5,457 research outputs found

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    Self-similar cosmologies in 5D: spatially flat anisotropic models

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    In the context of theories of Kaluza-Klein type, with a large extra dimension, we study self-similar cosmological models in 5D that are homogeneous, anisotropic and spatially flat. The "ladder" to go between the physics in 5D and 4D is provided by Campbell-Maagard's embedding theorems. We show that the 5-dimensional field equations RAB=0R_{AB} = 0 determine the form of the similarity variable. There are three different possibilities: homothetic, conformal and "wave-like" solutions in 5D. We derive the most general homothetic and conformal solutions to the 5D field equations. They require the extra dimension to be spacelike, and are given in terms of one arbitrary function of the similarity variable and three parameters. The Riemann tensor in 5D is not zero, except in the isotropic limit, which corresponds to the case where the parameters are equal to each other. The solutions can be used as 5D embeddings for a great variety of 4D homogeneous cosmological models, with and without matter, including the Kasner universe. Since the extra dimension is spacelike, the 5D solutions are invariant under the exchange of spatial coordinates. Therefore they also embed a family of spatially {\it inhomogeneous} models in 4D. We show that these models can be interpreted as vacuum solutions in braneworld theory. Our work (I) generalizes the 5D embeddings used for the FLRW models; (II) shows that anisotropic cosmologies are, in general, curved in 5D, in contrast with FLRW models which can always be embedded in a 5D Riemann-flat (Minkowski) manifold; (III) reveals that anisotropic cosmologies can be curved and devoid of matter, both in 5D and 4D, even when the metric in 5D explicitly depends on the extra coordinate, which is quite different from the isotropic case.Comment: Typos corrected. Minor editorial changes and additions in the Introduction and Summary section

    Wave-like Solutions for Bianchi type-I cosmologies in 5D

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    We derive exact solutions to the vacuum Einstein field equations in 5D, under the assumption that (i) the line element in 5D possesses self-similar symmetry, in the classical understanding of Sedov, Taub and Zeldovich, and that (ii) the metric tensor is diagonal and independent of the coordinates for ordinary 3D space. These assumptions lead to three different types of self-similarity in 5D: homothetic, conformal and "wave-like". In this work we present the most general wave-like solutions to the 5D field equations. Using the standard technique based on Campbell's theorem, they generate a large number of anisotropic cosmological models of Bianchi type-I, which can be applied to our universe after the big-bang, when anisotropies could have played an important role. We present a complete review of all possible cases of self-similar anisotropic cosmologies in 5D. Our analysis extends a number of previous studies on wave-like solutions in 5D with spatial spherical symmetry

    An exact self-similar solution for an expanding ball of radiation

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    We give an exact solution of the 5D5D Einstein equations which in 4D can be interpreted as a spherically symmetric dissipative distribution of matter, with heat flux, whose effective density and pressure are nonstatic, nonuniform, and satisfy the equation of state of radiation. The matter satisfies the usual energy and thermodynamic conditions. The energy density and temperature are related by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The solution admits a homothetic Killing vector in 5D5D, which induces the existence of self-similar symmetry in 4D, where the line element as well as the dimensionless matter quantities are invariant under a simple "scaling" group.Comment: New version expanded and improved. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Mass and Charge in Brane-World and Non-Compact Kaluza-Klein Theories in 5 Dim

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    In classical Kaluza-Klein theory, with compactified extra dimensions and without scalar field, the rest mass as well as the electric charge of test particles are constants of motion. We show that in the case of a large extra dimension this is no longer so. We propose the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, instead of the geodesic equation, for the study of test particles moving in a five-dimensional background metric. This formalism has a number of advantages: (i) it provides a clear and invariant definition of rest mass, without the ambiguities associated with the choice of the parameters used along the motion in 5D and 4D, (ii) the electromagnetic field can be easily incorporated in the discussion, and (iii) we avoid the difficulties associated with the "splitting" of the geodesic equation. For particles moving in a general 5D metric, we show how the effective rest mass, as measured by an observer in 4D, varies as a consequence of the large extra dimension. Also, the fifth component of the momentum changes along the motion. This component can be identified with the electric charge of test particles. With this interpretation, both the rest mass and the charge vary along the trajectory. The constant of motion is now a combination of these quantities. We study the cosmological variations of charge and rest mass in a five-dimensional bulk metric which is used to embed the standard k = 0 FRW universes. The time variations in the fine structure "constant" and the Thomson cross section are also discussed.Comment: V2: References added, discussion extended. V3 is identical to V2, references updated. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Transition from decelerated to accelerated cosmic expansion in braneworld universes

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    Braneworld theory provides a natural setting to treat, at a classical level, the cosmological effects of vacuum energy. Non-static extra dimensions can generally lead to a variable vacuum energy, which in turn may explain the present accelerated cosmic expansion. We concentrate our attention in models where the vacuum energy decreases as an inverse power law of the scale factor. These models agree with the observed accelerating universe, while fitting simultaneously the observational data for the density and deceleration parameter. The redshift at which the vacuum energy can start to dominate depends on the mass density of ordinary matter. For Omega = 0.3, the transition from decelerated to accelerated cosmic expansion occurs at z approx 0.48 +/- 0.20, which is compatible with SNe data. We set a lower bound on the deceleration parameter today, namely q > - 1 + 3 Omega/2, i.e., q > - 0.55 for Omega = 0.3. The future evolution of the universe crucially depends on the time when vacuum starts to dominate over ordinary matter. If it dominates only recently, at an epoch z < 0.64, then the universe is accelerating today and will continue that way forever. If vacuum dominates earlier, at z > 0.64, then the deceleration comes back and the universe recollapses at some point in the distant future. In the first case, quintessence and Cardassian expansion can be formally interpreted as the low energy limit of our model, although they are entirely different in philosophy. In the second case there is no correspondence between these models and ours.Comment: In V2 typos are corrected and one reference is added for section 1. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Effective spacetime from multi-dimensional gravity

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    We study the effective spacetimes in lower dimensions that can be extracted from a multidimensional generalization of the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini spacetimes derived by Fadeev, Ivashchuk and Melnikov ({\it Phys. Lett,} {\bf A 161} (1991) 98). The higher-dimensional spacetime has D=(4+n+m)D = (4 + n + m) dimensions, where nn and mm are the number of "internal" and "external" extra dimensions, respectively. We analyze the effective (4+n)(4 + n) spacetime obtained after dimensional reduction of the mm external dimensions. We find that when the mm extra dimensions are compact (i) the physics in lower dimensions is independent of mm and the character of the singularities in higher dimensions, and (ii) the total gravitational mass MM of the effective matter distribution is less than the Schwarzshild mass. In contrast, when the mm extra dimensions are large this is not so; the physics in (4+n)(4 + n) does explicitly depend on mm, as well as on the nature of the singularities in high dimensions, and the mass of the effective matter distribution (with the exception of wormhole-like distributions) is bigger than the Schwarzshild mass. These results may be relevant to observations for an experimental/observational test of the theory.Comment: A typo in Eq. (24) is fixe

    Information processing at the foxa node of the sea urchin endomesoderm specification network

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    The foxa regulatory gene is of central importance for endoderm specification across Bilateria, and this gene lies at an essential node of the well-characterized sea urchin endomesoderm gene regulatory network (GRN). Here we experimentally dissect the cis-regulatory system that controls the complex pattern of foxa expression in these embryos. Four separate cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) cooperate to control foxa expression in different spatial domains of the endomesoderm, and at different times. A detailed mutational analysis revealed the inputs to each of these cis-regulatory modules. The complex and dynamic expression of foxa is regulated by a combination of repressors, a permissive switch, and multiple activators. A mathematical kinetic model was applied to study the dynamic response of foxa cis-regulatory modules to transient inputs. This study shed light on the mesoderm–endoderm fate decision and provides a functional explanation, in terms of the genomic regulatory code, for the spatial and temporal expression of a key developmental control gene

    Accelerated expansion from braneworld models with variable vacuum energy

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    In braneworld models a variable vacuum energy may appear if the size of the extra dimension changes during the evolution of the universe. In this scenario the acceleration of the universe is related not only to the variation of the cosmological term, but also to the time evolution of GG and, possibly, to the variation of other fundamental "constants" as well. This is because the expansion rate of the extra dimension appears in different contexts, notably in expressions concerning the variation of rest mass and electric charge. We concentrate our attention on spatially-flat, homogeneous and isotropic, brane-universes where the matter density decreases as an inverse power of the scale factor, similar (but at different rate) to the power law in FRW-universes of general relativity. We show that these braneworld cosmologies are consistent with the observed accelerating universe and other observational requirements. In particular, GG becomes constant and Λ(4)const×H2\Lambda_{(4)} \approx const \times H^2 asymptotically in time. Another important feature is that the models contain no "adjustable" parameters. All the quantities, even the five-dimensional ones, can be evaluated by means of measurements in 4D. We provide precise constrains on the cosmological parameters and demonstrate that the "effective" equation of state of the universe can, in principle, be determined by measurements of the deceleration parameter alone. We give an explicit expression relating the density parameters Ωρ\Omega_{\rho}, ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda} and the deceleration parameter qq. These results constitute concrete predictions that may help in observations for an experimental/observational test of the model.Comment: References added, typos correcte

    Exact Solutions of Five Dimensional Anisotropic Cosmologies

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    We solve the five dimensional vacuum Einstein equations for several kinds of anisotropic geometries. We consider metrics in which the spatial slices are characterized as Bianchi types-II and V, and the scale factors are dependent both on time and a non-compact fifth coordinate. We examine the behavior of the solutions we find, noting for which parameters they exhibit contraction over time of the fifth scale factor, leading naturally to dimensional reduction. We explore these within the context of the induced matter model: a Kaluza-Klein approach that associates the extra geometric terms due to the fifth coordinate with contributions to the four dimensional stress-energy tensor.Comment: 11 page