3 research outputs found

    Modul Praktek PLTS On-Grid Berbasis Micro Inverter

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    Generally, an off-grid solar power model was applied widely to areas with no electrical network exist for storing energy during the day and using it at night. This model uses a central inverter for several photovoltaic modules, which produces high and dangerous DC voltages, and also has large sizes and high prices. In this study, on-grid solar system model based on micro inverter is built that can use for purposes of teaching material that directly connected to the electrical grid with no batteries or chargers, thereby reducing investment costs and suitable to be applied in the community. Small sized micro inverters can be installed directly under the solar module and also generate AC voltage that can be directly used for own use or sold to PLN. The module that is built is an on-grid solar photovoltaic 300 wp model  using a 300 watt micro inverter and equipped with an electric load in the form of a light bulb and socket outlet. For data retrieval, this model is connected to the PLN network through household electricity customers with 1300 VA power. The result of measurement this solar power model cangenerate the maksimum electric power is 142.37watt and can distribute electric power to PLN  around 115,41 watt. This PLTS model is ready to be use  for purposes of teaching material and also for promotion to community  about model of on-grid PLTS that having economy value so can support goverment in achieving the national target in the renewable energy field


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    Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Bali melaksanakan Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) selama tiga bulan. Selama PKL mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan bimbingan dengan dosen pembimbing PKL. Dalam hal ini, jarak dan waktu menjadi kendala utama yang dialami mahasiswa PKL. Pengelolaan PKL yang telah berjalan selama ini ditangani oleh seorang koordinator. Pengelolaan  tersebut masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan rawan terjadi kesalahan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut peneliti mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi online bimbingan dan monitoring PKL. Aplikasi ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi kendala jarak dan waktu pada proses bimbingan dan membantu koordinator kegiatan PKL untuk membantu pengelolaan dengan lebih baik. Aplikasi dibuat dengan menggunakan metode waterfall, dengan PHP 5.6 dan MYSQL 5.6 sebagai bahasa pemrograman dan basis data. Aplikasi ini telah diujicoba ke pengguna dan dari hasil kuesioner diketahui 17,5% responden sangat setuju dan 82,5 % responden setuju bahwa aplikasi ini sangat membantu

    Implementation of Asynchronous Microservices Architecture on Smart Village Application

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    This paper discusses the implementation of microservices architecture in smart village applications. The smart village application is a village-based online marketplace that facilitates various business actors' buying and selling process in a village. This application manages five types of products: lodging reservations, tourist attraction tickets, culinary purchases, and purchasing knick-knacks show tickets. The complexity of processes, data, and high potential users requires that the system architecture is designed to produce a scalable, fault-tolerant system and easy to develop. Microservices architecture is one of the recommended architectures for building a scalable, fault-tolerant, and maintainable application. This architecture has several variations, ranging from variations in communication between services to the technology used. The suitability of applications with architectural variations and the complexity is a challenge in implementing this architecture. This paper describes how to implement the microservices architecture in smart village applications. Design and implementation of the microservices architecture in the smart village application was followed the WSIM or Web Services Implementation Methodology stage. The implementation results show that the application is easier to manage because it is divided into independent microservices. Implementing asynchronous communication and a choreographic approach to each service makes the client application response faster; besides, it did not affect other services if there is a problematic service