28 research outputs found

    Analisis Banjir Rancangan dengan Mempertimbangkan Karakteristik Fraktal Daerah Aliran Sungai (Studi Kasus: Bendungan Way Apu di Pulau Buru, Provinsi Maluku)

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    Penelitian ini menyajikan permodelan matematika untuk mensimulasikan banjir rancangan pada  bendungan Way Apu dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik fraktal dari DAS. Bendungan Way Apu yang terletak di Sungai Way Apu, Maluku, Indonesia di bangun sebagai bendungan multiguna seperti irigasi, pembangkit listrik tenaga air (PLTA), air baku, dan  untuk pengendali banjir sebagai tujuan utama. Analisa banjir rancangan pada bendungan ini mendapatkan beberapa kendala karena besarnya curah hujan di wilayah timur Indonesia, terutama di Pulau Buru Provinsi  Maluku. Desain banjir untuk Dam tipe urugan di bawah 40 m di Indonesia mengacu pada SNI-3432-1994, menggunakan kemungkinan banjir maksimum periode ulang 1000 tahun untuk perencanaan risiko besar. Makalah ini akan menganalisis desain banjir Bendungan Way Apu dengan periode ulang 1000 tahun  dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik fraktal dari DAS menggunakan hidrograf sintetik ITS-2. Hasil perhitungan menggunakan HSS ITS-2 diperoleh nilai banjir rancangan sebesar 2454,15 m3/dt. Perhitungan penelusuran banjir (flood routing) diperoleh penurunan debit outflow sebesar 3,65% dengan Panjang pelimpah (spillway) 60 m, dengan elevasi mercu pada elevasi +134

    Measurement Consistency Among Observational Job Analysis Methods During an Intervention Study

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    Several observational methods are available for ergonomists to evaluate the exposure to musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk factors associated with work. Those methods can be used to evaluate the impact of modifications done at a workstation on the exposure to risk factors. Three methods (QEC, OCRA and 4D Watbak) were used to assess the exposure to MSD risk factors before and after the implementation of changes at a saw and block opening workstation. The results from those 3 methods served to compare the methods and evaluate their consistency. Comparisons among the methods showed positive association between QEC and OCRA indices, and between the QEC back index and 4D Watbak

    Measurement Consistency Among Observational Job Analysis Methods During an Intervention Study

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    Several observational methods are available for ergonomists to evaluate the exposure to musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk factors associated with work. Those methods can be used to evaluate the impact of modifications done at a workstation on the exposure to risk factors. Three methods (QEC, OCRA and 4D Watbak) were used to assess the exposure to MSD risk factors before and after the implementation of changes at a saw and block opening workstation. The results from those 3 methods served to compare the methods and evaluate their consistency. Comparisons among the methods showed positive association between QEC and OCRA indices, and between the QEC back index and 4D Watbak