679 research outputs found
Analisis Wacana Kritis Berita Tentang Rancangan Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi (Rtrwp) Bali dalam Harian Bali Post
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) struktur teks, (2) kognisi sosial, dan (3) konteks sosial berita tentang Rancangan Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi (RTRWP) Bali. Berita ini menarik untuk dianalisis karena menjadi berita utama Bali Post dalam waktu yang cukup lama, pertengahan April hingga Juni 2009 serta mengandung nilai berita yang tinggi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun simpulannya adalah sebagai berikut. Yang pertama, struktur teks berita mengenai RTRWP pada harian Bali Post menggambarkan pemerintah provinsi Bali sebagai inisiator RTRWP secara negatif, dan menggambarkan secara positif DPRD, akademisi, serta kepala pusat lingkungan hidup Bali Nusra, sebagai pihak yang mengkritik RTRWP. Yang kedua, kognisi sosial yang terdapat dalam berita dapat diketahui dari jenis pengetahuan yang digunakan, yaitu pengetahuan kelompok, nasional, dan pengetahuan budaya. Bali Post mengusung ideologi Pancasila pada satu sisi, dan prinsip ajeg Bali pada sisi lain. Keseluruhan pernyataan DPRD dan akademisi yang diberitakan mendukung pandangan bahwa RTRWP yang diajukan Gubernur Bali tidak baik untuk kepentingan Bali. Yang ketiga, konteks sosial yang digambarkan dalam berita RTRWP adalah mengenai Pancasila, kearifan lokal masyarakat Bali, struktur organisasi Bali Post, pemerintah provinsi, dan desa adat, serta hubungan antara Bali Post, DPRD Provinsi Bali, Gubernur, serta akademisi
The Segmentation of Visitor Tanah Lot Tourism Attraction
Tanah Lot Tourism Attraction (TLTA) is located on the South Coast of Bali Island precisely in the area of Beraban Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. This research is quantitative descriptive method which sample is chosen based on purposive sampling technique, foreign and also domestic tourists who visit at time total 337 respondents. The statistical analyzed indicated that the domestic visitor segment is higher than the foreign visitor segment, this also indicate that domestic visitor is a potential target market for the products produced by local entrepreneurs in TLTA. Survey based on demography variable shows that the number of female visitor are more compared to male, dominantly by age group from 21 to 30 years old and most of them are students, and respondents educational level visit to TLTA are dominantly bachelor graduates. The geography variable shows that tourists visit to TLTA dominantly by domestics, followed by South Korea, Australia, and other countries.The psychograph variable, shows that dominant tourist visit because sunset and the nature of beauty view offered by Tanah Lot and mostly are repeater guests, received information from many sources. Their visit duration mostly between one to two hours, mostly they visit by rented car in the afternoon for sunset and the total amount of money spent between fifty thousand to one hundred thousand Rupiah, also the total amount of money spent during their visit is dominantly between five hundred to one million Rupiah per day. Chi-Square Tests indicated that there is correlation between group age, tourist occupation, and education level toward the motivation of visit to TLTA
Pemodelan Distribusi Frekwensi TIME Headway Lalu Lintas Di Wilayah Jalan Berbukit
Time headway merupakan besaran mikroskopik arus lalu lintas yang sangat penting kegunaannya dalam analisis dan perencanaan suatu sistem transportasi. Pentingnya time headway, khususnya dalam microscopic traffic simulation, mendorong perlunya penentuan standar nilai yang dapat digunakan untuk keperluan praktis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model distribusi time headway yang sesuai untuk data hasil penelitian di wilayah jalan berbukit. Penelitian mengambil data arus lalu lintas pada ruas jalan Padang Panjang– Bukittinggi Km. 5. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan handycam. Pengolahan data pengamatan menggunakan Software Stop Data Program. Untuk mendapatkan goodness of fit dari model distribusi data pengamatan yang cocok dengan distribusi teoritis, maka dilakukan Kolmogorov Smirnov Test (K-S Test) dengan menggunakan Software EasyFit, sehingga dihasilkan model yang cocok dengan kondisi wilayah jalan berbukit. Dari analisis didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: model distribusi terbaik hasil uji time headway individual Hari Sabtu jalur tanjakan didapatkan model hasil uji yang terbaik adalah model Beta dengan nilai α1=2,290 ,α2=7,668 ,=4,615=16,809, jalur turunan didapatkan model hasil uji yang terbaik adalah model Weibull dengan nilai α= 1,546 ,β=3,551 ,γ = 0. Model distribusi terbaik hasil uji time headway individual Hari Minggu jalur tanjakan didapatkan model hasil uji yang terbaik adalah model Beta dengan nilai α1=2,217 ,α2=6,626 ,=2,895 ,=15,046,untuk jalur turunan didapatkan model hasil uji yang terbaik adalah model Cauchy dengan nilai σ=0,703 dan µ=2,937. Time headway rata-rata Hari Sabtu jalur tanjakan diperoleh 3,86 detik, jalur turunan didapatkan 3,17 detik. Selanjutnya time headway rata-rata Hari Minggu jalur tanjakan didapatkan 3,77 detik, jalur turunan diperoleh 3,21 detik
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of implementing government accounting standards (SAP) and the application of regional financial management information systems (SIPKD) on the quality of financial reports in the government of Denpasar City. The data used in this study use primary and secondary data obtained from respondents who work at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Denapsar City. The population in this study were 125 people and the sample in this study was 95 people. The method of determining the sample using the proportionate stratified random method. Multiple linear regression analysis technique was used in this study. This study shows the results that the application of government accounting standards has a significant positive effect on the quality of financial reports in Denpasar, which means that the better the application, the better the quality of financial statements presented will be able to provide relevant and reliable financial information. On the other hand, the application of the Regional Financial Management Information System (SIPKD) has no effect on the quality of financial reports in Denpasar City, this is due to technology that has not been used optimally, the lack of OPDs with SIPKD operators who are capable and reliable in applying the system itself
Describe and Draw Game Towards Students’ Speaking Competence
The aim of this study is to find the effect of Describe and Draw game towards students’ speaking competence at SMAN 2 Gerung. This study used a quasi-experimental with post-test only non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study was second-grade students of SMAN 2 Gerung. The writer took two classes chosen as experimental group and control group. Experimental group was treated by using Describe and Draw game and control group was treated by using Word Match game. Based on the result of the study, it was found that Describe and Draw Game has a significant effect towards students’ speaking competence at SMAN 2 Gerung
This research was aimed to find out the effectiveness of using Think Pair Share (TPS) strategy in teaching reading at the second semester students of IKIP Mataram. Research design was quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The sample of the research was 79 students and it was taken by using cluster random sampling technique and the data gathering used multiple choice items that consist of 20 items. The data analysis used t-test formulation. Based on the data analysis, t-test score was 1.804 and t-table 1.664 with signification level 5% and degree of freedom N – 2 = 79 – 2 = 77. It means that t-test was higher than t-table (1.804 > 1.664). Therefore alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. So, there was significant effect of using Think Pair Share (TPS) strategy in teaching reading at the second semester students of IKIP Mataram
Pengaruh Insentif Finansial, Insentif Non Finansial dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Tiara Cipta Nirwana
Job satisfaction is an emotional state that is considered pleasant or unpleasant for employees in carrying out their work. An organization must consider the factors that may affect job satisfaction which are financial incentives, non- financial incentives, and environmental working situation. The purpose of this research is determining the effect of financial incentives, non- financial incentives, and environmental working situation on employee job satisfaction. The research is conducted in PT. Tiara Cipta Nirwana which is a private electrical contractor company in Bali, with a total population sample of 101 respondents. The data analysis technique is multiple linear regression. financial incentives, non- financial incentives, and environmental working situation simultaneously have significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Partially non-financial incentives is the only variable that has no effect on job satisfaction and environmental working situation is the most dominant influence on job satisfaction of employees at PT. Tiara Cipta Nirwana
Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja Karyawan pada Karma Jimbaran
Employee performance has a major contribution in the achievement of corporate goals. High performance is influenced by employee satisfaction in terms of receiving compensation and satisfaction with the work environment. This study aims to determine the effect of compensation and work environment on job satisfaction and performance. The study was conducted at the Karma Jimbaran by involving all employees. Data sourced research of primary and secondary data were collected through interviews and distribution of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is the technique of path analysis. The results showed that a positive and significant direct job satisfaction and performance is affected by the compensation and work environment
Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior di Dinas Koperasi
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari komitmen organisasional dan kepuasan kerja terhadap organizational citizenship behavior. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dinas Koperasi Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Provinsi Bali dengan responden sebanyak 67 orang dengan menggunakan metode sensus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala Likert 5 point untuk mengukur 13 item pernyataan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap organizational citizenship behaviour dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap organizational citizenship behavior. Untuk meningkatkan perilaku organizational citizenship behaviour di dalam organisasi sebaiknya Perusahaan lebih memperhatikan komitmen normatif dan kesempatan promosi
Pengaruh Pelatihan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Mediasi Kepemimpinan pada Hotel Satriya Cottages Kuta Bali
Hotel Satriya Cottages dengan kelas bintang tiga merupakan salah satu USAha akomodasi bergerak dalam industry pariwisata yang mengadopsi style Tradisional Bali yang masih berupaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan karyawan terhadap pelanggan, namun terdapat permasalahan yang timbul mengenai kinerja karyawan dikarenakan kepemimpinan yang dirasakan dari masing masing karyawan kurang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran kepemimpinan dalam memediasi pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel Satriya Cottages Kuta Bali. Pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode sampel jenuh. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Responden dari penelitian sebanyak 75 karyawan pada hotel Satriya Cottages KutaBali.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) Pelatihan berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja karyawan. (2) Kepemimpinan berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel Satriya Cottages Kuta Bali. (3) Pelatihan berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan mediasi kepemimpinan
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