465 research outputs found

    Polarographic Investigations of Some Metal Monocarhoxylato Complexes. III. Monocarhoxylato Complexes of Cadmium and Copper

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    The stability constants of cadmium and copper monocarboxylato complexes have been determined by the polarog raphic method in water solutions of a constant ionic strength 2 and a constant monocarboxylic acid concentration of 2 M. The examinations were carried out in the monocarboxylate concentration range up to 2 M. The following values of cumulative stability constants were obtained: Cadmium : formato complexes ~ 1 = 20 ± 2, ; Be = 50 ± 5, p3 = 40 ± 8, p4 = 36 ± 8; acetato complexes P1 = 40±5, B2 = 110±10, p3 = 110 ± 15, p4 = 215 ± 20; propionato complexes P1 = 30 ± 2, B2 = 80 ± 20, Ps = 400 ± 50, p4 = 290 ± 30; butyrato complexes P1 = 17 ±,2, B2 = 160 ± 20 , Bs = 400 ± 50, B4 = 480 ± 60. Copper: formato complexes p1 = 45 ± 5, Bo.= 200 ± 30, ~ 3 = = 200 ± 40 , B4 = 270 ± 40; acetato complexes Bi = 100 ± iO , B2 = 500 + 50, B3 = 1000 + 100 , P4 = 1250 + 200; propionato complexes Bi= l.10 ± 10, B2 = 450 ± 50, Ba = 1100 ± 200 , B4 = 1100 ± 200, B; = 950 ± 200; butyrato complexes B1 = 80 ± 10, P2 = 600 ± 100 , Ba = 2000 ± 300, B4 = 1700 ± 300, Ps = 2000 ± 300

    Polarographic Investigations of Some Metal Monocarhoxylato Complexes. III. Monocarhoxylato Complexes of Cadmium and Copper

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    The stability constants of cadmium and copper monocarboxylato complexes have been determined by the polarog raphic method in water solutions of a constant ionic strength 2 and a constant monocarboxylic acid concentration of 2 M. The examinations were carried out in the monocarboxylate concentration range up to 2 M. The following values of cumulative stability constants were obtained: Cadmium : formato complexes ~ 1 = 20 ± 2, ; Be = 50 ± 5, p3 = 40 ± 8, p4 = 36 ± 8; acetato complexes P1 = 40±5, B2 = 110±10, p3 = 110 ± 15, p4 = 215 ± 20; propionato complexes P1 = 30 ± 2, B2 = 80 ± 20, Ps = 400 ± 50, p4 = 290 ± 30; butyrato complexes P1 = 17 ±,2, B2 = 160 ± 20 , Bs = 400 ± 50, B4 = 480 ± 60. Copper: formato complexes p1 = 45 ± 5, Bo.= 200 ± 30, ~ 3 = = 200 ± 40 , B4 = 270 ± 40; acetato complexes Bi = 100 ± iO , B2 = 500 + 50, B3 = 1000 + 100 , P4 = 1250 + 200; propionato complexes Bi= l.10 ± 10, B2 = 450 ± 50, Ba = 1100 ± 200 , B4 = 1100 ± 200, B; = 950 ± 200; butyrato complexes B1 = 80 ± 10, P2 = 600 ± 100 , Ba = 2000 ± 300, B4 = 1700 ± 300, Ps = 2000 ± 300

    Inhibitory Effect of Amines on Polarographic Processes in Acid. Solution. I. D. C. Polarographic and Oscillopolarographic Investigation

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    The influence of some amines as capillary active substances and as corrosion inhibitors in acid solution was studied by the conventional d. c. polarographic method and oscillopolarographically. The electrode processes of thallium, cadmium, lead, zinc and bismuth have served as indicators of the inhibitor efficiency. The inhibition of the electrode processes, resulting in a decrease of the limiting current and in the shift of the half-wave potential toward more negative values as well as in a deminution of the corresponding incision on the oscillopolarographic curve, was found to increase, generally, in the order: methylamine < n-butylamine <pyridine< < aniline < quinoline < a-naphthylamine. Since the same sequence was found for the inhibition of corrosion processes, it can be concluded that the cited effects are suited for the evaluation of the inhibiting efficiency of amines in acid solutions

    Symmetries at stationary Killing horizons

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    It has often been suggested (especially by Carlip) that spacetime symmetries in the neighborhood of a black hole horizon may be relevant to a statistical understanding of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. A prime candidate for this type of symmetry is that which is exhibited by the Einstein tensor. More precisely, it is now known that this tensor takes on a strongly constrained (block-diagonal) form as it approaches any stationary, non-extremal Killing horizon. Presently, exploiting the geometrical properties of such horizons, we provide a particularly elegant argument that substantiates this highly symmetric form for the Einstein tensor. It is, however, duly noted that, on account of a "loophole", the argument does fall just short of attaining the status of a rigorous proof.Comment: 11 pages, Revte

    On the Existence of the Logarithmic Correction Term in Black Hole Entropy-Area Relation

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    In this paper we consider a model universe with large extra dimensions to obtain a modified black hole entropy-area relation. We use the generalized uncertainty principle to find a relation between the number of spacetime dimensions and the presence or vanishing of logarithmic prefactor in the black hole entropy-area relation. Our calculations are restricted to the microcanonical ensembles and we show that in the modified entropy-area relation, the microcanonical logarithmic prefactor appears only when spacetime has an even number of dimensions.Comment: 9 Pages, No Figure

    Double-Layer Effect in the Polarographic Reduction of Vanadate

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    The effect of inert electrolytes on the polarographic reduction of metavanadate ions is studied in neutral solutions, buffered and unbuffered. The effect of the nature of the cation and anion of the supporting electrolyte, as well as the effect of the ionic and buffer strength on the shape of the polarographic wave is in accordance with modern theories of the mechanism of the reduction of negative ions at the dropping mercury electrode. An accelerating action in the series Li+ < Na• < Cs+, and Na+ < < Ca2+, and of anions: r, SCN- < c1- <No; <ClO~ <SO!- < < F- is found. A combined influence of the cation and anion is established as well. The inhibition, occurring at the beginning of the electrode reaction and observed in the form of a small prewave on the polarographic wave is described

    Double-Layer Effect in the Polarographic Reduction of Vanadate

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    The effect of inert electrolytes on the polarographic reduction of metavanadate ions is studied in neutral solutions, buffered and unbuffered. The effect of the nature of the cation and anion of the supporting electrolyte, as well as the effect of the ionic and buffer strength on the shape of the polarographic wave is in accordance with modern theories of the mechanism of the reduction of negative ions at the dropping mercury electrode. An accelerating action in the series Li+ < Na• < Cs+, and Na+ < < Ca2+, and of anions: r, SCN- < c1- <No; <ClO~ <SO!- < < F- is found. A combined influence of the cation and anion is established as well. The inhibition, occurring at the beginning of the electrode reaction and observed in the form of a small prewave on the polarographic wave is described


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    The article analyzes the course of pregnancy and birth outcomes among women after interventional treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. It is concluded that cardiac arrhythmias, including complex and hemodynamic significance are not a contraindication for pregnancy in cases of adequate interventional treatment. The pregnancy and childbirth among these patients are favorable and perinatal outcomes do not differ from those of healthy women.В статье проанализировано течение беременности и исход родов у женщин после интервенционных методов лечения сердечных аритмий. Сделаны выводы, что нарушения сердечного ритма, в том числе сложные и гемодинамически значимые, не являются противопоказанием к беременности в случаях адекватного интервенционного лечения. Течение беременности и родов у таких пациенток благоприятно, перинатальные исходы мало отличаются от таковых у здоровых женщин.У статті проаналізовано перебіг вагітності і результат пологів у жінок після інтервенційних методів лікування серцевих аритмій. Зроблено висновки, що порушення серцевого ритму, в тому числі складні і гемодинамічно значущі, не є протипоказанням до вагітності у випадках адекватного інтервенційного лікування. Перебіг вагітності та пологів у таких пацієнток сприятливий, перинатальні наслідки мало відрізняються від таких у здорових жінок

    Nontrival Cosmological Constant in Brane Worlds with Unorthodox Lagrangians

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    In self-tuning brane-world models with extra dimensions, large contributions to the cosmological constant are absorbed into the curvature of extra dimensions and consistent with flat 4d geometry. In models with conventional Lagrangians fine-tuning is needed nevertheless to ensure a finite effective Planck mass. Here, we consider a class of models with non conventional Lagrangian in which known problems can be avoided. Unfortunately these models are found to suffer from tachyonic instabilities. An attempt to cure these instabilities leads to the prediction of a positive cosmological constant, which in turn needs a fine-tuning to be consistent with observations.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur


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    First specimen of a new generation of low- molecular heparin bemyparin was applied with a prophylactic purpose after caesarean sections at 24 women with middle and high risk of thromboembolic vein complications and at 5 pregnant women with a deep ileophemoral thrombosis (4), artificial heart valve (1). Fora prophylaxis if mass of body of pregnant women was less than 70 kg and middle degree of risk gave 2500 МЕ/day, if mass was more than 70 kg or high risk -3500 МЕ/day. The prophylacsis began in 6 hours after operation and continued 3-7 days. For treatment of bemyparin gave 3500 МЕ/day during 2-5 weeks. Cases of pulmonary embolism, other tromboembolic vein complications were not present. The abundant bleeding was not present. The insignificant bleeding is marked in 2 cases (6, 9 %), hemorrhage in places of injections - in 12 cases (41,4%). Other complications of bemyparin therapy (thrombocytopeia, hyperkaliemia) were not observed. A conclusion about high prophylactic efficiency and safety of bemyparin in obstetric practice is done.Первый представитель новой генерации низкомолекулярных гепаринов - “Бемипарин” был применен с профилактической целью после операции кесарева сечения у 24женщин группы среднего и высокого риска тромботических венозных осложнений и с лечебной целью у 5 беременных с глубоким илеофеморальным тромбозом (4), искусственным клапаном сердца (1). Для профилактики при массе тела беременной менее 70 кг и средней степени риска вводили по 2500 МЕ/сут., при массе более 70 кг или высоком риске - 3500 МЕ/сут. Профилактическое введение начинали через 6 часов после операции и продолжали 3-7 дней. Для лечения бемипарин вводили по 3500 МЕ/сут. в течение 2-5 недель. Случаев тромбоэмболии легочной артерии, других тромботических венозных осложнений не было. Обильных кровотечений не было. Незначительные кровотечения отмечены в 2 случаях (6,9 %), мелкие геморрагии в местах инъекций - в 12-ти (41,4 %). Других осложнений терапии бемипарином (тромбоцитопения, гиперкалиемия) не наблюдали. Сделан вывод о высокой профилактической эффективности и безопасности бемипарина в акушерской практике.Перший представник ново генераці низькомолекулярних гепаринів - “Беміпарин” був використаний з профілактичною метою після операці кесаревого розтину у 24 жінок групи середнього та високого ризику тромботичних венозних ускпадненьта з лікувальною метою у 5 вагітних з глибоким ілеофеморальним тромбозом (4), штучним клапаном серця (1).Для профілактики при масі тіла вагітно менше 70 кг і середньому ступені ризику вводили по 2500 МЕ/добу, при масі більше 70 кгабо високому ризику - 3500 МЕ/добу. Профілактичне введення починали через 6 годин після операці і продовжували 3-7 днів. Для лікування беміпарин вводили по 3500 МЕ/добу протягом 2-5 тижнів. Випадків тромбоемболі легенево артері , інших тромботичних венозних ускладнень не було. Масивних кровотеч не було. Незначні кровотечі відмічені в 2 випадках (6,9%), дрібні геморагі в місцях ін’єкцій - в 12-ти (41,4%). Іншихускладненьтерапі беміпарином (тромбоцитопенія, гіперкаліемія) не спостерігали. Зроблено висновок про високу профілактичну ефективність та безпечність беміпарину в акушерській практиці