10 research outputs found

    Primer concentration and Pre-denaturation Time Effect on cyt-K Bacillus cereus Detection using Real-Time PCR Method

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    Foodborne disease is a global threat that can affect all sections of society, both in developed or developing countries. Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive bacteria that can cause food poisoning disease in humans. [2] Real-Time PCR detection method is one of the molecular marker methods that has been widely recognized as a fast, reliable, sensitive and specific detection tool for detecting pathogenic bacteria. In previous studies, the optimum condition and formulas applied for cyt-K 2 primer pairs have been obtained using Real-Time PCR. The purpose of this study is to find out the best conditions work of the primer pair cyt-K Bacillus cereus on detecting bacteria target using variations of pre-denaturation time and primer concentration with Real-Time PCR method. The annealing temperature used for PCR is at 60°C with sample concentration 50 ng/µL of B. cereus. Real-time PCR detection of variations in pre-denaturation time and primer concentration obtained the best conditions for primer pair cyt-K work at minute 4 with a primer concentration of 10 pmol and successfully amplifying the target by producing a Ct value of B. cereus at 13.04. Based on the results of the study, the primer pair cyt-K were reproducible in detecting the target gene and in the further step, this research can be continued to developed a prototype detection kit for foodborne pathogen bacteria using Real-Time PCR method

    Aplikasi Radio Online Universitas Udayana Berbasis Android

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    Siaran radio merupakan salah satu media komunikasi massa, yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat. Radio digunakan sebagai media informasi, edukasi, dan hiburan. Masyarakat dapat mengakses siaran radio, melalui perangkat radio sebagai penerima sinyal siaran, yang disiarkan melalui frekuensi AM/FM. Siaran radio konvensional, sering kali menjadi kendala dalam penerimaan siaran. Kendala dalam penerimaan siaran radio konvensional, disebabkan oleh jangkauan frekuensi yang terbatas, dan diperlukannya perangkat penerima siaran. Perkembangan teknologi, membuat radio konvensional mulai ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat. Masyarakat terbiasa dengan penggunaan smartphone, dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Radio digital atau radio online menjadi sebuah kebiasaan baru, yang digunakan masyarakat dalam menerima siaran radio, melalui jaringan internet. Aplikasi radio online Universitas Udayana dibuat, untuk memudahkan akses radio secara online atau streaming. Aplikasi ini dibuat pada platform Android, sehingga pengguna dengan mudah dapat mengakses radio, melalui smartphone. Aplikasi dikembangkan dengan fitur pendukung, sehingga tidak terbatas pada penerimaan siaran radio online. Aplikasi dapat menampilkan halaman website milik Universitas Udayana dan BEM Udayana kepada pengguna. Jadwal siaran radio Universitas Udayana ditampilkan pada aplikasi untuk memudahkan pengguna, mengetahui program siaran radio. Request lagu atau pesan dapat digunakan oleh pengguna aplikasi, sehingga lagu atau pesan yang diinginkan pengguna dapat disiarkan oleh penyiar. Layanan OneSignal digunakan untuk mengirimkan pesan notifikasi pada perangkat pengguna, serta untuk melihat daftar pengguna aplikasi.&nbsp

    Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi Dream Academy Berbasis Android

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    Educational games are games that contain knowledge or information that is educational. The knowledge is shown in the game and can also be through the game storyline in the application itself. The use of games can keep students motivated and make learning more interesting if it also includes students. But what happens in junior high school lately is that students have difficulty capturing learning materials that have been explained by teachers. Students often forget what has been learned when the teaching and learning process is complete. So that it takes repetition so that the subject matter described can be remembered by students. Overcoming these problems, dream academy educational games were made. Dream Academy game gives players playing the main character whose name can be handpicked as desired and built using the Unity3d Engine with C# programming language applied to Android Smartphones. Dream Academy's educational game uses black box testing as a test of game application action with 12 test cases that get the expected results that are 100% successful, and heuristic evaluation testing uses a method of spreading questionnaires involving 30 respondents with results obtained on average above 120, based on the category of heuristic problem level that is no problem and no need for improvement

    Analisis Sentimen Pola Pikir Masyarakat Indonesia Terkait Virus Covid-19 dalam Media Sosial Twitter Menggunakan Metode Rule Based Leksikon

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    The Covid-19 virus has managed to wreak havoc in various sectors around the world. Not only does it affect a person's physical condition, but also affects the psychological condition of the people's mindset. On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on the high use of social media among the Indonesian people. Individual opinions on various matters are expressed on the web and can be collected into big data for processing. Twitter API is an application created by Twitter to make it easier for other developers to access Twitter web information such as the large amount of data used in this research. Rule-Based Lexicon is a classification method that utilizes rules to distinguish one class from another with positive, negative, and neutral sentiment word classes. This study discusses the results of the sentiment analysis of the mindset of the Indonesian people during the Covid-19 pandemic using the Rule-Based Lexicon classification method with data sourced from Twitter social media as much as 4,068,464 tweet data which obtained an average accuracy value of 81%, a precision value of 93%, 95% recall value, and 83% f1 score. The results of the highest overall mindset sentiment were in July 2021 with 10,011 (23.53%) tweet data classified as positive sentiment on the topic of PPKM in Bangka Belitung Province, 8,629 (19.42%) classified as neutral sentiment on PPKM topic in Gorontalo Province, and 4,216 (8.61%) classified as negative sentiment in Bengkulu Province which leads to a toxic positivity conformity mindset

    Rancang Bangun Wireless Relay dengan Monitoring Daya Listrik Berbasis Internet Of Things

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    Listrik merupakan sumber daya untuk menjalankan berbagai perangkat elektronik. Pengguna akan sering kali lupa untuk memadamkan atau menyalakan perangkat elektroniknya, kemudian pengguna listrik prabayar maupun pascabayar tidak dapat melakukan pemantauan penggunaan daya listrik perangkat elektroniknya secara realtime. Rancangan alat untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut memiliki prinsip kerja seperti saklar, namun terdapat relay dan beberapa sensor. Pengguna dapat melakukan controlling maupun monitoring dari mana saja selama rancangan alat dan smartphone Android yang di gunakan terkoneksi dengan internet. Controlling perangkat elektronik dapat dilakukan dengan mengunakan saklar utama yang ada pada rancangan alat dan tombol saklar yang ada pada aplikasi Android, kemudian pengguna juga dapat melakukan monitoring tegangan (V), arus (A), daya (W) perangkat elektronik melalui aplikasi Android. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa rancangan alat dan aplikasi Android dapat melakukan controlling dengan baik, kedepannya diharapkan adanya penyesuaian pembacaan arus agar perhitungan daya yang dihasilkan lebih akurat

    Str Locus Mutations in Paternity Case

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    DNA analysis is widely applied in solving forensic cases, especially Short Tandem Repat (STR) because of its advantages. In identifying the individual, the National Police compared the individual's DNA with that of his parents. Each anal has a pair of DNA fragments of which half are inherited by the father and the remainder by the mother according to Mendel's Law of Segregation. In this study, we compared DNA typing between the child and the mother with the help of PCR extracted by the Chelex method to find the mother fragment and obtain the father fragment. A child is the biological child of the alleged father if he or she has less than 2 exclusion STR loci. The results of this study revealed that all paternal fragments from the child were identical to the DNA fragments of the alleged father, except for one locus, namely CSF1PO which had a mutation. Mutations in the STR locus lower the paternity index, although it can still be concluded that the child is the biological child of the alleged father.   Keywords: Paternity Test, DNA, STR, Mutatio

    Primer concentration and Pre-denaturation Time Effect on

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    Foodborne disease is a global threat that can affect all sections of society, both in developed or developing countries. Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive bacteria that can cause food poisoning disease in humans. [2] Real-Time PCR detection method is one of the molecular marker methods that has been widely recognized as a fast, reliable, sensitive and specific detection tool for detecting pathogenic bacteria. In previous studies, the optimum condition and formulas applied for cyt-K 2 primer pairs have been obtained using Real-Time PCR. The purpose of this study is to find out the best conditions work of the primer pair cyt-K Bacillus cereus on detecting bacteria target using variations of pre-denaturation time and primer concentration with Real-Time PCR method. The annealing temperature used for PCR is at 60°C with sample concentration 50 ng/µL of B. cereus. Real-time PCR detection of variations in pre-denaturation time and primer concentration obtained the best conditions for primer pair cyt-K work at minute 4 with a primer concentration of 10 pmol and successfully amplifying the target by producing a Ct value of B. cereus at 13.04. Based on the results of the study, the primer pair cyt-K were reproducible in detecting the target gene and in the further step, this research can be continued to developed a prototype detection kit for foodborne pathogen bacteria using Real-Time PCR method