5,986 research outputs found

    Thyristor Controlled Based Reactive Power Control for a Grid Voltage Oriented Vector Doubly Fed Induction Machine

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    Electric power generation through wind turbine is growing rapidly every year and India plays a major role in generating electric power through wind turbine. In India almost 25GW of electric power is being generated every year through wind turbine. Also, wind energy is very clean, reliable and is available by a very vast amount. In this paper, mathematical model of DFIM, back to back converters along with DC link capacitor and a thyristor controlled reactor to adjust the reactive power control of wind turbine has been presented. The wind turbine speed is controlled by controlling the pitch angle control. Grid voltage oriented vector control is used to control the DC link voltage and control the flow of active power to the grid. PWM with third harmonic injection is used to generate switching pulses for the converters. Analysis of DFIM is done in both open and closed loop configurations of converters, at different wind speeds. All the simulation is carried out in Matlab/Simulink

    Free Convection about a Vertical Wavy Surface with Prescribed Surface Heat Flux in a Micropolar Fluid

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    On Locally Identifying Coloring of Cartesian Product and Tensor Product of Graphs

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    For a positive integer kk, a proper kk-coloring of a graph GG is a mapping f:V(G)→{1,2,…,k}f: V(G) \rightarrow \{1,2, \ldots, k\} such that f(u)≠f(v)f(u) \neq f(v) for each edge uv∈E(G)uv \in E(G). The smallest integer kk for which there is a proper kk-coloring of GG is called chromatic number of GG, denoted by χ(G)\chi(G). A \emph{locally identifying coloring} (for short, lid-coloring) of a graph GG is a proper kk-coloring of GG such that every pair of adjacent vertices with distinct closed neighborhoods has distinct set of colors in their closed neighborhoods. The smallest integer kk such that GG has a lid-coloring with kk colors is called \emph{locally identifying chromatic number} (for short, \emph{lid-chromatic number}) of GG, denoted by χlid(G)\chi_{lid}(G). In this paper, we study lid-coloring of Cartesian product and tensor product of two graphs. We prove that if GG and HH are two connected graphs having at least two vertices then (a) χlid(G□H)≤χ(G)χ(H)−1\chi_{lid}(G \square H) \leq \chi(G) \chi(H)-1 and (b) χlid(G×H)≤χ(G)χ(H)\chi_{lid}(G \times H) \leq \chi(G) \chi(H). Here G□HG \square H and G×HG \times H denote the Cartesian and tensor products of GG and HH respectively. We also give exact values of lid-chromatic number of Cartesian product (resp. tensor product) of two paths, a cycle and a path, and two cycles

    Contrast Enhanced Low-light Visible and Infrared Image Fusion

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    Multi-modal image fusion objective is to combine complementary information obtained from multiple modalities into a single representation with increased reliability and interpretation. The images obtained from low-light visible cameras containing fine details of the scene and infrared cameras with high contrast details are the two modalities considered for fusion. In this paper, the low-light images with low target contrast are enhanced by using the phenomenon of stochastic resonance prior to fusion. Entropy is used as a measure to tune iteratively the coefficients using bistable system parameters. The combined advantage of multi scale decomposition approach and principal component analysis is utilized for the fusion of enhanced low-light visible and infrared images. Experimental results were carried out on different image datasets and analysis of the proposed methods were discussed.

    Transient state kinetics of plasmodium falciparum apicoplast DNA polymerase suggests the involvement of accessory factors for efficient and accurate DNA synthesis

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    Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa. Most apicomplexans, including Plasmodium, contain an essential nonphotosynthetic plastid called the apicoplast that harbors its own genome that is replicated by a dedicated organellar replisome. This replisome employs a single DNA polymerase (apPol), which is expected to perform both replicative and translesion synthesis. Unlike other replicative polymerases, no processivity factor for apPol has been identified. While preliminary structural and biochemical studies have provided an overall characterization of apPol, the kinetic mechanism of apPol’s activity remains unknown. We have used transient state methods to determine the kinetics of replicative and translesion synthesis by apPol and show that apPol has low processivity and efficiency while copying undamaged DNA. Moreover, while apPol can bypass oxidatively damaged lesions, the bypass is error-prone. Taken together, our results raise the following question─how does a polymerase with low processivity, efficiency, and fidelity (for translesion synthesis) faithfully replicate the apicoplast organellar DNA within the hostile environment of the human host? We hypothesize that interactions with putative components of the apicoplast replisome and/or an as-yet-undiscovered processivity factor transform apPol into an efficient and accurate enzyme


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    The coastal lines of India are rich in placer deposits of valuable heavy minerals such as ilmenite, garnet, rutile, zircon and sillimanite. The conducting and magnetic minerals are separated first, leaving behind the non-conducting and non-magnetic sillimanite along with quartz in the processing of heavies in beach sand. Sillimanite, an important mineral for refractory application is mainly recovered by flotation technique from its associated major gangue mineral, quartz by imparting selective surface hydrophobicity on sillimanite using a suitable collector. A placer sample after the removal of heavies from eastern coast of India was studied for beneficiation using froth flotation technique. Detailed characterization studies of the feed sample and the types of collectors used for this study have been carried out using XRD and FTIR analyses. Sillimanite feed sample assaying 55.4% sillimanite along with 33.9% quartz, 1.7% magnetics, 1.4% rutile, 2.4% zircon, 5.6% kynite was subjected to beneficiation using flotation technique for enriching the sillimanite content using oleic acid and a plant-based reagent SFA as collector. The effect of variation of input parameters such as pH, depressant and collectors were evaluated and flotation process optimization was carried out. Based on the results, it was found that flotation performance of the natural source based collector has better selectivity and improved recovery as compared to that of oleic acid as collector. Weight recovery of 67.8% with 85.1% sillimanite was obtained using the plant-based collector while a weight recovery of 55.5% with 84.9% sillimanite was obtained using oleic acid. The improved sillimanite recovery by using the plant-based collector than that of the conventional oleic acid would be more economical in industrial scale sillimanite recovery in beach sand processing industries

    A Comparative Study of Topology and Position Based Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    I. Introduction A Mobile Ad hoc Network is an autonomous collection of mobile nodes and communicated through wireless links. It is a temporary network without having any centralized access point, infrastructure, or centralized administration. It is an wireless network that perform multi hop communication between mobile nodes, without the reliance on a fixed base station. It is a self configuring, self organizing, self administering wireless network whose topology changes dynamically. Each node acts as router and as a host. The applications of MANET are communication, conference meeting, creating virtual classrooms and military and in the wireless sensor network. While changing the network condition at the same time through the strategy of routing used as the limited resources such as: network size, partitioning and traffic size. It provides a different quality of services to a different users and applications. A routing protocol is needed while a packet is needed to be transmitted to a destination. These protocols to find a route for packet delivery and transferred the packet to the destination. This paper discusses the classification of routing protocols are based on two types: Topology based and position based routing protocols in briefly

    A Novel Approach for Development and Evaluation of LiDAR Navigated Electronic Maize Seeding System Using Check Row Quality Index.

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    Crop geometry plays a vital role in ensuring proper plant growth and yield. Check row planting allows adequate space for weeding in both direction and allowing sunlight down to the bottom of the crop. Therefore, a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) navigated electronic seed metering system for check row planting of maize seeds was developed. The system is comprised of a LiDAR-based distance measurement unit, electronic seed metering mechanism and a wireless communication system. The electronic seed metering mechanism was evaluated in the laboratory for five different cell sizes (8.80, 9.73, 10.82, 11.90 and 12.83 mm) and linear cell speed (89.15, 99.46, 111.44, 123.41 and 133.72 mm·s-1). The research shows the optimised values for the cell size and linear speed of cell were found to be 11.90 mm and 99.46 mm·s-1 respectively. A light dependent resistor (LDR) and light emitting diode (LED)-based seed flow sensing system was developed to measure the lag time of seed flow from seed metering box to bottom of seed tube. The average lag time of seed fall was observed as 251.2 Â± 5.39 ms at an optimised linear speed of cell of 99.46 mm·s-1 and forward speed of 2 km·h-1. This lag time was minimized by advancing the seed drop on the basis of forward speed of tractor, lag time and targeted position. A check row quality index (ICRQ) was developed to evaluate check row planter. While evaluating the developed system at different forward speeds (i.e., 2, 3 and 5 km·h-1), higher standard deviation (14.14%) of check row quality index was observed at forward speed of 5 km·h-1

    Contrasting X-ray/UV time-lags in Seyfert 1 galaxies NGC 4593 and NGC 7469 using AstroSat observations

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    We study accretion disk-corona connection in Seyfert 1 galaxies using simultaneous UV/X-ray observations of NGC 4593 (July 14-18, 2016) and NGC 7469 (October 15-19, 2017) performed with AstroSat. We use the X-ray (0.5-7.0 keV) data acquired with the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) and the UV (FUV: 130-180 nm, NUV: 200-300 nm) data obtained with the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT). We also use the contemporaneous Swift observations of NGC 4593 and demonstrate AstroSat's capability for X-ray/UV correlation studies. We performed UV/X-ray cross-correlation analysis using the Interpolated and the Discrete Cross-Correlation Functions and found similar results. In the case of NGC 4593, we found that the variations in the X-rays lead to those in the FUV and NUV bands by ~ 38 ks and ~ 44 ks, respectively. These UV lags favour the disk reprocessing model, they are consistent with the previous results within uncertainties. In contrast, we found an opposite trend in NGC 7469 where the soft X-ray variations lag those in the FUV and NUV bands by ~ 41 ks and ~ 49 ks, respectively. The hard lags in NGC 7469 favour the Thermal Comptonization model. Our results may provide direct observational evidence for the variable intrinsic UV emission from the accretion disk which acts as the seed for thermal Comptonization in a hot corona in a lamp-post like geometry. The non-detection of disk reverberation photons in NGC 7469, using AstroSat data, is most likely due to a high accretion rate resulting in a hot accretion disk and large intrinsic emission.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA
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