2 research outputs found
Pilot hearing screening in school age children in Republic of Moldova
Introduction: Many countries have implemented newborn hearing screening programs,
resulting in early intervention and therapy. In spite of that, there is a significant number of
schoolchildren with hearing problems. Hearing loss is a common and considerable disability that
harms educational performance of schoolchildren in developing countries. Lack of a simple and
practical screening protocol often deters routine and systematic hearing screening at school entry.
Purpose and Objectives: The pilot study assessing the hearing in the population of pupils
who begin their education in five random primary schools in Moldova.
Material and Methods: Hearing screening was conducted in a group of 179 children from three
primary schools in Chisinau in Republic of Moldova. Screening was performed using the Sense
Examination Platform; on the basis of the audiometric procedure of measuring the hearing threshold.
Positive result of hearing screening was defined as equal as or more than 25dB at least at one frequency
in either ear. Additionally subjective assessment was carried out on the basis of parents questionnaires.
Results: The study was performed in 3 schools: in the 1st were examined 69 children, from which
a positive result was at 8.7%, in the 2nd - 52 (25% positive) and in the III-rd - 58, with positive result at
10.34%. A total of 179 children were examined, out of which at 13.97% - a positive test result'. All
children with positive results of hearing screening were examined by local otolaryngologists.
Conclusions: The obtained results confirm the significant prevalence of hearing problems in
school-aged children. Based on the results, the implementation of hearing screening as a routine
procedure in the medical care in schools is strongly recommended