300 research outputs found

    On the Brink of Post-Democracy: Indonesia’s Identity Politics in the Post-Truth Era

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    As a country with a diversity of languages, religions, ethnicities and cultures,‎ Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to the hostile play of identity politics. Lies‎ produced during the Post-Truth period exploit many emotional sentiments and‎ provoke interest groups to act based on primordial impulses that support certain‎ political interests. The negative turbulence related to identity politics due‎ to the chaotic circulation of hoaxes and misinformation is feared to lead to‎ a Post-Democratic situation. Taking the case study of the two most influential‎ elections in Indonesia: the 2017 Jakarta provincial election and the 2019‎ presidential election, this paper will explore how the Post-Truth phenomenon‎ incorporates the issue of identity politics to generate a Post-Democratic situation‎ in Indonesia. Secondary data analysis from the news and social media‎ will be employed to further explain how identity politics is distorted in the‎ media, and how it can generate social and political turbulence.

    Specifying Asymmetric STAR models with Linear and Nonlinear GARCH Innovations: Monte Carlo Approach

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    Economic and finance time series are typically asymmetric and are expected to be modeled using asymmetrical nonlinear time series models. Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR) models: Logistic (LSTAR) and Exponential (ESTAR) are known to be asymmetric and symmetric respectively. Under non-normal and heteroscedastic innovations, the residuals of these models are estimated using Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroscedastic (GARCH) models with variants which include linear and nonlinear forms. The small sample properties of STAR-GARCH variants are yet to be established but these properties are investigated using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. An MC investigation was conducted to investigate the performance of selections of STAR-GARCH models by classical nonlinear selection approaches. The ARCH(1) and GARCH(1,1) models were the linear GARCH specifications while the Logistic Smooth Transition-ARCH (LST-ARCH(1,1)), Logistic Smooth Transition- GARCH (LST-GARCH(1,1)) and Asymmetric Nonlinear Smooth Transition-GARCH (ANST-GARCH(1,1)) models were the nonlinear GARCH specifications. The nonlinearity parameter in the variance equations and Autoregressive (AR) parameters were varied along with different sample sizes. With the assumption of normality, the results showed that the selection of LSTAR models were actually affected by the structure of the innovations and this improved as sample size increased. Misspecification tests showed that these models cannot be misrepresented in the real sense

    Symmetric Variants of Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models: Monte Carlo Evidences

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    The Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR) models are becoming popular in modeling economic and financial time series. The asymmetric type of the model is the Logistic STAR (LSTAR) model, which is limited in its applications as a result of its asymmetric property, which makes it suitable for modelling specific macroeconomic time series. This study was designed to develop the Absolute Error LSTAR (AELSTAR) and Quadratic LSTAR (QLSTAR) models for improving symmetry and performance in terms of model fitness. Modified Teräsvirta’s Procedure (TP) and Escribano and Jordá\u27s Procedure (EJP) were used to test for nonlinearity in the series. The performance of the AELSTAR and QLSTAR models showed that TP and EJP realized time series with improved symmetry as indicated by the lower relative frequencies than that realized with the existing LSTAR model. The AELSTAR model performed better than QLSTAR model at higher nonlinearity, and the selection of both models showed evidence of asymptotic property. The AELSTAR and QLSTAR models showed improved symmetry over the existing asymmetric LSTAR model


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    As an alternative form of tourism, Community-based Tourism (CBT) is expected to meet the social, environmental and economic needs of local communities through the offering of tourism products. CBT has enormous potential to be developed especially with the rising trend for an authentic and environmentally conscious travel experience. However, most CBT has very limited resources and knowledge to gain market access which lead to low competitiveness of its operation. This paper argues that one solution to advance community-owned tourism is by encouraging direct partnership between the Community and the private actor (investor) or the Community-Private Partnership (CPP). By using study case from Blangsinga tourism village, this research investigates how the partnership develop and how it can help the growth of the CBT. Qualitative methods, such as in-depth interview and participant observation, were employed. Examination on the operation showed that the partnership does not compromise the community’s ownership of the CBT. Instead, the involvement of the external parties is directed towards providing resources and knowledge for the development of the community

    Penambahan Nilai Guna pada Kreasi Baru Produk Boneka Batik Kayu Krebet Bantul

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    Penciptaan produk baru merupakan aspek penting bagi IKM industri kreatif dalam menjalankan USAhanya. Kebaruan desain menjadi salah satu daya tarik konsumen dalam membeli suatu produk. Salah satu cara memberi nilai kebaruan adalah dengan menambahkan nilai guna pada produk. Penambahan nilai guna pada produk batik kayu Krebet Bantul dapat menambah keunggulan produk yaitu selain indah juga mempunyai kegunaan tertentu secara fisik. Tujuan penelitian penciptaan seni ini adalah untuk menghasilkan produk baru dengan ide menambahkan nilai guna pada produk boneka batik kayu. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, pengkajian sumber inspirasi, pembuatan desain, pembuatan kerajinan kayu, pembatikan pada bahan kayu, dan uji tahan luntur warnanya. Hasil penelitian ini berupa kreasi produk baru yang dikembangkan dari inspirasi boneka multifungsi. Uji tahan luntur penting dilakukan untuk memastikan warna pembentuk motif batik pada permukaan kayu tidak mudah luntur. Hal ini untuk menjamin kualitas produk dalam perdagangan. Skor nilai uji dengan penilaian angka 1 - 5. Nilai uji ketahanan luntur warna terhadap gosok kering dan basah 4- 5 (baik), uji ketahanan luntur warna terhadap cahaya terang hari 3- 4 (cukup baik), dan uji ketahanan luntur warna yang dilapisi cat Bening 5 (sangat baik)

    Response in Growth of Shallot (Allium Ascalonicum L.) to Application of Mulch and Some Plant Spacing

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    This research has been conducted to obtain a certain application of mulch and some plant spacing which can improve the growth of the shallot. This research had been conducted at experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture University of Sumatera Utara on October to December 2015 using a factorial randomized block design with two factor, i.e. types of mulch (no mulch, straw mulch, silver black plastic mulch) and plant spacing (20 cm x 15 cm, 20 cm x 20 cm,20 cm x 25 cm). Parameter observed were plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, diameter of the bulbs per sample. The result showed that types of mulch significantly affect of plant height at 2 week after planting (WAP), number of leaves at 2 and 3 WAP in which types of silver black plasctic mulch showed the highest yields. Plant spacing significantly affect the parameters plant height at 3 and 4 WAP. The interaction between types of mulch and plant spacing were not significantly affect on all parameters observed

    Reproductive health services for refugees by refugees in Guinea I: family planning.

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    BACKGROUND: Comprehensive studies of family planning (FP) in refugee camps are relatively uncommon. This paper examines gender and age differences in family planning knowledge, attitudes, and practices among Sierra Leonean and Liberian refugees living in Guinea. METHODS: In 1999, a cross-sectional survey was conducted of 889 reproductive-age men and women refugees from 48 camps served by the refugee-organised Reproductive Health Group (RHG). Sampling was multi-stage with data collected for socio-demographics, family planning, sexual health, and antenatal care. Statistics were calculated for selected indicators. RESULTS: Women knew more about FP, although men's education reduced this difference. RHG facilitators were the primary source of reproductive health information for all respondents. However, more men then women obtained information from non-health sources, such as friends and media. Approval of FP was high, significantly higher in women than in men (90% vs. 70%). However, more than 40% reported not having discussed FP with their partner. Perceived service quality was an important determinant in choosing where to get contraceptives. Contraceptive use in the camps served by RHG was much higher than typical for either refugees' country of origin or the host country (17% vs. 3.9 and 4.1% respectively), but the risk of unwanted pregnancy remained considerable (69%). CONCLUSION: This refugee self-help model appeared largely effective and could be considered for reproductive health needs in similar settings. Having any formal education appeared a major determinant of FP knowledge for men, while this was less noticeable for women. Thus, FP communication strategies for refugees should consider gender-specific messages and channels
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