2,050 research outputs found

    Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for the Dynamical Thermalization of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We present a theory for the description of energy relaxation in a nonequilibrium condensate of bosonic particles. The approach is based on coupling to a thermal bath of other particles (e.g., phonons in a crystal, or noncondensed atoms in a cold atom system), which are treated with a Monte Carlo type approach. Together with a full account of particle-particle interactions, dynamic driving, and particle loss, this offers a complete description of recent experiments in which Bose-Einstein condensates are seen to relax their energy as they propagate in real space and time. As an example, we apply the theory to the solid-state system of microcavity exciton polaritons, in which nonequilibrium effects are particularly prominent.Comment: Manuscript: 5 pages (Main Text) + 2 figures + 4 pages (Supplemental Material). Proofs versio

    Magnetic Field Control of the Optical Spin Hall Effect

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    We investigate theoretically the effect of an external magnetic field on polarization patterns appearing in quantum microcavities due to the optical spin Hall effect (OSHE). We show that increase of the magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the cavity resulting in the increase of the Zeeman splitting leads to the transition from azimuthal separation of polarizations to their radial separation. This effect can be straightforwardly detected experimentally.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Optomechanics with Cavity Polaritons: Dissipative Coupling and Unconventional Bistability

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    We study a hybrid system formed from an optomechanical resonator and a cavity mode strongly coupled to an excitonic transition inside a quantum well. We show that due to the mixing of cavity photon and exciton states, the emergent quasiparticles - polaritons - possess coupling to the mechanical mode of both dispersive and dissipative nature. We calculate the occupancies of polariton modes and reveal bistable behavior, which deviates from conventional Kerr nonlinearity or dispersive coupling cases due to the dissipative coupling. The described system serves as a good candidate for future polaritonic devices and solid state quantum information processing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Tunable single photon emission from dipolaritons

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    We study a system comprising of a double quantum well embedded in a micropillar optical cavity, where strong coupling between a direct exciton, indirect exciton, and cavity photon is achieved. We show that the resulting hybrid quasiparticles - dipolaritons - can induce strong photon correlations and lead to anti-bunched behaviour of the cavity output field. The origin of the observed single photon emission is attributed to unconventional photon blockade. Moreover, we find that the second-order equal time correlation function g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0) can be tuned over a large range using an electric field applied to the structure, or changing the frequency of the pump. This allows for an on-the-flight control of cavity output properties, and is important for the future generation of tunable single photon emission sources.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Multimode entanglement in coupled cavity arrays

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    We study a driven-dissipative array of coupled nonlinear optical resonators by numerically solving the Von Neumann equation for the density matrix. We demonstrate that quantum correlated states of many photons can be generated also in the limit where the nonlinearity is much smaller than the losses, contrarily to common expectations. Quantum correlations in this case arise from interference between different pathways that the system can follow in the Hilbert space to reach its steady state under the effect of coherent driving fields. We characterize in particular two systems: a linear chain of three coupled cavities and an array of eight coupled cavities. We demonstrate the existence of a parameter range where the system emits photons with continuous-variable bipartite and quadripartite entanglement, in the case of the first and the second system respectively. This entanglement is shown to survive realistic rates of pure dephasing and opens a new perspective for the realization of quantum simulators or entangled photon sources without the challenging requirement of strong optical nonlinearities.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Multivalley engineering in semiconductor microcavities

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    We consider exciton-photon coupling in semiconductor microcavities in which separate periodic potentials have been embedded for excitons and photons. We show theoretically that this system supports degenerate ground-states appearing at non-zero in-plane momenta, corresponding to multiple valleys in reciprocal space, which are further separated in polarization corresponding to a polarization-valley coupling in the system. Aside forming a basis for valleytronics, the multivalley dispersion is predicted to allow for spontaneous momentum symmetry breaking and two-mode squeezing under non-resonant and resonant excitation, respectively.Comment: Manuscript: 7 pages, 7 figures, published in Scientific Reports 7, 45243 (2017

    Continuous THz emission from dipolaritons

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    We propose a scheme of continuous tunable THz emission based on dipolaritons --- mixtures of strongly interacting cavity photons and direct excitons, where the latter are coupled to indirect excitons via tunnelling. We investigate the property of multistability under continuous wave (CW) pumping, and the stability of the solutions. We establish the conditions of parametric instability, giving rise to oscillations in density between the direct exciton and indirect modes under CW pumping. In this way we achieve continuous and tunable emission in the THz range in a compact single-crystal device. We show that the emission frequency can be tuned in a certain range by varying an applied electric field and pumping conditions. Finally, we demonstrate the dynamic switching between different phases in our system, allowing rapid control of THz radiation.Comment: Main article 6 pages and 5 figures, two appendices 8 pages and 2 figure

    Vortices in spinor cold exciton condensates with spin-orbit interaction

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    We study theoretically the ground states of topological defects in a spinor four-component condensate of cold indirect excitons. We analyze possible ground state solutions for different configurations of vortices and half-vortices. We show that if only Rashba or Dreselhaus spin-orbit interaction (SOI) for electrons is present the stable states of topological defects can represent a cylindrically symmetric half-vortex or half vortex-antivortex pairs, or a non-trivial pattern with warped vortices. In the presence of both of Rashba and Dresselhaus SOI the ground state of a condensate represents a stripe phase and vortex type solutions become unstable
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