18,855 research outputs found

    Does the Prisoner's Dilemma Refute the Coase Theorem?

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    Two of the most important ideas in the philosophy of law are the “Coase Theorem” and the “Prisoner’s Dilemma.” In this paper, the authors explore the relation between these two influential models through a creative thought-experiment. Specifically, the paper presents a pure Coasean version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, one in which property rights are well-defined and transactions costs are zero (i.e. the prisoners are allowed to openly communicate and bargain with each other), in order to test the truth value of the Coase Theorem. In addition, the paper explores what effect (a) uncertainty, (b) exponential discounting, (c) and elasticity have on the behavior of the prisoners in the Coasean version of the dilemma. Lastly, the paper considers the role of the prosecutor (and third-parties generally) in the Prisoner’s Dilemma and closes with some parting thoughts about the complexity of the dilemma. The authors then conclude by identifying the conditions under which the Prisoner’s Dilemma refutes the Coase Theorem

    Inventory Games

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    AMS classifications: 90D12, 90B05.inventory management;information;cooperative games;proportional division

    Editorial: Acetic acid bacteria

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    Acetic acid bacteria (ABB) are strictly aerobic organisms that can be found in a wide variety of natural and industrial environments. Their versatility and metabolic adaptability make them microorganisms of high interest to study the optimization of obtaining their multiple products and the essential mechanisms that allow them to grow under extreme conditions. Their metabolism, particularly the role of membrane-bound and soluble dehydrogenases, may offer new opportunities in the development of innovative processes based on their capability for carrying out the incomplete oxidation of several substrates. On the other hand, the resistance of AAB to some extreme conditions, i.e., low pH values, and adaptability to many different habitats make them highly competitive bacteria; so, their interaction with other organisms and plants is a very important topic to be studied. The ability of AAB in producing exopolysaccharides is also of great interest for both research and industrial purposes. They are considered as model organisms for understanding the mechanisms of cellulose synthesis and they are until now the most efficient organisms for producing it, under controlled conditions. Finally, the current state of omic technologies and efficient genetic modification methods can be applied for a greater understanding of the physiological behavior, the recovery of new strains and/or those occurring in complex environments as well as to exploit the full potential of AAB for oxidative bioconversions

    Complementary effects of species abundances and ecological neighborhood on the occurrence of fruit-frugivore interactions

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    Species interactions are traditionally seen as the outcome of both ecological and evolutionary mechanisms. Among them, the two most frequently studied are the neutral role of species abundances in determining encounter probability and the deterministic role of species identity (traits and evolutionary history) in determining the compatibility of interacting species. Nevertheless, the occurrence of pairwise interactions also depends on the spatio-temporal context imposed by the ecological neighborhood (i.e., the indirect effect of other local species sharing traits and interaction potential with the focal ones). Although a few studies have begun to examine neighborhood effects on community interactions, these have not incorporated neighborhood structure as a complementary driver of pairwise interactions within an integrative approach. Here we describe the spatial structure of pairwise interactions between three fleshy-fruited tree species and six frugivorous thrush species within the same locality of the Cantabrian Range (Iberian Peninsula). Using a spatio-temporally fine-grained dataset sampled during 3 years, we aimed to detect spatial patterns of interactions and to evaluate their concordance across years. We also evaluated the simultaneous roles played by species abundance, species identity and the ecological neighborhood in determining the pairwise interaction frequencies based on fruit removal. Our results showed that the abundances of fruit and bird species involved in plant-frugivore interactions, and the spatial patterns of these interactions, varied among years, and this was mainly due to different fruiting landscapes responding to masting events of distinct plant species. Despite high interannual differences in species abundances and pairwise interaction frequencies, the main mechanisms underpinning the occurrence of pairwise interactions remained constant. Most of the variability in pairwise interactions was always explained by interacting fruit and bird species' abundances. Ecological neighborhood, characterized as the net quantity of forest cover, heterospecific fruit crops, and heterospecific bird abundances in the immediate surroundings, also affected pairwise interaction frequency through its indirect effects on the abundance of interacting bird species. Our results highlight the prevalence of neutral forces in highly generalized plant-frugivore assemblages as well as the influence of indirect interactions (competition and/or facilitation with other local species) as another important driver to consider when predicting pairwise interactions

    Pharmacists' interventions on clinical asthma outcomes: A systematic review

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    Copyright © ERS 2016. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the impact of pharmacists' interventions on clinical asthma outcomes on adult patients and to identify the outcome indicators used. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Scielo were searched. Studies addressing pharmacists' interventions on adult asthma patients reporting clinical asthma outcomes were incorporated. 11 clinical outcomes were identified in 21 studies. 10 studies measured the impact of the intervention on asthma control. Randomised controlled trials (RCT) and non-RCTs found positive results in percentages of controlled patients and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) scores. Discordant results were found for Asthma Control Test results. Asthma severity was assessed in four studies. One RCT found a significant decrease in the percentage of severe patients; two non-RCTs found significant improvements in severity scores. 11 studies reported pulmonary function indicators, showing inconsistent results. Eight studies measured asthma symptoms; three RCTs and four non-RCTs showed significant improvements. RCTs and non-RCTs generated similar results for most outcomes. Based on the evidence generated by RCTs, pharmacists' have a positive impact on the percentage of controlled patients, ACQ scores, severity and symptoms. Future research should report using the core outcome set of indicators established for asthma (PROSPERO CRD42014007019)

    Log canonical thresholds of Del Pezzo Surfaces in characteristic p

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    The global log canonical threshold of each non-singular complex del Pezzo surface was computed by Cheltsov. The proof used Koll\'ar-Shokurov's connectedness principle and other results relying on vanishing theorems of Kodaira type, not known to be true in finite characteristic. We compute the global log canonical threshold of non-singular del Pezzo surfaces over an algebraically closed field. We give algebraic proofs of results previously known only in characteristic 00. Instead of using of the connectedness principle we introduce a new technique based on a classification of curves of low degree. As an application we conclude that non-singular del Pezzo surfaces in finite characteristic of degree lower or equal than 44 are K-semistable.Comment: 21 pages. Thorough rewrite following referee's suggestions. To be published in Manuscripta Mathematic

    Uncertainty Analysis in the Inverse of Equivalent Conductance Method for Dealing with Crosstalk in 2-D Resistive Sensor Arrays

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    2-D resistive sensor arrays (RSAs) appear in many applications to measure physical quantities in a surface. However, they suffer from a crosstalk problem when the simplest configuration is used to address a row-column. Thus, the value of a single cell cannot be measured directly. Several hardware solutions have been proposed to solve it totally or partially but all of them make the circuit more complex. In a previous paper we proposed an innovative numerical solution to eliminate crosstalk after a complete scan of the matrix, which is named in this paper as Inverse of Equivalent Conductance Method (IECM). In the current study, we have analyzed the implications of the method for the uncertainty of the calculated cell resistance by first deriving the sensitivity of the solution and then applying uncertainty propagation theory. The theoretical results have been tested in simulated arrays and in a real 6x6 RSA with known values of resistances with good agreement. The uncertainty analysis is able to predict which values are reliable. In general, the lowest resistances of the array are better solved by IECM as expected. In addition, it is also shown that IECM has the potential to be adapted to other hardware configurations that reduce crosstalk, helping to overcome some of its limitations. IEE

    Long-Term Safety of Tedizolid in a Patient With Spondilodiscitis After Switch From Linezolid Due to Toxicity

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    The patient is a 57-year-old man with liver cirrhosis, Bricker anastomosis after a radical cystoprostatectomy and, a history of bacteremias caused by extended-spectrum -lactamase-positive Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecium, and Candida albicans. He presented with persistent low back pain and was diagnosed with vertebral osteomyelitis, for which he received ertapenem-linezolid treatment. However, after 20 days, linezolid had to be discontinued because of myelotoxicity and metabolic acidosis. The patient was switched to tedizolid, which, in combination with ertapenem, was successfully given for 114 days until biopsy showed no growth of gram-positive cocci. We conclude that tedizolid can be an alternative to linezolid in case of toxicity, especially in long-term treatments
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