23 research outputs found

    Accumulation of properly folded human type III procollagen molecules in specific intracellular membranous compartments in the yeast Pichia pastoris

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    It was recently reported that co-expression of the proal(III) chain of human type III procollagen with the subunits of human prolyl 4-hydroxylase in Pichia pastoris produces fully hydroxylated and properly folded recombinant type III procollagen molecules (Vuorela, A., Myllyharju, J., Nissi, R., Pihlajaniemi, T., Kivirikko, K.I., 1997. Assembly of human prolyl 4-hydroxylase and type III collagen in the yeast Pichia pastoris: formation of a stable enzyme tetramer requires coexpression with collagen and assembly of a stable collagen requires coexpression with prolyl 4-hydroxylase. EMBO J, 16, 6702-6712). These properly folded molecules accumulated inside the yeast cell, however, only similar to 10% were found in the culture medium. We report here that replacement of the authentic signal sequence of the human pro alpha 1(III) with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha mating factor prepro sequence led only to a minor increase in the amount secreted. Immunoelectron microscopy studies indicated that the procollagen molecules accumulate in specific membranous vesicular compartments that are closely associated with the nuclear membrane. Prolyl 4-hydroxylase, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumenal enzyme, was found to be located in the same compartments. Non-helical pro alpha 1(III) chains produced by expression without recombinant prolyl 4-hydroxylase likewise accumulated within these compartments, The data indicate that properly folded recombinant procollagen molecules accumulate within the ER and do not proceed further in the secretory pathway. This may be related to the large size of the procollagen molecule. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V./International Society of Matrix Biology. All rights reserved

    Foreign gene expression in Hansenula polymorpha. A system for the synthesis of small functional peptides

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    We describe the synthesis and purification of two functional peptides, namely human insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) and Xenopus laevis magainin II in Hansenula polymorpha after their synthesis as hybrid proteins fused to the C terminus of endogenous amine oxidase. The hybrid genes, placed under control of the H. polymorpha alcohol oxidase promoter (PAOX), were integrated into the genomic alcohol oxidase locus, yielding stable production strains. High-level synthesis of the fusion proteins, exceeding 20% of total cellular protein, was obtained when the transformed strains were grown in methanol-limited chemostat cultures; when expressed by itself, i.e. in the absence of the amine oxidase gene, IGF-II could not be recovered from crude cell extracts, probably as a result of rapid proteolytic degradation. Accumulation in peroxisomes did not significantly affect the IGF-II protein stability when expressed in the absence of the carrier protein. Apparently, fusion to the large (±78 kDa) amine oxidase carrier particularly stabilizes the peptides and prevents them from proteolysis. After partial purification, the fusion partners were readily separated by factor Xa treatment

    Heterologous complementation of peroxisome function in yeast: the Saccharomyces cerevisiae PAS3 gene restores peroxisome biogenesis in a Hansenula polymorpha per9 disruption mutant

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    PER genes are essential for the biogenesis of peroxisomes in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Here we describe the functional complementation of a H. polymorpha per9 disruption strain (Δper9) by a heterologous gene. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pas3p, a homologue of Per9p, restored peroxisome biogenesis and peroxisomal protein import in the Δper9 mutant, allowing it to grow again on methanol as sole carbon and energy source. This result shows that heterologous complementation of peroxisome function in yeast is indeed feasible and furthermore suggests that H. polymorpha Δper9 may be the candidate of choice to attempt the isolation of Per9p homologues from higher eukaryotes by functional complementation.

    Development of multipurpose peroxisomes in Candida boidinii grown in oleic acid-methanol limited continuous cultures.

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    We have studied the development and metabolic significance of peroxisomes in the yeast Candida boidinii following adaptation of the organism to cultivation conditions which require the simultaneous presence and activity of two independent peroxisome-mediated pathways for growth. After the addition of methanol to oleic acid-grown cells at late exponentional growth, a number of new small peroxisomes developed which, apart from the presence of beta-oxidation enzymes, were characterized by the presence of enzymes involved in methanol metabolism (alcohol oxidase and dihydroxyacetone synthase). The latter proteins, however, were absent in the larger organelles which were originally present in the oleic acid-grown cells prior to the addition of methanol and which contained only enzymes of the beta-oxidation pathway. Subsequent experiments on cells from continuous cultures grown on a mixture of oleic acid and methanol at steady-state conditions revealed that both the enzymes of the beta-oxidation pathway and those involved in methanol metabolism were found in one and the same compartment. Thus, under these conditions the cells contained peroxisomes which were concurrently involved in the metabolism of two different carbon sources simultaneously used for growth. Our results indicated that the heterogeneity in the peroxisomal population of a single cell, observed in the transient state following the addition of methanol, is only temporary and due to heterogeneity among these organelles with respect to their capacity to incorporate newly synthesized matrix proteins

    Accumulation of properly folded human type III procollagen molecules in specific intracellular membranous compartments in the yeast Pichia pastoris

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    It was recently reported that co-expression of the proα1(III) chain of human type III procollagen with the subunits of human prolyl 4-hydroxylase in Pichia pastoris produces fully hydroxylated and properly folded recombinant type III procollagen molecules. These properly folded molecules accumulated inside the yeast cell, however, only ~10% were found in the culture medium. We report here that replacement of the authentic signal sequence of the human proα1(III) with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae α mating factor prepro sequence led only to a minor increase in the amount secreted. Immunoelectron microscopy studies indicated that the procollagen molecules accumulate in specific membranous vesicular compartments that are closely associated with the nuclear membrane. Prolyl 4-hydroxylase, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumenal enzyme, was found to be located in the same compartments. Non-helical proα1(III) chains produced by expression without recombinant prolyl 4-hydroxylase likewise accumulated within these compartments. The data indicate that properly folded recombinant procollagen molecules accumulate within the ER and do not proceed further in the secretory pathway. This may be related to the large size of the procollagen molecule.

    Watermelon glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase is sorted to peroxisomes of the methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha

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    We have studied the fate of the watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.) glyoxysomal enzyme, malate dehydrogenase (gMDH), after synthesis in the methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha. The gene encoding the precursor form of gMDH (pre-gMDH) was cloned in an H. polymorpha expression vector downstream of the inducible H. polymorpha alcohol oxidase promoter. During methylotrophic growth, pre-gMDH was synthesized and imported into peroxisomes, where it was enzymatically active. The apparent molecular mass of the protein located in H. polymorpha peroxisomes was equal to that of pre-gMDH (41 kDa), indicating that N-terminal processing of the transit peptide had not occurred in the yeast.

    Overexpression of alcohol oxidase in Pichia pastoris

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    The protein import capacity of peroxisomes in methylotrophic yeasts was studied using Pichia pastoris containing one or two extra copies of the gene encoding the peroxisomal protein alcohol oxidase. The alcohol oxidase overproduced in this strain was only partially imported and assembled into the active, octameric form of the protein. The excess remained in the cytosol as protein aggregates composed of monomers. These results are discussed in view of the possible application of peroxisomes as storage compartments for heterologous proteins.