338 research outputs found

    Conformal Symmetry and Duality between Free Particle, H-atom and Harmonic Oscillator

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    We establish a duality between the free massless relativistic particle in d dimensions, the non-relativistic hydrogen atom (1/r potential) in (d-1) space dimensions, and the harmonic oscillator in (d-2) space dimensions with its mass given as the lightcone momentum of an additional dimension. The duality is in the sense that the classical action of these systems are gauge fixed forms of the same worldline gauge theory action at the classical level, and they are all described by the same unitary representation of the conformal group SO(d,2) at the quantum level. The worldline action has a gauge symmetry Sp(2) which treats canonical variables (x,p) as doublets and exists only with a target spacetime that has d spacelike dimensions and two timelike dimensions. This spacetime is constrained due to the gauge symmetry, and the various dual solutions correspond to solutions of the constraints with different topologies. For example, for the H-atom the two timelike dimensions X^{0'},X^{0} live on a circle. The model provides an example of how realistic physics can be viewed as existing in a larger covariant space that includes two timelike coordinates, and how the covariance in the larger space unifies different looking physics into a single system.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, minor improvements. In v3 a better gauge choice for u for the H-atom is made; the results are the sam

    A three-loop check of the 'a - maximization' in SQCD with adjoint(s)

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    The 'a - maximization' was introduced by K. Inrtiligator and B. Wecht for finding anomalous dimensions of chiral superfields at the IR fixed points of the RG flow. Using known explicit calculations of anomalous dimensions in the perturbation theory of SQCD (with one or two additional adjoint fields), it is checked here at the three-loop level.Comment: 5 pages; the title changed, the text improved and expande

    Gauge symmetry in phase space with spin, a basis for conformal symmetry and duality among many interactions

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    We show that a simple OSp(1/2) worldline gauge theory in 0-brane phase space (X,P), with spin degrees of freedom, formulated for a d+2 dimensional spacetime with two times X^0,, X^0', unifies many physical systems which ordinarily are described by a 1-time formulation. Different systems of 1-time physics emerge by choosing gauges that embed ordinary time in d+2 dimensions in different ways. The embeddings have different topology and geometry for the choice of time among the d+2 dimensions. Thus, 2-time physics unifies an infinite number of 1-time physical interacting systems, and establishes a kind of duality among them. One manifestation of the two times is that all of these physical systems have the same quantum Hilbert space in the form of a unique representation of SO(d,2) with the same Casimir eigenvalues. By changing the number n of spinning degrees of freedom the gauge group changes to OSp(n/2). Then the eigenvalue of the Casimirs of SO(d,2) depend on n and then the content of the 1-time physical systems that are unified in the same representation depend on n. The models we study raise new questions about the nature of spacetime.Comment: Latex, 42 pages. v2 improvements in AdS section. In v3 sec.6.2 is modified; the more general potential is limited to a smaller clas

    Curvature formula for the space of 2-d conformal field theories

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    We derive a formula for the curvature tensor of the natural Riemannian metric on the space of two-dimensional conformal field theories and also a formula for the curvature tensor of the space of boundary conformal field theories.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure; v2 references adde

    Superstrings with new supersymmetry in (9,2) and (10,2) dimensions

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    We construct superstring theories that obey the new supersymmetry algebra {Q_a , Q_b}=\gamma_{ab}^{mn} P_{1m} P_{2n}, in a Green-Schwarz formalism, with kappa supersymmetry also of the new type. The superstring is in a system with a superparticle so that their total momenta are P2n,P1mP_{2n},P_{1m} respectively. The system is covariant and critical in (10,2) dimensions if the particle is massless and in (9,2) dimensions if the particle is massive. Both the superstring and superparticle have coordinates with two timelike dimensions but each behaves effectively as if they have a single timelike dimension. This is due to gauge symmetries and associated constraints. We show how to generalize the gauge principle to more intricate systems containing two parts, 1 and 2. Each part contains interacting constituents, such as p-branes, and each part behaves effectively as if they have one timelike coordinate, although the full system has two timelike coordinates. The examples of two superparticles, and of a superparticle and a superstring, discussed in more detail are a special cases of such a generalized interacting system.Comment: LaTeX, revtex, 9 page

    Thermoelectric properties of the bismuth telluride nanowires in the constant-relaxation-time approximation

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    Electronic structure of bismuth telluride nanowires with the growth directions [110] and [015] is studied in the framework of anisotropic effective mass method using the parabolic band approximation. The components of the electron and hole effective mass tensor for six valleys are calculated for both growth directions. For a square nanowire, in the temperature range from 77 K to 500 K, the dependence of the Seebeck coefficient, the electron thermal and electrical conductivity as well as the figure of merit ZT on the nanowire thickness and on the excess hole concentration are investigated in the constant-relaxation-time approximation. The carrier confinement is shown to play essential role for square nanowires with thickness less than 30 nm. The confinement decreases both the carrier concentration and the thermal conductivity but increases the maximum value of Seebeck coefficient in contrast to the excess holes (impurities). The confinement effect is stronger for the direction [015] than for the direction [110] due to the carrier mass difference for these directions. The carrier confinement increases maximum value of ZT and shifts it towards high temperatures. For the p-type bismuth telluride nanowires with growth direction [110], the maximum value of the figure of merit is equal to 1.3, 1.6, and 2.8, correspondingly, at temperatures 310 K, 390 K, 480 K and the nanowire thicknesses 30 nm, 15 nm, and 7 nm. At the room temperature, the figure of merit equals 1.2, 1.3, and 1.7, respectively.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, typos added, added references for sections 2-

    Borehole paleoclimatology ? the effect of deep lakes and "heat islands" on temperature profiles

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    International audienceIt is known that changes in ground surface temperatures could be caused by many non-climatic effects. In this study we propose a method based on utilization of Laplace equation with nonuniform boundary conditions. The proposed method makes possible to estimate the maximum effect of deep lakes and "heat islands" (areas of deforestation, urbanization, farming, mining and wetland drainage) on the borehole temperature profiles

    Holomorphic Currents and Duality in N=1 Supersymmetric Theories

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    Twisted supersymmetric theories on a product of two Riemann surfaces possess non-local holomorphic currents in a BRST cohomology. The holomorphic currents act as vector fields on the chiral ring. The OPE's of these currents are invariant under the renormalization group flow up to BRST-exact terms. In the context of electric-magnetic duality, the algebra generated by the holomorphic currents in the electric theory is isomorphic to the one on the magnetic side. For the currents corresponding to global symmetries this isomorphism follows from 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. The isomorphism between OPE's of the currents corresponding to non-linear transformations of fields of matter imposes non-trivial conditions on the duality map of chiral ring. We consider in detail the SU(Nc)SU(N_c) SQCD with matter in fundamental and adjoint representations, and find agreement with the duality map proposed by Kutasov, Schwimmer and Seiberg.Comment: 19 pages, JHEP3 LaTex, typos correcte

    Central Charges and U(1)RU(1)_R Symmetries in N=1{\cal N}=1 Super Yang-Mills

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    We use recent results of Intriligator and Wecht [hep-th/0304128] to study the phase structure of \NN=1 super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(Nc)SU(N_c), a chiral superfield in the adjoint, and NfN_f chiral superfields in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. Our discussion sheds new light on [hep-th/0304128] and supports the conjecture that the central charge aa decreases under RG flows and is non-negative in unitary four dimensional conformal field theories.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures; harvma