1,352 research outputs found

    Star Formation at the Twilight of the Dark Ages: Which Stars Reionized the Universe?

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    We calculate the global star formation rate density (SFRD) from z ~ 30-3 using a semi-analytic model incorporating the hierarchical assembly of dark matter halos, gas cooling via atomic hydrogen, star formation, supernova feedback, and suppression of gas collapse in small halos due to the presence of a photoionizing background. We compare the results with the predictions of simpler models based on the rate of dark matter halo growth and a fixed ratio of stellar-to-dark mass, and with observational constraints on the SFRD at 3 < z < 6. We also estimate the star formation rate due to very massive, metal-free Pop III stars using a simple model based on the halo formation rate, calibrated against detailed hydrodynamic simulations of Pop III star formation. We find that the total production rate of hydrogen-ionizing photons during the probable epoch of reionization (15 < z < 20) is approximately equally divided between Pop II and Pop III stars, and that if reionization is late (less than about 15, close to the lower limit of the range allowed by the WMAP results), then Pop II stars alone may be able to reionize the Universe.Comment: submitted to ApJ

    HI scaling relations of galaxies in the environment of HI-rich and control galaxies observed by the Bluedisk project

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    Our work is based on the "Bluedisk" project, a program to map the neutral gas in a sample of 25 HI-rich spirals and a similar number of control galaxies with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). In this paper we focus on the HI properties of the galaxies in the environment of our targeted galaxies. In total, we extract 65 galaxies from the WSRT cubes with stellar masses between 108M⊙10^8M_{\odot} and 1011M⊙10^{11}M_{\odot}. Most of these galaxies are located on the same HI mass-size relation and "HI-plane" as normal spiral galaxies. We find that companions around HI-rich galaxies tend to be HI-rich as well and to have larger R90,HI/R50,HI. This suggests a scenario of "HI conformity", similar to the colour conformity found by Weinmann et al. (2006): galaxies tend to adopt the HI properties of their neighbours. We visually inspect the outliers from the HI mass-size relation and galaxies which are offset from the HI plane and find that they show morphological and kinematical signatures of recent interactions with their environment. We speculate that these outliers have been disturbed by tidal or ram-pressure stripping processes, or in a few cases, by accretion events.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Kinematics of the Ultra-Faint Milky Way Satellites: Solving the Missing Satellite Problem

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    We present Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy of stars in 8 of the newly discovered ultra-faint dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way. We measure the velocity dispersions of Canes Venatici I and II, Ursa Major I and II, Coma Berenices, Hercules, Leo IV and Leo T from the velocities of 18 - 214 stars in each galaxy and find dispersions ranging from 3.3 to 7.6 km/s. The 6 galaxies with absolute magnitudes M_V < -4 are highly dark matter-dominated, with mass-to-light ratios approaching 1000. The measured velocity dispersions are inversely correlated with their luminosities, indicating that a minimum mass for luminous galactic systems may not yet have been reached. We also measure the metallicities of the observed stars and find that the 6 brightest of the ultra-faint dwarfs extend the luminosity-metallicity relationship followed by brighter dwarfs by 2 orders of magnitude in luminosity; several of these objects have mean metallicities as low as [Fe/H] = -2.3 and therefore represent some of the most metal-poor known stellar systems. We detect metallicity spreads of up to 0.5 dex in several objects, suggesting multiple star formation epochs. Having established the masses of the ultra-faint dwarfs, we re-examine the missing satellite problem. After correcting for the sky coverage of the SDSS, we find that the ultra-faint dwarfs substantially alleviate the discrepancy between the predicted and observed numbers of satellites around the Milky Way, but there are still a factor of ~4 too few dwarf galaxies over a significant range of masses. We show that if galaxy formation in low-mass dark matter halos is strongly suppressed after reionization, the simulated circular velocity function of CDM subhalos can be brought into approximate agreement with the observed circular velocity function of Milky Way satellite galaxies. [slightly abridged]Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures (12 in color), 6 tables, minor revisions in response to referee report. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Morphological Evolution and the Ages of Early-Type Galaxies in Clusters

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    Morphological and spectroscopic studies of high redshift clusters indicate that a significant fraction of present-day early-type galaxies was transformed from star forming galaxies at z<1. On the other hand, the slow luminosity evolution of early-type galaxies and the low scatter in their color-magnitude relation indicate a high formation redshift of their stars. In this paper we construct models which reconcile these apparently contradictory lines of evidence, and we quantify the effects of morphological evolution on the observed photometric properties of early-type galaxies in distant clusters. We show that in the case of strong morphological evolution the apparent luminosity and color evolution of early-type galaxies are similar to that of a single age stellar population formed at z=infinity, irrespective of the true star formation history of the galaxies. Furthermore, the scatter in age, and hence the scatter in color and luminosity, is approximately constant with redshift. These results are consequences of the ``progenitor bias'': the progenitors of the youngest low redshift early-type galaxies drop out of the sample at high redshift. We construct models which reproduce the observed evolution of the number fraction of early-type galaxies in rich clusters and their color and luminosity evolution simultaneously. Our modelling indicates that approx. 50% of early-type galaxies were transformed from other galaxy types at z<1, and their progenitor galaxies may have had roughly constant star formation rates prior to morphological transformation. After correcting the observed evolution of the mean M/L_B ratio for the maximum progenitor bias we find that the mean luminosity weighted formation redshift of stars in early-type galaxies z_*=2.0^{+0.3}_{-0.2} for Omega_m=0.3 and Omega_Lambda=0.7. [ABRIDGED]Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 13 pages, 6 figure

    Expected Number and Flux Distribution of Gamma-Ray-Burst Afterglows with High Redshifts

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    If Gamma-Ray-Bursts (GRBs) occur at high redshifts, then their bright afterglow emission can be used to probe the ionization and metal enrichment histories of the intervening intergalactic medium during the epoch of reionization. In contrast to other sources, such as galaxies or quasars, which fade rapidly with increasing redshift, the observed infrared flux from a GRB afterglow at a fixed observed age is only a weak function of its redshift. This results from a combination of the spectral slope of GRB afterglows and the time-stretching of their evolution in the observer's frame. Assuming that the GRB rate is proportional to the star formation rate and that the characteristic energy output of GRBs is ~10^{52} ergs, we predict that there are always ~15 GRBs from redshifts z>5 across the sky which are brighter than ~100 nJy at an observed wavelength of ~2 \mu m. The infrared spectrum of these sources could be taken with the future Next Generation Space Telescope, as a follow-up on their early X-ray localization with the Swift satellite.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures; submitted to Ap

    The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters III.: M/L_V Ratios in the z=0.33 Cluster CL1358+62

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    Keck spectroscopy and Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 imaging over a 1.5x1.5 Mpc field of CL1358+62 at z=0.33 are used to study the Fundamental Plane of galaxies based on a new, large sample of 53 galaxies. First, we have constructed the Fundamental Plane for the 30 E and S0 galaxies and find that it has the following shape: r_e = sigma**(1.31+-0.13) * _e**(-0.86+-0.10), similar to that found locally. The 1-sigma intrinsic scatter about this plane is 14% in M/L(V), comparable to that observed in Coma. We conclude that these E and S0 galaxies are structurally mature and homogeneous, like those observed in nearby clusters. The M/L(V) ratios of these early-type galaxies are offset from the Coma Fundamental Plane by delta log M/L(V) = -0.13+- 0.03 (q0=0.1), indicative of mild luminosity evolution. This evolution suggests a formation epoch for the stars of z > 1. We have also analyzed the M/L(V) ratios of galaxies of type S0/a and later. These early-type spirals follow a different plane from the E and S0 galaxies, with a scatter that is twice as large as the scatter for the E/S0s. The difference in the tilt between the plane of the spirals and the plane of the E/S0s is shown to be due to a systematic correlation of velocity dispersion with residual from the plane of the early-type galaxies. These residuals also correlate with the residuals from the Color-Magnitude relation. Thus for spirals in clusters, we see a systematic variation in the luminosity-weighted mean properties of the stellar populations with central velocity dispersion. If this is a relative age trend, then luminosity-weighted age is positively correlated with dispersion. [abridged version]Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; revised version, accepted by ApJ on 13 August 199

    On the Formation of Galaxy Halos: Comparing NGC 5128 and the Local Group Members

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    The metallicity distribution function (MDF) for the old red-giant stars in the halo of NGC 5128, the nearest giant elliptical galaxy, is virtually identical with the MDF for the old-disk stars in the LMC and also strongly resembles the halo MDF in M31. These galaxies all have high mean halo metallicities ( ~ -0.4$) with very small proportions of low-metallicity stars. These observations reinforce the view that metal-rich halos are quite normal for large galaxies of all types. Such systems are unlikely to have built up by accretion of pre-existing, gas-free small satellite galaxies, unless these satellites had an extremely shallow mass distribution (d log N / d log M > -1). We suggest that the halo of NGC 5128 is more likely to have assembled from hierarchical merging of gas-rich lumps in which the bulk of star formation took place during or after the merger stage.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, plus 3 figures in separate postscript files; Astronomical Journal, in press for December 200

    The Fundamental Plane of Gravitational Lens Galaxies and The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Low Density Environments

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    Most gravitational lenses are early-type galaxies in relatively low density environments -- a ``field'' rather than a ``cluster'' population. We show that field early-type galaxies with 0 < z < 1, as represented by the lens galaxies, lie on the same fundamental plane as those in rich clusters at similar redshifts. We then use the fundamental plane to measure the combined evolutionary and K-corrections for early-type galaxies in the V, I and H bands. Only for passively evolving stellar populations formed at z > 2 (H_0=65 km/s Mpc, Omega_0=0.3, Lambda_0=0.7) can the lens galaxies be matched to the local fundamental plane. The high formation epoch and the lack of significant differences between the field and cluster populations contradict many current models of the formation history of early-type galaxies. Lens galaxy colors and the fundamental plane provide good photometric redshift estimates with an empirical accuracy of -0.03 +/- 0.11 for the 17 lenses with known redshifts. A mass model dominated by dark matter is more consistent with the data than either an isotropic or radially anisotropic constant M/L mass model, and a radially anisotropic model is better than an isotropic model.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables. ApJ in press. Final version contains more observational dat

    Ellipticals at z=0 from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations: Clues on Age Effects in their Stellar Populations

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    We present results of a study of the stellar age distributions in the sample of elliptical-like objects (ELOs) identified at z=0 in four simulations operating in the context of a concordance cosmological model. The simulations show that the formation of most stars in each ELO of the sample is a consequence of violent dynamical events, either fast multiclump collapse at high z, or mergers at lower z. This second way can explain the age spread as well as the dynamical peculiarities observed in some ellipticals, but its relative weight is never dominant and decreases as the ELO mass at the halo scale, MvirM_{vir}, increases, to such an extent that some recent mergers contributing an important fraction to the total ELO mass can possibly contribute only a small fraction of new born stars. More massive objects have older means and narrower spreads in their stellar age distributions than less massive ones. The ELO sample shows also a tight correlation between MvirM_{vir} and the central stellar l.o.s. velocity dispersion, σlos\sigma_{los}. This gives a trend of the means and spreads of ELO stellar populations with σlos\sigma_{los} that is consistent, even quantitatively, with the age effects observationally detected in the stellar populations of elliptical galaxies. Therefore, these effects can be explained as the observational manifestation of the intrinsic correlations found in the ELO sample between MvirM_{vir} and the properties of the stellar age distribution, on the one hand, and MvirM_{vir} and σlos\sigma_{los}, on the other hand. These correlations hint, for the first time, at a possible way to reconcile age effects in ellipticals, and, particularly, the increase of α/\alpha / ratios with σlos\sigma_{los}, with the hierarchical clustering paradigm.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Improved Cosmological Constraints from Gravitational Lens Statistics

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    We combine the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) with new Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data on the local velocity dispersion distribution function of E/S0 galaxies, ϕ(σ)\phi(\sigma), to derive lens statistics constraints on ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda and Ωm\Omega_m. Previous studies of this kind relied on a combination of the E/S0 galaxy luminosity function and the Faber-Jackson relation to characterize the lens galaxy population. However, ignoring dispersion in the Faber-Jackson relation leads to a biased estimate of ϕ(σ)\phi(\sigma) and therefore biased and overconfident constraints on the cosmological parameters. The measured velocity dispersion function from a large sample of E/S0 galaxies provides a more reliable method for probing cosmology with strong lens statistics. Our new constraints are in good agreement with recent results from the redshift-magnitude relation of Type Ia supernovae. Adopting the traditional assumption that the E/S0 velocity function is constant in comoving units, we find a maximum likelihood estimate of ΩΛ=0.74\Omega_\Lambda = 0.74--0.78 for a spatially flat unvierse (where the range reflects uncertainty in the number of E/S0 lenses in the CLASS sample), and a 95% confidence upper bound of ΩΛ<0.86\Omega_\Lambda<0.86. If ϕ(σ)\phi(\sigma) instead evolves in accord with extended Press-Schechter theory, then the maximum likelihood estimate for ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda becomes 0.72--0.78, with the 95% confidence upper bound ΩΛ<0.89\Omega_\Lambda<0.89. Even without assuming flatness, lensing provides independent confirmation of the evidence from Type Ia supernovae for a nonzero dark energy component in the universe.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, to be published in Ap
