52 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Putar Indentor Las Gesek Puntir (Friction Stir Welding) Terhadap Kualitas Hasil Pengelasan Alumunium 1100-H18

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    Material Aluminum (Al) dan paduannya telah banyak digunakan secara luas diberbagai bidang industri. Aluminum memiliki sifat korosi yang baik, namun permasalahan Aluminum adalah sulitnya proses penyambungan, karena adanya lapisan oksida di permukaan logam. Teknologi pengelasan gesek puntir (friction stir welding, FSW) merupakan alternatif yang potensial untuk diaplikasikan pada aluminum. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan mesin freis vertikal Milko-12 yang telah difasilitasi indentor las. Proses pengelasan dilakukan pada bahan Aluminum 1100-H18 untuk 4 (empat) macam parameter kecepatan rotasi indentor (Rt) yang berbeda, yaitu:352, 490, 653, dan 910 rpm, sedangkan kecepatan transversal indentor (V) tetap: 20mm/menit. Pengujian kualitas hasil pengelasan dilakukan dengan analisa sifat mekanik dan data metalografi. Hasil pengujian kualitas las menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi kecepatan rotasi indentor (Rt), akan meningkatkan kekuatan tarik lasan hingga titik maksimumnya pada saat Rt=653rpm, dimana kekuatan tariknya sebesar 107 MPa. Daerah patah lasan adalah pada logam dasar (Base Metal, BM), menunjukkan bahwa mesin freis konvensional Milko-12 dapat digunakan untuk proses pengelasan puntir gesek (FSW) pada material Aluminum

    Advanced bioreactor system for the implantable biomaterials testing and tissue engineering applications

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    Tissue engineering scientists believe that the next generation of functional tissue and artificial organ replacements truly need the use of advanced bioreactor system. Bioreactor system, in which the culture conditions can be adjusted and studied, will support the development of tissues with optimal mechanical, chemical, and biological stimuli for a given application. Although there have been various types of bioreactors designed and tested for several implantable biomaterials and tissue engineering applications, the development of a complete artificial organ remains a dream. This review addresses recent advances and future challenges in designing and using advanced bioreactor system to support the mass production of vascularized engineering tissues and artificial organ. The potential application of micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) bioreactor technology for future advancement in tissue engineering is also highlighted

    Peluang Dan Tantangan Aplikasi Baut Tulang Mampu Terdegradasi Berbasis Logam Magnesium

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    This paper reviews the potential and challenges for the application of biodegradable bone screw materials. Currently, in the field of medical sciences and biomedical engineering devices, a non-degradable bone screw is the most acceptable concept to repair a bone fracture. However, with the new intervention and development of advanced materials, either in polymer-based or metallic-based, opens a possibility to use a degradable bone screw. Magnesium-based material is one of the most promising candidates for biodegradable bone screw application, which is the main focus of this paper. Casting technologies for producing magnesium alloys will also highlighted

    Forecasting Saving Deposit in Malaysian Islamic Banking: Comparison Between Artificial Neural Network and Arima

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    The aim of this paper is to test the ability of artificial neural network (ANN) as an alternative method in time series forecasting and compared to autoregres­sive integrated moving average (ARIMA) in studying saving deposit in Malay­sian Islamic banks. Artificial neural network is getting popular as an alterna­tive method in time series forecasting for its capability to capture vola­tility pattern of non-linear time series data. In addition, the use of an estab­lished tool of analysis such as ARIMA is of importance here for comparative purposes. These two methods are applied to monthly data of the Malaysian Islamic bank­ing deposits from January 1994 to November 2005. The result provides evidence that ANN using “early stopping” approach can be used as an alterna­tive forecasting engine with univariate time series model. It can predict non-lin­ear time series using the pattern of the data directly without any statisti­cal analysis


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    Kelompok Usaha Soto Sapi Jaen San yang diketuai oleh Bapak Putu Yansen  terletak di Desa Kerobokan, Kecamatan Kuta, Provinsi Bali. Dari hasil pengamatan pada kelompok ini diketahui bahwa belum menerapkan manajemen pengelolaan dan pemasaran yang profesional. Pada pemasaran serta pelaporan keuangan belum menggunakan teknologi secara maksimal. Dalam proses pembuatan serta penyajian Soto Sapi Jaen San kurang memperhatikan Hygine dan sanitasi. Akibatnya, kelompok mitra belum berkembang secara maksimal sehingga omzet penjualannya relatif masih kecil. Apabila mitra ini menerapkan menajemen pengelolaan serta pemasaran yang benar dengan menggunakan teknologi maka omzet penjualannya dapat mencapai 2-3 kali lipat dari kondisinya saat ini. Berdasarkan hasil sosialisasi tentang program PKM ini, maka kelompok ini menginginkan agar tim dari Universitas Dhyana Pura bersedia membantu mereka unutk mentransfer Ipteks dalam rangka mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi selama ini. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah di atas, maka solusinya adalah memberikan pendampingan

    Halal Tourism In West Nusa Tenggara: A Legal And Economic Perspective

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    This research aims to find out the implementation forms of halal tourism through establishment of local law as well as to find out it impact toward economic development in Nusa Tenggara Barat. This article examines several questions namely what is the implementation forms of the local laws regarding halal tourism and what are the impact of the local law toward economic development in West Nusa Tenggara. The problem formulations are examined using qualitative research method which applying document studies and in-depth interviews with relevant informant. Research result indicates that the implementation of the Perda is not fully strict due to business consideration and calculation. Halal tourism brought positive economic effect especially in terms of job variety and income improvement. It can be concluded that halal tourism concept in NTB is not fully implement Syariah compliance and there is an increase trend of tourists visit to NTB after halal tourism was introduced

    The Awareness of Millennial Generation Towards Halal-Certified Products: An Empirical Study Potentially Influencing Policy-Making

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    In addition to understanding the implementation of Law No. 30 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance, this study also aims to ascertain the level of awareness among the millennial generation in Kota Mataram regarding halal-certified products and the influencing factors such as religious beliefs, exposure, and health motivations. Furthermore, the findings of this study are expected to provide insights for stakeholders in formulating more effective halal policies. The data for this research were collected from both secondary and primary sources. The primary data were obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to a sample of 152 respondents, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the aforementioned law is progressing adequately, albeit with some challenges. It was observed that the awareness of millennial generation in Kota Mataram towards halal-certified products is high, reaching 82%. However, there is a tendency for respondents to be uncertain about conducting pre-purchase checks on the halal status of products. The millennial generation in Kota Mataram exhibits a strong religious inclination, as evidenced by a religious belief score of 92%. Nonetheless, there appears to be a propensity for them to allocate insufficient time to enhance their understanding of religious matters. Furthermore, the millennial generation in Kota Mataram demonstrates a notable exposure (66%) to halal-certified products, although there seems to be a lack of consistent updates regarding information on products that are halal-certified. Lastly, concerning the association of health reasons with halal-certified products, an 81% response rate was recorded. However, it is evident that the millennial generation in Kota Mataram is somewhat hesitant to fully embrace the notion that halal-certified products guarantee health benefits and disease prevention.

    The effectiveness of krwanjang game implementation on sepak sila's skills in sepak takraw game at Surabaya sepak takraw academy

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    Krwanjang game is a game designed to develop basic skills of playing sepak takraw from an early age. The purpose of the study was to determine the game's effectiveness in improving the skills of sepak takraw players at the sepak takraw academy in Surabaya. The research method uses quantitative research. The population is all academy students and a sample of 11 students from the Surabaya Sepak Takraw Academy. The research design used a randomized pre-test post-test design, the type of design carried out by giving pre-test before treatment and post-test after treatment in the experimental group. The research data collection used several tests, including left-footed and right-footed sepak sila during pre-test and post-test. The data analysis technique is the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the effectiveness level. The results showed that after the left and right-footed pre-test was conducted, they were treated with the krwanjang game and ended with the post-test of the sepak sila. From the data obtained and analyzed by ANOVA the results had a significant effect from the pre-test of 0.08 to 0.12 in the post-test. The research concludes that the sepak kwranjang game effectively improves the sepak sila skills of the students of the Surabaya Sepak Takraw Academy. The research implication is that sports coaches or academics can apply sepak kwranjang to improve their sepak sila.Krwanjang game is a game designed to develop basic skills of playing sepak takraw from an early age. The purpose of the study was to determine the game's effectiveness in improving the skills of sepak takraw players at the sepak takraw academy in Surabaya. The research method uses quantitative research. The population is all academy students and a sample of 11 students from the Surabaya Sepak Takraw Academy. The research design used a randomized pre-test post-test design, the type of design carried out by giving pre-test before treatment and post-test after treatment in the experimental group. The research data collection used several tests, including left-footed and right-footed sepak sila during pre-test and post-test. The data analysis technique is the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the effectiveness level. The results showed that after the left and right-footed pre-test was conducted, they were treated with the krwanjang game and ended with the post-test of the sepak sila. From the data obtained and analyzed by ANOVA the results had a significant effect from the pre-test of 0.08 to 0.12 in the post-test. The research concludes that the sepak kwranjang game effectively improves the sepak sila skills of the students of the Surabaya Sepak Takraw Academy. The research implication is that sports coaches or academics can apply sepak kwranjang to improve their sepak sila

    The Role of Specific Cellular Immune System in Chronic Hepatitis C

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    Hepatitis C virus is a RNA virus with very high speed replication. The clinical course of chronic hepatitis C is frequently asymptomatic like other hepatitis viruses. Infection of hepatitis virus will activate the immune system specifically as well as non-specifically. Mechanism of the immune system regulation is controlled by tissues consisting of antibodies cells and cytokines. In the process, all of the immune systems integrate and coordinate with the main agent-lymphocytes. Lymphocytes recognize antigens through the specific-surface antigen receptors. Following exposure to viral chronic hepatitis virus, viremia takes place within 1-2 weeks. In immuno-competent hosts, viremia will be preceded with the increase in transaminase enzyme and delayed seroconversion of antibodies will occur. Unlike other immunologic processes, these established antibodies are not protective in nature but serve only as the sign that someone has been infected by hepatitis C. In most cases of hepatitis C virus infection, this virus cannot be eradicated in the acute phase. Approximately 80-90% of acute infection progresses to be chronic infection and in 50% of the cases, there is an increase in transaminase enzyme that reveals that there is still liver cell damage. The degree of liver tissue damage in hepatitis depends on the number of virus infecting and the activity of cytotoxic T cells