45,135 research outputs found

    Optical properties of Si/Si0.87Ge0.13 multiple quantum well wires

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    Nanometer-scale wires cut into a Si/Si0.87Ge0.13 multiple quantum well structure were fabricated and characterized by using photoluminescence and photoreflectance at temperatures between 4 and 20 K. It was found that, in addition to a low-energy broadband emission at around 0.8 eV and other features normally observable in photoluminescence measurements, fabrication process induced strain relaxation and enhanced electron-hole droplets emission together with a new feature at 1.131 eV at 4 K were observed. The latter was further identified as a transition related to impurities located at the Si/Si0.87Ge0.13 heterointerfaces

    All-electrical control of single ion spins in a semiconductor

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    We propose a method for all-electrical initialization, control and readout of the spin of single ions substituted into a semiconductor. Mn ions in GaAs form a natural example. In the ion's ground state the Mn core spin magnetic moment locks antiparallel to the spin and orbital magnetic moment of a bound valence hole from the GaAs host. Direct electrical manipulation of the ion spin is possible because electric fields manipulate the orbital wave function of the hole, and through the spin-orbit coupling the spin is reoriented as well. Coupling two or more ion spins can be achieved using electrical gates to control the size of the valence hole wave function near the semiconductor surface. This proposal for coherent manipulation of individual ionic spins and controlled coupling of ionic spins via electrical gates alone may find applications in extremely high density information storage and in scalable coherent or quantum information processing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Non-Magnetic Spinguides and Spin Transport in Semiconductors

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    We propose the idea of a "spinguide", i.e. the semiconductor channel which is surrounded with walls from the diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) with the giant Zeeman splitting which are transparent for electrons with the one spin polarization only. These spinguides may serve as sources of a spin-polarized current in non-magnetic conductors, ultrafast switches of a spin polarization of an electric current and, long distances transmission facilities of a spin polarization (transmission distances can exceed a spin-flip length). The selective transparence of walls leads to new size effects in transport.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Nonlinear dynamics of self-sustained supersonic reaction waves: Fickett's detonation analogue

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    The present study investigates the spatio-temporal variability in the dynamics of self-sustained supersonic reaction waves propagating through an excitable medium. The model is an extension of Fickett's detonation model with a state dependent energy addition term. Stable and pulsating supersonic waves are predicted. With increasing sensitivity of the reaction rate, the reaction wave transits from steady propagation to stable limit cycles and eventually to chaos through the classical Feigenbaum route. The physical pulsation mechanism is explained by the coherence between internal wave motion and energy release. The results obtained clarify the physical origin of detonation wave instability in chemical detonations previously observed experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Global quark polarization in non-central A+AA+A collisions

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    Partons produced in the early stage of non-central heavy-ion collisions can develop a longitudinal fluid shear because of unequal local number densities of participant target and projectile nucleons. Under such fluid shear, local parton pairs with non-vanishing impact parameter have finite local relative orbital angular momentum along the direction opposite to the reaction plane. Such finite relative orbital angular momentum among locally interacting quark pairs can lead to global quark polarization along the same direction due to spin-orbital coupling. Local longitudinal fluid shear is estimated within both Landau fireball and Bjorken scaling model of initial parton production. Quark polarization through quark-quark scatterings with the exchange of a thermal gluon is calculated beyond small-angle scattering approximation in a quark-gluon plasma. The polarization is shown to have a non-monotonic dependence on the local relative orbital angular momentum dictated by the interplay between electric and magnetic interaction. It peaks at a value of relative orbital angular momentum which scales with the magnetic mass of the exchanged gluons. With the estimated small longitudinal fluid shear in semi-peripheral Au+AuAu+Au collisions at the RHIC energy, the final quark polarization is found to be small ∣Pq∣<0.04|P_q|<0.04 in the weak coupling limit. Possible behavior of the quark polarization in the strong coupling limit and implications on the experimental detection of such global quark polarization at RHIC and LHC are also discussed.Comment: 28 pages,11 figure
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