6 research outputs found

    An Analysis Mathematics Learning Quality of Primary School Students Using Thematic Approach

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    This study aims to analyze mathematics learning qulity of primary school student using thematic approach. This research subject were primary school student one grade of SD Negeri 4 Sidorekso, Kudus. This study type was classroom action research that involve 30 of students. The method used descriptive qualitative. The data collected by diagnostic test techniques, observation and interview sheets. The analysis showed improvement of mathematics learning.  It can be seen in the first cycle increase from 63% at the first meeting to 69% at the second meeting. The second cycle from 84% to 87% and the third cycle from 96% to 97%. Moreover, the student achievement increased. In the first cycle, the average score was 76 and 70% for classical. In the second cycle the average was 84 and 82% for classical. In the third cycle the average was 91 and 100% for classical. The positive response from the students and teachers use thematic approach process can be seen from result of interview that thematic approach can improve the interest and motivation of the students

    Studi Empiris Wirausaha Perempuan di Surakarta : Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi, Hambatan dan Keberhasilan USAha

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    The role of women entrepreneurs has been growing and contributing significantly to economic growth. However, understanding common problems and success factors can help women entrepreneurs in developing their business. Many women entrepreneurs have begun to experience problems, which due to socio-economic factor. This research examines factors affecting motivation, obstacle, and success of women entrepreneurs in Surakarta. Data was collected using a self administered questionnaire that was distributed directly to women entrepreneurs, therefore goodness of data determined through reliability test and validity test. Linear regression analysis was used as a more suitable methodology to identify the important determinants of motivation, obstacles, success of women entrepreneurs. The result shows that level of education significanly affects women\u27s entrepreneurial motivation and obstacles which they have to face. The existence of social relationship positively influences both in motivations and business success. On the other hand family supports only affect on business success of women entrepreneurs


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    Currently, the use of learning media has an essential role in the educational field. Students and teachers have used the implementation of media in the classroom. The performance of media in the academic field is limited to adult learners and young learners. One of the media commonly used in the learning process is the Animation Video, such as the Pow Toon Animation Video. The implementation of Animation Video in the classroom brings several perceptions toward students. This study was designed using the library research method. Therefore, this paper aims to share some theoretical concepts and pedagogical practices using Animation video towards the young learners' perceptions

    Pengaruh Budaya dalam Kegiatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Jawa

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    Budaya dan agama merupakan dua bidang yang telah menjadi bagian dalam kehidupan manusia sejak dahulu kala. Manusia telah mengenal budaya bahkan sejak zaman purba, dengan adanya budaya-budaya berburu dan meramu, kepercayaan animisme dinamisme, serta budaya peninggalan bangsa-bangsa terdahulu. Keduanya menjadi dasar tatanan aturan manusia, merupakan serangkaian nilai-nilai yang telah disepakati dan dipercaya oleh masyarakat. Hanya saja nilai-nilai agama bersifat universal sementara nilai budaya dapat berarti khusus bagi masyarakat di wilayah-wilayah tertentu. Indonesia yang menjadi negara dengan penganut agama Islam terbesar di dunia, memiliki ikatan antara budaya dan agama yang cukup menarik. Budaya Jawa yang mendominasi kebudayaan di Indonesia juga mengalami interaksi dengan ajaran agama Islam. Sejarah menunjukkan kisah perjalanan ajaran Islam yang masuk ke Indonesia, termasuk bagaimana ajaran agama Islam masuk ke dalam kebudayaan masyarakat tanpa penolakan dan tanpa paksaan. Akulturasi agama Islam dengan budaya Jawa terjadi dengan sangat baik sehingga mampu menyatu dalam seluruh lapisan masyarakat dan berbagai lini kehidupan, salah satunya dalam bidang ekonomi. Ekonomi merupakan roda utama dalam pembangunan manusia, sehingga menjadi satu aspek yang sangat penting. Buku ini secara khusus memberikan penjelasan dan gambaran mengenai latar belakang budaya Jawa dan agama Islam di Indonesia, beserta akulturasi dan implementasinya termasuk di bidang ekonomi. Nilai-nilai ajaran Islam Jawa mampu menjadi satu tata aturan utama yang sejak dahulu hingga saat ini dipegang teguh, dan dijalankan turun-temurun oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat Jawa