62 research outputs found

    Synthesis and property evaluations of highly filled polyimide composites under thermal cycling conditions from -190 °C to +200 °C

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    This paper presents data on the synthesis of composites based on polyimide and modified tungsten (IV) oxide (WO₂). The resulting, highly filled, polyimide/WO₂ composites were investigated by electron microscopy and thermal analysis in a gas environment of oxygen and argon. The maximum content of modified WO₂, in the studied composites, was 60 wt%. The introduction of WO₂ increases the thermal stability of the composite

    Gamma radiation attenuation characteristics of composites based on polyimide track membranes filled with nanodispersed Pb

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    The paper presents data on the effect of γ-radiation on polymer composites based on polyimide track membranes filled with nanodispersed lead. The radiation-protective properties of the composites were studied by theoretical and experimental method

    Gamma radiation attenuation characteristics of polyimide composite with WO2

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    This study presents the effect of γ-sources on polyimide composites with WO


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    A technique of the trace elements (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sr, and Ba) determination in rocks with high calcium content using a wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence S8 TIGER spectrometer have been described. Samples of marble, limestone, and fluorite ore have been chosen as investigative objects. Conditions of the sample preparation for X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and intensities of analytical line measurements have also been determined. Samples weighing 1 g were pressed as tablets on the boric acid base with a pressure of 100 kN. Variation coefficients, characterizing the reproducibility of the analytical signal measurement and the stability of the sample preparation were estimated. These values were not more than 3%. α-correction equations were used for accounting for the matrix effects. Analytical figures of merit such as detection limits and accuracy have also been assessed. The calculated values of the detection limits for the determined elements were within the interval from 0.5 to 4 ppm. The values of the total relative standard deviation were in the range of 3.7-10%. The accuracy check for the XRF results has been carried out using the Certified Reference Materials of carbonaceous content and the comparison with the ICP-MS results. It is displayed that the XRF results do not contain significant systematic errors.Keywords: X-ray fluorescence analysis, XRF, carbonaceous rock, fluorite ore, trace elements.(Russian)   DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2015.19.2.001 S.I. Shtel’makh, T.Yu. Cherkashina, G.V. PashkovaInstitute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russian Federation Описана методика определения примесных элементов (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sr и Ba) в горных породах с высоким содержанием соединений кальция с использованием рентгеновского спектрометра с волновой дисперсией S8 TIGER. Объектами исследования служили образцы мрамора, известняка и флюоритсодержащей руды. Выбраны условия подготовки проб к рентгенофлуоресцентному анализу (РФА) и измерения интенсивностей аналитических линии. Пробы массой 1 г прессовали в виде таблеток на подложке из борной кислоты при усилии в 100 кН. Оценены коэффициенты вариации, характеризующие погрешности измерения аналитического сигнала и пробоподготовки, значения которых не превышали 3 %. Для учета взаимных влияний элементов использовали уравнения α-коррекции. Значения пределов обнаружения для определяемых элементов составляют от 0.5 до 4 ppm. Значения суммарного среднего квадратического отклонения относительной погрешности определения находятся в диапазоне от 3.7 до 10 %. Контроль правильности результатов РФА проводили с помощью стандартных образцов карбонатного состава и сопоставлением с результатами, полученными методом ИСП-МС. Показано, что результаты РФА не содержат значимых систематических погрешностей.Ключевые слова: рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ, РФА, карбонатная горная порода, флюоритовая руда, примесные элементы.     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2015.19.2.00

    Transport of neutrons and γ quanta through a highly filled polymer composite

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    The transport of neutrons and γ quanta of various energies through a polymer composite based on tungsten-filled track membranes is studie

    Using multilayer polymer PI/Pb composites for protection against X-ray bremsstrahlung in outer space

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    This paper presents data about the radiation-protective characteristics of multilayer polyimide/lead (PI/Pb) composites for X-ray radiation. Multilayer composites were obtained by collecting lead-filled polyimide track membranes into a sandwich of the required thicknes

    Synthesis of PI/POSS nanocomposite films based on track nuclear membranes and assessment of their resistance to oxygen plasma flow

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    This work presents, for the first time, data on the possibility of synthesizing polyimide nanocomposite films based on track nuclear membranes and organosiloxane (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes) POSS structures. The synthesis of the nanocomposite films was carried out by filling the tracks of a polyimide membrane with POSS structures under hydrothermal conditions in a high-pressure reactor. The surface and mechanical characteristics of the developed nanocomposite films were studied, and the results of their resistance to the flow of oxygen plasma are presente

    X-ray fluorescence determination of trace elements in carbonaceous rock and fluorite ore using S8 TIGER spectrometer

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    Описана методика определения примесных элементов (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sr и Ba) в горных породах с высоким содержанием соединений кальция с использованием рентгеновского спектрометра с волновой дисперсией S8 TIGER. Объектами исследования служили образцы мрамора, известняка и флюоритсодержащей руды. Выбраны условия подготовки проб к рентгенофлуоресцентному анализу (РФА) и измерения интенсивностей аналитических линии. Пробы массой 1 г прессовали в виде таблеток на подложке из борной кислоты при усилии в 100 кН. Оценены коэффициенты вариации, характеризующие погрешности измерения аналитического сигнала и пробоподготовки, значения которых не превышали 3 %. Для учета взаимных влияний элементов использовали уравнения α-коррекции. Значения пределов обнаружения для определяемых элементов составляют от 0.5 до 4 ppm. Значения суммарного среднего квадратического отклонения относительной погрешности определения находятся в диапазоне от 3.7 до 10 %. Контроль правильности результатов РФА проводили с помощью стандартных образцов карбонатного состава и сопоставлением с результатами, полученными методом ИСП-МС. Показано, что результаты РФА не содержат значимых систематических погрешностей.A technique of the trace elements (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sr, and Ba) determination in rocks with high calcium content using a wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence S8 TIGER spectrometer have been described. Samples of marble, limestone, and fluorite ore have been chosen as investigative objects. Conditions of the sample preparation for X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and intensities of analytical line measurements have also been determined. Samples weighing 1 g were pressed as tablets on the boric acid base with a pressure of 100 kN. Variation coefficients, characterizing the reproducibility of the analytical signal measurement and the stability of the sample preparation were estimated. These values were not more than 3%. α-correction equations were used for accounting for the matrix effects. Analytical figures of merit such as detection limits and accuracy have also been assessed. The calculated values of the detection limits for the determined elements were within the interval from 0.5 to 4 ppm. The values of the total relative standard deviation were in the range of 3.7-10%. The accuracy check for the XRF results has been carried out using the Certified Reference Materials of carbonaceous content and the comparison with the ICP-MS results. It is displayed that the XRF results do not contain significant systematic errors