All does were treated for oestrus synchronization with 60 mg medroxy progesterone acetate (MAP). Sponge containing MAP was inserted into vagina for 14 days. The animals showing oestrus were mated at 10 hours after onset oestrus and remated 12 hours later. The does in group A was mated with Boer bucks and the group B with PE bucks. Results of the studies showed that there was significant difference (
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