1 research outputs found

    Ocjena i usporedba respiratornih simptoma i kapaciteta pluća u radnika tvornice keramičkih pločica iz Yazda u Iranu

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    Tile workers are exposed to dust particles and are susceptible to multiple pulmonary complications. Problems like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary symptoms, and silicosis are more common among them. As there are many tile factories in Yazd, we decided to evaluate the respiratory symptoms and lung capacities in these workers and compare them with controls. This study included 176 tile and ceramic factory workers occupationally exposed to dust and 115 unexposed workers as controls. We recorded the respiratory symptoms using the British Medical Research Council questionnaire and measured lung capacities of the two groups. All study subjects were male, and the two groups were comparable in age and smoking. The exposed group had frequent respiratory symptoms and a significant relationship between them and duration of employment. In addition, lung capacities in ceramic workers with symptoms were lower than in workers without the symptoms. Even though the respiratory symptoms were more frequent in the exposed group than in controls, lung capacities of the two groups were similar.Radnici u proizvodnji keramičkih pločica izloženi su česticama prašine te su skloni višestrukim plućnim komplikacijama. U njih je veća učestalost tegoba poput astme i simptoma kronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća te silikoze. Budući da u Yazdu ima mnogo tvornica keramike, odlučili smo upravo u tome gradu ocijeniti respiratorne simptome i izmjeriti kapacitet pluća njihovih radnika i usporediti ih s kontrolnom skupinom. Ispitivanje je stoga obuhvatilo 176 radnika u proizvodnji keramičkih pločica izloženih prašini te 115 neizloženih radnika koji su činili kontrolnu skupinu. Respiratorni su se simptomi ispitali rabeći upitnik Britanskoga savjeta za medicinska istraživanja (British Medical Research Council), a u obje je skupine izmjeren kapacitet pluća. Svi su ispitanici bili muškarci, a skupine su se podudarale po dobi i pušenju. Respiratorni simptomi bili su česti u izloženoj skupini te je u njoj uočena značajna povezanost između respiratornih simptoma i radnoga staža u tvornici. Usto su izloženi radnici s respiratornim simptomima iskazali slabije kapacitete pluća od radnika bez simptoma. Ovi su respiratorni simptomi bili češći u izloženoj skupini negoli u kontrolnoj, ali se njihovi kapaciteti pluća nisu bitno razlikovali