73 research outputs found

    Automated information system as quality management providing human tissue banks

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    School of Management, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Info World Company, Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Cell Cultures, Bank of Human TissuesBackground: Modern tissue bank should have management autonomy, to be equipped with modern equipment for tissue grafts procurement, processing, preservation and storage that met the requirements of the profile structures of the EU Directives and Authorized National Health Services. Material and methods: Article represents the analysis of the needs to create and use in human tissues and cells bank an automated information system (AIS) to provide qualitative and safe tissue and cells grafts for transplantation in the Republic of Moldova. Automated Information System components are analyzed and characterized, elucidated the functions they have to fulfill, their role in ensuring the effective management of human tissue bank (HTB) in providing secure grafts for health system in the Republic of Moldova. Results: Basic functions of the HTB AIS include: management of the life cycle of donated products; information about products recording and storing; grafts records and relevant information about them; monitoring of the stored products; indexing exactly the products location in storage devices; a comprehensive view of patient information products; listing information in real and historical time by textual and graphical means; generating and scanning labels for each product; evidence of testing and validation samples; view reports using aggregate data; restricting access rights per each group of users. Conclusions: Thus it appears that AIS is an important element in ensuring a strict accounting of human allergic graft throughout their movement from the procurement, processing, validation, storage, distribution and transplantation. AIS also permits easier integration into the European network for tissue, because it allows encoding of grafts according to European unique codes way enabling the identification of tissue grafts as Bank products and follow their path. The computerized record of practical grafts excludes human errors in grafts distribution

    New method to characterize a machining system: application in turning

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    Many studies simulates the machining process by using a single degree of freedom spring-mass sytem to model the tool stiffness, or the workpiece stiffness, or the unit tool-workpiece stiffness in modelings 2D. Others impose the tool action, or use more or less complex modelings of the efforts applied by the tool taking account the tool geometry. Thus, all these models remain two-dimensional or sometimes partially three-dimensional. This paper aims at developing an experimental method allowing to determine accurately the real three-dimensional behaviour of a machining system (machine tool, cutting tool, tool-holder and associated system of force metrology six-component dynamometer). In the work-space model of machining, a new experimental procedure is implemented to determine the machining system elastic behaviour. An experimental study of machining system is presented. We propose a machining system static characterization. A decomposition in two distinct blocks of the system "Workpiece-Tool-Machine" is realized. The block Tool and the block Workpiece are studied and characterized separately by matrix stiffness and displacement (three translations and three rotations). The Castigliano's theory allows us to calculate the total stiffness matrix and the total displacement matrix. A stiffness center point and a plan of tool tip static displacement are presented in agreement with the turning machining dynamic model and especially during the self induced vibration. These results are necessary to have a good three-dimensional machining system dynamic characterization

    Computational Modeling of Silicate Glasses: A Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Perspective

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    This article reviews the present state of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (QSPR) in glass design and gives an outlook into future developments. First an overview is given of the statistical methodology, with particular emphasis to the integration of QSPR with molecular dynamics simulations to derive informative structural descriptors. Then, the potentiality of this approach as a tool for interpretative and predictive purposes is highlighted by a number of recent inspiring applications


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    The influenc e of ultra high fre que ncy ra diation in forestry arbor se e dlings wa s studie d by spec tra l me thod. Chlorophy ll pigm e nt c onte nts, ve ry im porta nt for photosy nthe sis phe nome na , we re found to be dim inishe d in pe dunc ula te oa k see dlings a fter da ily e xposure tim es of: 1;2; 3; 4; 6 a nd 8 hours, a t ultra high frequency waves with 400 M H z fre que ncy a nd 1 mW /cm 2 powe r de nsity. N on-therma l effect seem s to underline th putative m olecular and biochemica l modifications that are suppose d to be induced in the vegetale cell by electromagnetic daily stres
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