35 research outputs found

    The ways to improve the biological and morphological parameters of young fattening pigs

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    Studies were carried out to find the new ways to improve the efficiency of iodine use for the young pigs. During the scientific and economic experiment it was found that bringing iodine to the physiological norm, in combination with introduction of 3% bentonite clay into the diets of young fattening pigs, provided a positive effect on the morphological composition of carcasses, slaughter parameters and meat quality of the pigs. So fattening the yelts with the diets with a physiological norm of iodine in combination with 3% bentonite clay allowed young pigs of the 3rd experimental group to reach a slaughter weight of 78.95 kg at the age of 8 months, which is 10.1% more than in the control group, and 4.2% and 2.5% more in comparison with the 1st and 2nd experimental groups. The slaughter yield in yelts of the 3rd experimental group increased by 2.43% (P<0.05) compared to the control group. The largest (30.17 cm2) area of the “rib eye” was recorded in the 3rd experimental group, which is 5.60% more than the control one, while the carcasses of pigs of the 3rd experimental group contained muscle tissue by 4.74% (P<0.05) more than the same in the control group. Analysis of the Musculus longissimus showed a significant increase in protein content in the 3rd experimental group by 1.22% compared to the control group (P<0.05). The protein-quality parameter was significantly higher in the muscle tissue of young pigs of the 3rd experimental group and amounted to 10.90 (P<0.05), which is 1.12% higher than in the muscle tissue of the control group yelts. The maximum content of oleic acid was found in the lard of animals of the 3rd experimental group — 49.59, which is 1.28% (P<0.05) higher than in the control group.

    Replay: multi-modal multi-view acted videos for casual holography

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    We introduce Replay, a collection of multi-view, multimodal videos of humans interacting socially. Each scene is filmed in high production quality, from different viewpoints with several static cameras, as well as wearable action cameras, and recorded with a large array of microphones at different positions in the room. Overall, the dataset contains over 4000 minutes of footage and over 7 million timestamped high-resolution frames annotated with camera poses and partially with foreground masks. The Replay dataset has many potential applications, such as novelview synthesis, 3D reconstruction, novel-view acoustic synthesis, human body and face analysis, and training generative models. We provide a benchmark for training and evaluating novel-view synthesis, with two scenarios of different difficulty. Finally, we evaluate several baseline state-of-theart methods on the new benchmark


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    Purpose. Selection of the optimal revascularization strategy for patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation (Non-STE-ACS) and multivessel coronary disease (MVD) remains open. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the results of treatment in this group of patients depending on the strategy of revascularization.Materials and methods. In the study within the prospective registry with 2012–2015 362 patients were included with Non-STE-ACS and MVD. Patients were divided into three groups: staged PCI (PCI – PCI) in 266 (73.4 %) patients, CABG – 72 patients (19.9 %), first step PCI and second step CABG (PCI – CABG) – 24 (6.6 %) patients. Endpoints were major cardiovascular events: death, MI, repeated revascularization, bleeding of BARC score (Bleeding Academic Research Consortium). Endpoints were assessed in the time period from the start until the end of hospitalization with Non-STE-ACS only revascularization (PCI or CABG) or second phase stage (CABG).Results. Maximum value of GRACE score was in groups of PCI – PCI and PCI – CABG 145.81±18.61, maximum value of SYNTAX was in PCI – CABG 30.94±2.42. Mortality from 2.8 % in groups of CABG to 8.3 % in groups of PCI – PCI (р=0.5). MI rate from 1.4 % in groups of CABG to 8.3 % in PCI – CABG (р=0.5). Rate of bleeding 3–5 type BARC score was 1.1 % in groups of PCI – PCI to 37.5 % in PCI – CABG (р=0.003).Conclusions. The lack of clear guidelines for choice of optimal strategy of revascularization in these patients results in a substantial number of adverse cardiovascular events. Choice of strategy should be based on the use of stratification scores (GRACE, SYNTAX, EuroScoreII). CABG may be optimal revascularization strategy to a much larger number of patients than is currently used. Цель. Вопрос выбора оптимальной стратегии реваскуляризации для пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом без подъема сегмента ST (ОКСбпST) и многососудистым поражением (МП) коронарного русла остается открытым. Целью работы явилась оценка результатов лечения данной группы больных в зависимости от стратегии реваскуляризации.Материалы и методы. В исследование в рамках проспективного одноцентрового регистра за 2012–2015 годы было включено 362 пациента с ОКСбпST и МП коронарного русла. В зависимости от реализованной стратегии реваскуляризации пациенты были разделены на три группы: поэтапное ЧКВ (ЧКВ – ЧКВ) выполнено 266 (73,4 %) пациентам, коронарное шунтирование (КШ) – 72 больным (19,9 %), первый этап – ЧКВ и второй этап – КШ (ЧКВ – КШ) реализованы 24 (6,6 %) пациентам. Конечными точками исследования стали такие неблагоприятные кардиоваскулярные события, как смерть, инфаркт миокарда (ИМ), острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения/транзиторная ишемическая атака (ОНМК/ТИА), повторная реваскуляризация целевого сосуда, кровотечение по шкале BARC (Bleeding Academic Research Consortium). Конечные точки оценивались в период от индексной госпитализации по поводу ОКСбпST до окончания госпитального периода при выполнении второго этапа реваскуляризации (ЧКВ или КШ) или единственного этапа реваскуляризации (КШ).Результаты. Максимальные значения шкалы GRACE, достигающие 145,81±18,61 балла, были отмечены в группах ЧКВ – ЧКВ и ЧКВ – КШ, тогда как наибольшая выраженность коронарного атеросклероза по шкале SYNTAX (до 28,75±10,47 балла) в группах ЧКВ – КШ и КШ. Показатель летальности колебался от 2,8 % в группе КШ до 8,3 % в группе ЧКВ – ЧКВ (р=0,5). Частота ИМ от 1,4 % в группе КШ до 8,3 % в группе ЧКВ – КШ (р=0,5). Встречаемость геморрагических осложнений 3–5-го типа по шкале BARC составила от 1,1 % в группе ЧКВ – ЧКВ до 37,5 % в группе ЧКВ – КШ (р=0,003).Заключение. Отсутствие четких рекомендаций для выбора оптимальной стратегии и сроков реваскуляризации среди пациентов с ОКСбпST при МП коронарного русла приводит к развитию значительного числа неблагоприятных кардиоваскулярных исходов в данной группе пациентов. С учетом полученных в настоящем исследовании результатов становится понятным, что стратегия реваскуляризации для пациентов с ОКСбпST должна осуществляться на основе комплексного применения стратификационных шкал (GRACE, SYNTAX, EuroScore II). При этом КШ (как самодостаточный метод) может являться оптимальной стратегией реваскуляризации для значительно большего числа пациентов, чем применяется в настоящее время.

    Slim DensePose: Thrifty learning from sparse annotations and motion cues

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    DensePose supersedes traditional landmark detectors by densely mapping image pixels to body surface coordinates. This power, however, comes at a greatly increased annotation time, as supervising the model requires to manually label hundreds of points per pose instance. In this work, we thus seek methods to significantly slim down the DensePose annotations, proposing more efficient data collection strategies. In particular, we demonstrate that if annotations are collected in video frames, their efficacy can be multiplied for free by using motion cues. To explore this idea, we introduce DensePose-Track, a dataset of videos where selected frames are annotated in the traditional DensePose manner. Then, building on geometric properties of the DensePose mapping, we use the video dynamic to propagate ground-truth annotations in time as well as to learn from Siamese equivariance constraints. Having performed exhaustive empirical evaluation of various data annotation and learning strategies, we demonstrate that doing so can deliver significantly improved pose estimation results over strong baselines. However, despite what is suggested by some recent works, we show that merely synthesizing motion patterns by applying geometric transformations to isolated frames is significantly less effective, and that motion cues help much more when they are extracted from videos

    Investigation of the chemical composition, physicochemical properties, and microstructure of meat patties with amaranth flour

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of adding amaranth flour to meat patties on their chemical composition. Four different variations of meat patties were prepared, with amaranth flour added at concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15% in place of beef. The control sample was prepared without any addition. The results of the study showed that the addition of amaranth flour led to a significant decrease in the moisture content of the meat patties, while the proportions of carbohydrates, fat, and ash increased. Specifically, the patties with the highest concentration of amaranth flour (15%) had the highest proportions of carbohydrates and fat with the lowest proportion of moisture. The control sample had the highest moisture content and the lowest proportion of carbohydrates, fat, and ash. The addition of amaranth flour increased the water-holding capacity of the meat patties, with the highest increase observed in the sample with 15% amaranth flour (82.21%). The overall score of sensory evaluation of the meat patties did not significantly decrease with the addition of up to 10% amaranth flour, according to the sensory evaluation. The study provides evidence that up to 10% amaranth flour can be used as a substitute for beef in meat patties, which can lead to an increase in the fat and carbohydrate content and mineral composition and improvement of the water-holding capacity of the final product

    Determining the most effective way of advertising on social media

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    Исследование проведено с целью определения наиболее эффективного способа рекламы мероприятий, проводимых культурно-массовым сектором факультета компьютерного проектирования БГУИР. Полученные результаты позволили сделать выводы и сформулировать рекомендации по улучшению продвижения мероприятий в студенческой среде. The work was carried out in order to determine the most effective way to advertise events held by the cultural sector of the Faculty of Computer Design of BSUIR. The results obtained made it possible to draw conclusions and formulate recommendations for improving the promotion of events in the student environment

    Evidence of myofibrillar protein oxidation induced by post-ischemic reperfusion in isolated rat hearts

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    Although the contribution of reactive oxygen species to myocardial ischemia is well recognized, the possible intracellular targets, especially at the level of myofibrillar proteins (MP), are not yet fully characterized. To assess the maximal extent of oxidative degradation of proteins, isolated rat hearts were perfused with 1 mM H(2)O(2). Subsequently, the MP maximally oxidative damage was compared with the effects produced by 1) 30 min of no-flow ischemia (I) followed in other hearts by 3 min of reperfusion (I/R); and 2) I/R in the presence of a potent antioxidant N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)glycine (MPG). Samples from the H(2)O(2) group electrophoresed under nonreducing conditions and probed with actin, desmin, or tropomyosin monoclonal antibodies showed high-molecular mass complexes indicative of disulfide cross-bridges along with splitting and thickening of tropomyosin and actin bands, respectively. Only these latter changes could be detected in I/R samples and were prevented by MPG. Carbonyl groups generated by oxidative stress on MP were detected by Western blot analysis (oxyblot) under optimized conditions. The analyses showed one major band corresponding to oxidized actin, the density of which increased 1.2-, 2.8-, and 6.8-fold in I, I/R, and H(2)O(2) groups, respectively. The I/R-induced increase was significantly reduced by MPG. In conclusion, oxidative damage of MP occurs on reperfusion, although at a lower extent than in H(2)O(2) perfused hearts, whereas oxidative modifications could not be detected in ischemic hearts. Furthermore, the inhibition of MP oxidation by MPG might underlie the protective efficacy of antioxidants

    Optimization of paper bridge loading for 2-DE analysis in the basic pH region: application to the mitochondrial subproteome.

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    Separation of basic proteins with 2-DE presents technical challenges involving protein precipitation, load limitations, and streaking. Cardiac mitochondria are enriched in basic proteins and difficult to resolve by 2-DE. We investigated two methods, cup and paper bridge, for sample loading of this subproteome into the basic range (pH 6-11) gels. Paper bridge loading consistently produced improved resolution of both analytical and preparative protein loads. A unique benefit of this technique is that proteins retained in the paper bridge after loading basic gels can be reloaded onto lower pH gradients (pH 4-7), allowing valued samples to be analyzed on multiple pH ranges


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    Aim. To evaluate in-hospital and long-term outcomes of treatment in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) according to the revascularization strategy.Material and methods. In the study under the framework of singlecenter registry, in 2012-2015, 400 patients included, with NSTEACS and multivessel disease (MD). According to the revascularization strategy, all patients were selected to three groups: staged percutaneous intervention (PCI) — PCI-PCI, for 265 (66,5%) patients, bypass grafting (CBG) — 84 (20,2%), and PCI at first step and then CBG (PCI-CBG) in 34 (8,75%). Remaining patients were treated conservatively — 17 (4,5%). Endpoints were such adverse cardiovascular events as death, myocardial infarction, stroke or transient ischemia, repeated revascularization.Results. The highest GRACE values up to 138,1±25,7 were in PCI-PCI group (p=0,00001), but the most severe coronary lesion by SYNTAX 28,7±10 was in CBG group (p=0,00001). The highest surgical risk by EuroScore II was in CBG group — 4,32±2 (p=0,003). The group PCI-PCI showed the highest mortality, reached 7,5% by 12 months (5,3% inhospital and 2,2% further), and long-term mortality in PCI-CBG and CBG groups was 2,9% and 2,4%, respectively (p>0,05) (all fatal cases in these groups were in-hospital). The leading by MI prevalence in 12 months was PCI-PCI group (6,8%), and in PCI-CBG and CBG groups all MI cases were 5,9% and 1,2% in-hospital, respectively (p>0,05). Minimal levels of repeated revascularization had the groups PCI-CBG and CBG — 5,88% and 0%, resp., and in PCI-PCI group this level reached 9,81%.Conclusion. The most complete myocardial revascularization in NSTEACS patients can be achieved with such strategies as PCI-CBG and CBG, regardless the highest grade of coronary lesion. Revascularization strategy as the staged PCI, is applicable with in the highest GRACE patients and requiring revascularization as soon as possible. The development needed, of algorithms of optimal strategy of revascularization in NSTEACS, with MD, based upon objective criteria, and meaning the higher rate of CBG approach fulfilling the most complete revascularization