225 research outputs found

    Fractional two-branes, toric orbifolds and the quantum McKay correspondence

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    We systematically study and obtain the large-volume analogues of fractional two-branes on resolutions of orbifolds C^3/Z_n. We study a generalisation of the McKay correspondence proposed in hep-th/0504164 called the quantum McKay correspondence by constructing duals to the fractional two-branes. Details are explicitly worked out for two examples -- the crepant resolutions of C^3/Z_3 and C^3/Z_5.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX (JHEP3 style); (v2) typos corrected; (v3) sec 3 reorganise

    Fractional Branes in Non-compact Type IIA Orientifolds

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    We study fractional D-branes in the Type-IIA theory on a non-compact orientifold of the orbifold C^3/Z_3 in the boundary state formalism. We find that the fractional D0-branes of the orbifold theory become unstable due to the presence of a tachyon, while there is a stable D-instanton whose tachyon gets projected out. We propose that the D-instanton is obtained after tachyon condensation. We evidence this by calculating the Whitehead group of the Abelian category of objects corresponding to the boundary states as being isomorphic to Z_2.Comment: 29 pages, Latex2e minor corrections. references updated. Version accepted in JHE

    BPS branes in discrete torsion orbifolds

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    We investigate D-branes in a Z_3xZ_3 orbifold with discrete torsion. For this class of orbifolds the only known objects which couple to twisted RR potentials have been non-BPS branes. By using more general gluing conditions we construct here a D-brane which is BPS and couples to RR potentials in the twisted and in the untwisted sectors.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    D-brane categories

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    This is an exposition of recent progress in the categorical approach to D-brane physics. I discuss the physical underpinnings of the appearance of homotopy categories and triangulated categories of D-branes from a string field theoretic perspective, and with a focus on applications to homological mirror symmetry.Comment: 37 pages, IJMPA styl

    A quantum McKay correspondence for fractional 2p-branes on LG orbifolds

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    We study fractional 2p-branes and their intersection numbers in non-compact orbifolds as well the continuation of these objects in Kahler moduli space to coherent sheaves in the corresponding smooth non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. We show that the restriction of these objects to compact Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces gives the new fractional branes in LG orbifolds constructed by Ashok et. al. in hep-th/0401135. We thus demonstrate the equivalence of the B-type branes corresponding to linear boundary conditions in LG orbifolds, originally constructed in hep-th/9907131, to a subset of those constructed in LG orbifolds using boundary fermions and matrix factorization of the world-sheet superpotential. The relationship between the coherent sheaves corresponding to the fractional two-branes leads to a generalization of the McKay correspondence that we call the quantum McKay correspondence due to a close parallel with the construction of branes on non-supersymmetric orbifolds. We also provide evidence that the boundary states associated to these branes in a conformal field theory description corresponds to a sub-class of the boundary states associated to the permutation branes in the Gepner model associated with the LG orbifold.Comment: LaTeX2e, 1+39 pages, 3 figures (v2) refs added, typos and report no. correcte

    Black String Entropy and Fourier-Mukai Transform

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    We propose a microscopic description of black strings in F-theory based on string duality and Fourier-Mukai transform. These strings admit several different microscopic descriptions involving D-brane as well as M2 or M5-brane configurations on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds. In particular our results can also be interpreted as an asymptotic microstate count for D6-D2-D0 configurations in the limit of large D2-charge on the elliptic fiber. The leading behavior of the microstate degeneracy in this limit is shown to agree with the macroscopic entropy formula derived from the black string supergravity solution.Comment: 22 pages, latex; v2: substantial revision of the macroscopic description of the system; results essentially unchange

    Sheaves on fibered threefolds and quiver sheaves

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    This paper classifies a class of holomorphic D-branes, closely related to framed torsion-free sheaves, on threefolds fibered in resolved ADE surfaces over a general curve C, in terms of representations with relations of a twisted Kronheimer--Nakajima-type quiver in the category Coh(C) of coherent sheaves on C. For the local Calabi--Yau case C\cong\A^1 and special choice of framing, one recovers the N=1 ADE quiver studied by Cachazo--Katz--Vafa.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, minor change

    Probing AdS/CFT correspondence via world-sheet methods and 2d gravity like scaling arguments

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    We show how some features of the AdS/CFT correspondence for AdS_3 can easily be understood via standard world-sheet methods and 2d gravity like scaling arguments. To do this, we propose a stringy way for perturbing two-dimensional CFT's around their critical points. Our strategy is to start from a stringy (world-sheet) representation of 2d CFT in space-time. Next we perturb a world-sheet action by some marginal operators such that the space-time symmetry becomes finite dimensional. As a result, we get a massive FT in space-time with a scale provided by two-dimensional coupling constant. It turns out that there exists a perturbation that leads to string theory on AdS_3. In this case the scale is equivalently provided by the radial anti-de-Sitter coordinate.Comment: 15 pages; corrected some typo

    D-brane Deconstructions in IIB Orientifolds

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    With model building applications in mind, we collect and develop basic techniques to analyze the landscape of D7-branes in type IIB compact Calabi-Yau orientifolds, in three different pictures: F-theory, the D7 worldvolume theory and D9-anti-D9 tachyon condensation. A significant complication is that consistent D7-branes in the presence of O7^- planes are generically singular, with singularities locally modeled by the Whitney Umbrella. This invalidates the standard formulae for charges, moduli space and flux lattice dimensions. We infer the correct formulae by comparison to F-theory and derive them independently and more generally from the tachyon picture, and relate these numbers to the closed string massless spectrum of the orientifold compactification in an interesting way. We furthermore give concrete recipes to explicitly and systematically construct nontrivial D-brane worldvolume flux vacua in arbitrary Calabi-Yau orientifolds, illustrate how to read off D-brane flux content, enhanced gauge groups and charged matter spectra from tachyon matrices, and demonstrate how brane recombination in general leads to flux creation, as required by charge conservation and by equivalence of geometric and gauge theory moduli spaces.Comment: 49 pages, v2: two references adde
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