57 research outputs found

    H_c_3 for a thin-film superconductor with a ferromagnetic dot

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    We investigate the effect of a ferromagnetic dot on a thin-film superconductor. We use a real-space method to solve the linearized Ginzburg-Landau equation in order to find the upper critical field, H_c_3. We show that H_c_3 is crucially dependent on dot composition and geometry, and may be significantly greater than H_c_2. H_c_3 is maximally enhanced when (1) the dot saturation magnetization is large, (2) the ratio of dot thickness to dot diameter is of order one, and (3) the dot thickness is large

    Theory of Resonant Raman Scattering in One Dimensional Electronic systems

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    A theory of resonant Raman scattering spectroscopy of one dimensional electronic systems is developed on the assumptions that (i) the excitations of the one dimensional electronic system are described by the Luttinger Liquid model, (ii) Raman processes involve virtual excitations from a filled valence band to an empty state of the one dimensional electronic system and (iii) excitonic interactions between the valence and conduction bands may be neglected. Closed form analytic expressions are obtained for the Raman scattering cross sections, and are evaluated analytically and numerically for scattering in the polarized channel, revealing a "double-peak" structure with the lower peak involving multispinon excitations with total spin S=0 and the higher peak being the conventional plasmon. A key feature of our results is a nontrivial power law dependence, involving the Luttinger Liquid exponents, of the dependence of the Raman cross sections on the difference of the laser frequency from resonance. We find that near resonance the calculated ratio of intensity in the lower energy feature to the intensity in the higher energy feature saturates at a value of the order of unity (times a factor of the ratio of the velocities of the two modes). We explicate the differences between the 'Luttinger liquid' and 'Fermi liquid' calculations of RRS spectra and argue that excitonic effects, neglected in all treatments so far, are essential for explaining the intensity ratios observed in quantum wires. We also discuss other Luttinger liquid features which may be observed in future RRS experiments

    Raman Scattering Spectra of Elementary Electronic Excitations in Coupled Double-Quantum Well Structures

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    Using the time-dependent-local-density-approximation (TDLDA) within a self-consistent linear response theory, we calculate the elementary excitation energies and the associated inelastic light-scattering spectra of a strongly coupled two-component plasma in a double-quantum well system with electron occupation of symmetric and antisymmetric subbands. We find, consistent with the results of a recent experimental Raman scattering study, that the intersubband spin density excitations tend to merge with the single particle excitations (i.e. the excitonic shift decreases monotonically) as the Fermi energy increases beyond the symmetric-antisymmetric energy gap SAS\bigtriangleup_{SAS}. However, our TDLDA calculation does not show the abrupt suppresion of the excitonic shift seen experimentally at a finite value of the subband occupancy parameter ηSAS/EF\eta \equiv \bigtriangleup_{\text{SAS}} / E_{\text{F}}.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 5 figures available upon request, PIT-SDS-00

    Phase Separation of Edge States in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime

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    Coulomb effects on the edge states of a two dimensional electron gas in the presence of a high magnetic field are studied for different widths of the boundaries. Schr\"odinger and Poisson equations are selfconsistently solved in the integer Quantum Hall regime. Regions of flat bands at the Fermi level appear for smooth interfaces in order to minimize the electrostatic energy related to the existence of dipoles induced by the magnetic field. These plateaus determine the phase separation in stripes of compressible and incompressible electron liquids.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex 3.0, 3 postscript figure

    Off center DD^- centers in a quantum well in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field: angular momentum transition and magnetic evaporation

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    We investigate the effect of the position of the donor in the quantum well on the energy spectrum and the oscillator strength of the D- system in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. As a function of the magnetic field we find that when the D- centers are placed sufficiently off-center they undergo singlet-triplet transitions which are similar to those found in many-electron parabolic quantum dots. The main difference is that the number of such transitions depends on the position of the donor and only a finite number of such singlet-triplet transitions are found as function of the strength of the magnetic field. For sufficiently large magnetic fields the two electron system becomes unbound. For the near center D- system no singlet-triplet and no unbinding of the D- is found with increasing magnetic field. A magnetic field vs. donor position phase diagram is presented that depends on the width of the quantum well.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Little-Parks effect and multiquanta vortices in a hybrid superconductor--ferromagnet system

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    Within the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory we investigate the phase diagram of a thin superconducting film with ferromagnetic nanoparticles. We study the oscillatory dependence of the critical temperature on an external magnetic field similar to the Little-Parks effect and formation of multiquantum vortex structures. The structure of a superconducting state is studied both analytically and numerically.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Mat

    Vortex Structure Around a Magnetic Dot in Planar Superconductors

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    The problem of the giant vortex state around a magnetic dot which is embedded in a superconducting film is investigated. The full non-linear, self-consistent Ginzburg-Landau equations are solved numerically in order to calculate the free energy, the order parameter of the host superconductor, the internal magnetic field due to the supercurrents, the corresponding current density, the magnetization probed in the vicinity of the dot, and the normal electron density as a function of the various parameters of the system. We find that, as we increase the magnetic moment of the dot, higher flux quanta vortex states become energetically more favorable, as they can better compete with the external magnetic field via the Meissner effect. In addition to that, they progressively become closer to each other in energy with direct experimental consequences, i.e. physical quantities like magnetization may fluctuate when measured, for example, as a function of a uniform external magnetic field.Comment: text 21 pages (REVTEX), 8 figures available upon reques

    Nonlinear shot noise in mesoscopic diffusive normal-superconducting systems

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    We study differential shot noise in mesoscopic diffusive normal-superconducting (NS) heterostructures at finite voltages where nonlinear effects due to the superconducting proximity effect arise. A numerical scattering-matrix approach is adopted. Through an NS contact, we observe that the shot noise shows a reentrant dependence on voltage due to the superconducting proximity effect but the differential Fano factor stays approximately constant. Furthermore, we consider differential shot noise in the structures where an insulating barrier is formed between normal and superconducting regions and calculate the differential Fano factor as a function of barrier height.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Resonant Enhancement of Inelastic Light Scattering in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime at ν=1/3\nu=1/3

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    Strong resonant enhancements of inelastic light scattering from the long wavelength inter-Landau level magnetoplasmon and the intra-Landau level spin wave excitations are seen for the fractional quantum Hall state at ν=1/3\nu = 1/3. The energies of the sharp peaks (FWHM 0.2meV\lesssim 0.2meV) in the profiles of resonant enhancement of inelastic light scattering intensities coincide with the energies of photoluminescence bands assigned to negatively charged exciton recombination. To interpret the observed enhancement profiles, we propose three-step light scattering mechanisms in which the intermediate resonant transitions are to states with charged excitonic excitations.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Two-dimensional array of diffusive SNS junctions with high-transparent interfaces

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    We report the first comparative study of the properties of two-dimensional arrays and single superconducting film - normal wire - superconducting film (SNS) junctions. The NS interfaces of our SNS junctions are really high transparent, for superconducting and normal metal parts are made from the same material (superconducting polycrystalline PtSi film). We have found that the two-dimensional arrays reveal some novel features: (i) the significant narrowing of the zero bias anomaly (ZBA) in comparison with single SNS junctions, (ii) the appearance of subharmonic energy gap structure (SGS), with up to n=16 (eV=\pm 2\Delta/n), with some numbers being lost, (iii) the transition from 2D logarithmic weak localization behavior to metallic one. Our experiments show that coherent phenomena governed by the Andreev reflection are not only maintained over the macroscopic scale but manifest novel pronounced effects as well. The behavior of the ZBA and SGS in 2D array of SNS junctions strongly suggests that the development of a novel theoretical approach is needed which would self-consistently take into account the distribution of the currents, the potentials, and the superconducting order parameter.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, 5 figure