7 research outputs found

    Non-destructive Method for Maturity Assessment of Indonesian's Mangoes by NIRS Spectroscopy

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    Rapid and non-destructive method to determine maturity quality of mangoes accurately has played an increasing role in the fruits supply chain involving automation. Diffuse reflectance spectra (R) and absorbance spectra (Log 1/R) in the spectral range from 900 to 1400 nm were measured using NIRS spectroscopy at three different points of 257 Indonesians mangoes cultivar arumanis, manalagi, gadong, gincu and golek of different ripeness indices. Through principle component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) of the absorbance and reflectance spectra, cultivars can be differed with an accuracy of 99.8%. Multiple linear regression was applied to develop calibration models from mangoes with soluble solid content ranged between 5.5 and 13.5 % Brix and firmness ranged between 0.25 and 4.50 kgf. Log 1 /R calibration model could assess the soluble solid content and firmness of the mangoes with higher accuracy than R model with the coefficient of determination of 0.96 and 0.93, respectively. Results showed that NIRS spectroscopy has the feasibility to be employed in the maturity measures of Indonesian's mangoes

    Determining Groundwater Recharge From Stream Flow with Seasonal Recession Method

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    - Volume of groundwater recharge showed a picture of a watershed to determine the flow instability due to the physical characteristics of the watershed and precipitation. Many methods had been constructed to understand the dynamic movement of water discharge. One of them was the analysis of the stream hydrograph with Seasonal Recession Method. Information about groundwater recharge condition at several sub watershed in Krueng Peusangan Watershed was really needed in management of watershed for sustainable water resources. The study aimed to determine groundwater recharge from stream flow with seasonal recession method was conducted in Krueng Peusangan watershed, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The results showed that the trend pattern of the stream hydrograph could be explained using the exponential function where the dots lowest discharge that is the end of the recession (y) than any period of time on stream hydrograph semi logarithmic (x). The pattern of results that occurred in the watershed of Krueng Peusangan: (A) Krueng Seumpo had a trend for y = 9.2x-0.35, (B) Simpang Jaya for y = 559.7x-0.5, (C) Beukah village for y = 142x-0.32 , (D) Sub watershed of Lut Tawar (Wih Nareh) for y = 1.3x-0.12 and (E) Sub watershed of Teupin Mane (Krueng Teumbo) for y = 1.94x-0.42. It also showed that the location of A, B, C, E had a higher slope and a decreased recharge pattern compared to the location of D (sub watershed of Lut Tawar) that tended to flat. The volume of groundwater recharge that occurred in a region (A and D) increased while the other location was very volatile. Moreover, recharge instability occurred in Krueng Teumbo. Therefore, it needed a clear direction for land use and functions of forests, especially in the recharge area, in order to maintain the balance of the hydrological cycle, and the quantity of groundwater

    Pola Rembesan Air Tanah Gambut pada Model Seepage Tank yang Diberi Drainase Saluran Berpori

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    Peat Soil Water Intrusion Pattern in the Seepage Tank Model Was Given Drainase Porous ConduitsABSTRACT. Spread peat affected by tidal sea water have in some areas so as to overcome the pool or on the development of an area needs to be given some form of drainage holes in the side walls. The function of the hole in the wall of this channel will be capable of storing water through a hole in to the wall of the channel and dumped back at sea level began to recede. Drainage channel designed an open drainage channel porous trapezoidal shape. The pores are used to store the water into the soil through the hole so it can retain moisture in peat. The aim study is to determine the pattern of ground water seepage on peatland pore into the channel or leave the water seepage discharge channels and to know in order to support the reduction in peat puddles. Pores formed in the drainage channel can retain moisture and ground water due to peat during incoming tide in the channel partially soak into the ground through the pore channels with a trend toward the seepage pattern and left channels respectively y = -0.0061 x2 + 0.3066 x + 4.105 and y= 0.9579 e0,0925x water seepage discharge calculation using Darcy's law into the soil when the water toward the channel to the first pair with length of time of 12 hours was 22.663. 10-3 cm3/det and discharge seepage which dihasilkan pada second pair with time to 24 hours of 42,019.10-3 cm3/det. Discharge water seepage into the soil when the water leaving the channel to the first pair at the time of 12 hours is 21,248.10-3 cm3/det and seepage generated at the second pair of 1,249.10-3 cm3/det

    Water and Sediment Quality Index Due to Gold Mining in the Krueng Kluet Hilir Watershed, Aceh Selatan Regency

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    Increasing population growth, economic and industrial development will lead to the utilization of natural resources effected on water pollution. One of those activities related to natural resource utilization is gold mining. Mining activities cannot be separated from the use of chemicals that are harmful to living things; for example, it is mercury. This study aims to determine levels of mercury (Hg) that accumulate in water and sediments. The tools used in this research are QGIS 2.18.27 software and Global Positioning System. The material used is water and sediment samples. Water and sediment samples were analyzed at the Industrial Standardization Research Institute Laboratory to obtain several potential parameters such as hydrogen (pH), mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Iron (Fe), and Copper (Cu). These potential parameters are further analyzed using the Pollution Index (PI) method and Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs). The results demonstrated that the water quality in downstream of Krueng Kluet sub-watershed in for 2019 using the Pollution Index (PI) method for the drinking water (Class I) with the value is 6.2036. It is classified as moderately polluted water quality criteria and for the agricultural water (Class IV) with the value is 6.0796, classified as moderately polluted water quality criteria. The quality of sediments in the downstream of Krueng Kluet sub-watershed using the sediment quality guidelines method with the value is 0.2343 is classified as an adverse effect for the biota of heavy metals on medium value. This shows that neither the water quality nor the sediment in the downstream of Krueng Kluet sub-watershed does not accord with the water and sediment quality standards. Pollution Index can assess the quality of water bodies and becomes a consideration in taking actions to improve water quality. At the same time, SQGs show chemical concentrations that have biological effects on aquatic biodata