11 research outputs found

    Penempatan Posisi Transduser Ultrasonik Pada Penampang Pipa untuk Pengukuran Laju Aliran Fluida

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    Artikel ini mengulas tentang proses penempatan posisi transduser ultrasonik, untuk mengukur laju aliran fluida dalam pipa. Dimana, proses pemasangan transduser ultrasonik membutuhkan tingkat ketelitian dan akurasi yang baik dalam proses penempatannya. Karena, bila terjadi kesalahan pada proses penempatan dan pemasangan, sangat berdampak pada proses pengukuran laju aliran fluida. Sehingga, perlu adanya kajian terlebih dahulu guna memberikan tingkat akurasi dan presisi yang handal pada pemasangan transduser ultrasonik.   Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merujuk pada proses pembobotan konfigurasi multi-lintasan, serta simulasi kinerja lintasan yang meliputi faktor hidrodinamik (H), faktor sensitifitas orientasi (S) dan faktor rentang orientasi (T). Dimana, setiap pola lintasan dirotasi per 1 derajat  ditiap sudut. Selain itu, terdapat juga fungsi parameter yang digunakan untuk  mencitrakan bentuk profil lintasan pada penampang pipa. Untuk pengujiannya dilakukan menggunakan 7 jenis bentuk konfigurasi lintasan, sehingga didaptkan suatu bentuk paling ideal untuk dapat diimplementasikan [1-3].Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan perakalian faktor pembobot (nilai absis) dengan pengujian kinerja lintasan, didapatkan nilai faktor hidrodinamik (H) untuk metode pembobotan Area (1,002), nilai terbaik 1. Faktor sensitifitas orientasi (S), dengan metode pembobotan Area (0,019), dimana hasil terbaik yaitu 0. Sedangkan faktor rentang orientasi (T) 1%, dengan metode pembobotan Area (163,2), nilai terbaik 180

    Face Images Classification using VGG-CNN

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    Image classification is a fundamental problem in computer vision. In facial recognition, image classification can speed up the training process and also significantly improve accuracy. The use of deep learning methods in facial recognition has been commonly used. One of them is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method which has high accuracy. Furthermore, this study aims to combine CNN for facial recognition and VGG for the classification process. The process begins by input the face image. Then, the preprocessor feature extractor method is used for transfer learning. This study uses a VGG-face model as an optimization model of transfer learning with a pre-trained model architecture. Specifically, the features extracted from an image can be numeric vectors. The model will use this vector to describe specific features in an image.  The face image is divided into two, 17% of data test and 83% of data train. The result shows that the value of accuracy validation (val_accuracy), loss, and loss validation (val_loss) are excellent. However, the best training results are images produced from digital cameras with modified classifications. Val_accuracy's result of val_accuracy is very high (99.84%), not too far from the accuracy value (94.69%). Those slight differences indicate an excellent model, since if the difference is too much will causes underfit. Other than that, if the accuracy value is higher than the accuracy validation value, then it will cause an overfit. Likewise, in the loss and val_loss, the two values are val_loss (0.69%) and loss value (10.41%)


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    This research aims to design the simulation of graduation stage spot light to work automatically based on the ATMega328P microcontroller. This spot light is activated by servo motor and controlled by ping ultrasonic movement sensor. Information to be given is in the form of appearance of graduation serial number at LCD and voice call of graduation serial number using MP3 player shield module. Research methodology is done by literature study, observation and testing the spot light. Software design is done using Arduino programming language. The simulation of the ATMega328P microcontroller based of graduation stage spot light can run well following the path that has been determined and the desired information outcome is also appropriate

    Prototipe Sistem Parkir Berbasis Internet of Things dengan Live Dahsboard MQTT Server

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    Pertumbuhan penggunaan kendaraan bermotor umumnya tidak dibarengi dengan ketersediaan lahan parkir yang memadai, terutama di daerah perkotaan. Hal ini memicu masalah sulitnya mencari slot parkir pada jam-jam sibuk. Oleh karena itu pengaturan slot parkir terutama di gedung parkir perlu dilakukan. Langkah ini bisa dijalankan dengan penerapan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT). Penelitian ini mengusulkan penerapan IoT pada sistem parkir berbasis live dashboard dengan NodeMCU ESP8266 dan MQTT Server. Sistem parkir ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui jumlah kapasitas parkir yang available dari seluruh kapasitas parkir yang ada pada sebuah gedung parkir dan waktu pendudukan setiap slot parkir secara real-time. Kemudian, pengaturan kendaraan yang bisa masuk adalah berdasarkan kapasitas parkir yang masih tersedia tersebut. Sistem parkir ini terdiri dari dua komponen yang saling terhubung satu sama lain yaitu komponen pengendali sistem dan komponen manajemen parkir. Dalam hal ini MQTT Server Adafruit IO Platform digunakan untuk pengiriman data kontrol dan monitoring slot parkir yang tersedia. Dashboard MQTT Server ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai display untuk menampilkan status kapasitas parkir yang tersedia pada bagian depan gedung parkir dengan layar besar sehingga dapat dilihat oleh pengguna. Teknologi parkir ini diharapkan dapat membantu baik pengguna dalam mencari slot parkir maupun pengelola dalam mengatur usaha parkir mereka


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    Motor induksi banyak digunakan pada industri karena kokoh serta handal jika dibandingkan dengan motor dc. Pada pengemudian motor induksi, kecepatan motor berubah-ubah (tidak konstan) saat terjadi perubahan parameter dan torsi beban. Secara konvensional, motor induksi dikontrol menggunakan kontroler PID.  Kelemahan kontroler ini membutuhkan penalaan (tuning) kembali konstanta proporsional (Kp), integral (Ki) dan derivatif (Kd)  bila sistem mengalami perubahan beban atau parameter.Pada makalah ini, diaplikasikan pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi menggunakan kontroler PID dengan metode Field  Oriented Control. Field  Oriented Control digunakan untuk memperbaiki sinyal kontrol arus torsi di dalam sistem kontroler PID. Ketika pengemudian dengan Field  Oriented Control yang dikenal juga sebagai vector controller, motor induksi bekerja seperti mesin DC penguat terpisah, di mana torsi dan fluksi dikontrol secara terpisah. Sistem pengemudian ini disimulasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak Matlab / Simulink. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan (error) setpoint menggunakan Field  Oriented Control di dalam kontroler PID adalah kecil.<br /


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    Salah satu kelemahan penggunaan kontroler konvensional PID pada pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi adalah kesulitan di dalam menentukan nilai parameter (gain) yang sesuai.  Untuk menutupi kelemahan  itu, pada riset ini peneliti mengembangkan suatu sistem kontrol yang berbasis teknologi logika fuzzy.  Kontroler logika fuzzy ditengarai dapat bekerja dengan respon yang cepat dan performansi yang cukup bagus. Dari simulasi yang dibuat menggunakan Simulink, diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem kontroler logika fuzzy mampu memperbaiki kinerja pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi dengan memperkecil lonjakan dan waktu pemulihan untuk mencapai setpoint

    Simulation and Implementation PID Controlling Buck Converter DC

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    Regulating the output voltage based on the desired set point is useful for many applications. However, getting the optimal value using fast computation with minimal error is still challenging. This paper aims to design, simulate, and implement a second-order Buck-Boost DC-DC converter circuit so that the voltage result according to the desired set point can be achieved. Initially, testing is conducted using Matlab Simulink. Then, Proteus is used to test the computation of the program on embedded systems in which the result is implemented in C. In low voltage power electronics applications, this approach has never been used to determine the output form. To determine the value of Kp, Ki, dan Kd, PID, Ziger Nichos (Guo, 2002). method is used. Meanwhile, tuning is done through Matlab. For simulation on Proteus, the output is tested by setting the setpoint values of 3.0, 2.5, and 1.7 volts. This aims to see the pattern of changes in the simulation. The simulation results with Proteus show that they have similar peak values but with different overshoot values. This is because the simulation must pass the reference voltage before it drops to the desired setpoint value. Proteus simulation can also help to prove embedded system programs are running correctly. On the other hand, the value of 1.7 volts is used as a setpoint in device implementation. This is due to the determination that the setpoint voltage in the implementation does not exceed the value of the source/power supply. The results show that for the rise time value of 378,770 ms, Overshoot and settling time are 11.798% and 0, respectively. This means the result produces an optimal value which is a return to the initial target. The optimal factor is assessed from the ability to minimize existing errors as well as having the shortest possible computational process

    Household Electricity Utilization Monitoring System Using Microcontroller Based SCADA

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    Human needs continue to grow, making today's technology a necessity. In today's life, humans cannot be separated from electricity. In the household, the current electrical control system is still classified as conventional, namely by using a switch or still relatively manual. To overcome this, a SCADA system is needed to monitor and control household electrical appliances. In making the SCADA system uses an Arduino uno microcontroller and an ethernet shield that is connected via a switch/hub that goes directly to a computer that will be monitored on the VT-Scada software. The results of the delay test on the VT-Scada output are, on average, 1.80 seconds of delay when on and 1.90 seconds of delay when off. The results of monitoring the entire system in each room are as expected

    Watering Strawberry (Fragaria X Anannasa) Plants in a Greenhouse Using IoT-Based Drip Irrigation

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    Strawberries are horticultural plants that are relatively sensitive to excess and lack of water; therefore, it is necessary to provide drip irrigation with an IoT-based control system to maintain the availability of water for plants to support good plant growth and facilitate the work of strawberry farmers. The purpose of using an IoT-based watering control system on strawberry plants (Fragaria X Annanasa) based on water needs in plants is used to support the development and progress of drip irrigation systems and smart farming system technology in modern agriculture. The research methodology is the preparation of tools and materials, assembling and testing the control system, placing sensors in three different scenarios, and observing the height and number of leaves of strawberry plants with different watering frequencies. The results of the design and testing show that the placement of the sensor on the planting media produces a reading value that is close to the actual volume of water by producing a volume of 51.6 ml of water, which is 79.51% of the weight of the growing media used. And for the growth of plants, watering every two days was better, with the average height and number of leaves for strawberry plants being 0.4 cm and 1.78 strands