262 research outputs found

    Finite-size effects in tunneling between parallel quantum wires

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    We present theoretical calculations and experimental measurements which reveal finite-size effects in the tunneling between two parallel quantum wires, fabricated at the cleaved edge of a GaAs/AlGaAs bilayer heterostructure. Observed oscillations in the differential conductance, as a function of bias voltage and applied magnetic field, provide direct information on the shape of the confining potential. Superimposed modulations indicate the existence of two distinct excitation velocities, as expected from spin-charge separation.Comment: Accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 7/200

    Topological blockade and measurement of topological charge

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    The fractionally charged quasiparticles appearing in the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall plateau are predicted to have an extra non-local degree of freedom, known as topological charge. We show how this topological charge can block the tunnelling of these particles, and how such 'topological blockade' can be used to readout their topological charge. We argue that the short time scale required for this measurement is favorable for the detection of the non-Abelian anyonic statistics of the quasiparticles. We also show how topological blockade can be used to measure braiding statistics, and to couple a topological qubit with a conventional one.Comment: Published version: one additional paragraph (on the 331 state); Figs. 1 and 4 modified; Ref. 46 adde

    Steady States of a Microwave Irradiated Quantum Hall Gas

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    We consider effects of a long-wavelength disorder potential on the Zero Conductance State (ZCS) of the microwave-irradiated 2D electron gas. Assuming a uniform Hall conductivity, we construct a Lyapunov functional and derive stability conditions on the domain structure of the photo-generated fields. We solve the resulting equations for a general one-dimensional and certain two-dimensional disorder potentials, and find non-zero conductances, photo-voltages, and circulating dissipative currents. In contrast, weak white noise disorder does not destroy the ZCS, but induces mesoscopic current fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 colour figure

    Semi-classical model for the dephasing of a two-electron spin qubit coupled to a coherently evolving nuclear spin bath

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    We study electron spin decoherence in a two-electron double quantum dot due to the hyperfine interaction, under spin-echo conditions as studied in recent experiments. We develop a semi-classical model for the interaction between the electron and nuclear spins, in which the time-dependent Overhauser fields induced by the nuclear spins are treated as classical vector variables. Comparison of the model with experimentally-obtained echo signals allows us to quantify the contributions of various processes such as coherent Larmor precession and spin diffusion to the nuclear spin evolution.Comment: 14 Pages, some equations were corrected; Published July 27, 201

    Quenching of dynamic nuclear polarization by spin-orbit coupling in GaAs quantum dots

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    The central-spin problem, in which an electron spin interacts with a nuclear spin bath, is a widely studied model of quantum decoherence. Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) occurs in central spin systems when electronic angular momentum is transferred to nuclear spins and is exploited in spin-based quantum information processing for coherent electron and nuclear spin control. However, the mechanisms limiting DNP remain only partially understood. Here, we show that spin-orbit coupling quenches DNP in a GaAs double quantum dot, even though spin-orbit coupling in GaAs is weak. Using Landau-Zener sweeps, we measure the dependence of the electron spin-flip probability on the strength and direction of in-plane magnetic field, allowing us to distinguish effects of the spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions. To confirm our interpretation, we measure high-bandwidth correlations in the electron spin-flip probability and attain results consistent with a significant spin-orbit contribution. We observe that DNP is quenched when the spin-orbit component exceeds the hyperfine, in agreement with a theoretical model. Our results shed new light on the surprising competition between the spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions in central-spin systems.Comment: 5+12 pages, 9 figure

    Tunneling images of a 2D electron system in a quantizing magnetic field

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    We have applied a scanning probe method, Subsurface Charge Accumulation (SCA) imaging, to resolve the local structure of the interior of a semiconductor two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in a tunneling geometry. Near magnetic fields corresponding to integer Landau level filling, submicron scale spatial structure in the out-of-phase component of the tunneling signal becomes visible. In the images presented here, the structure repeats itself when the filling factor is changed from nu=6 to nu=7. Therefore, we believe the images reflect small modulations in the 2DES density caused by the disorder in the sample.Comment: 2 pages, 2 color figures, submitted to LT23 proceeding