168 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Proyek Wslic-2 Terhadap Tingkat Perekonomian Dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Desa Neglasari

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    Salah satu upaya pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk meningkatkan akses air bersih bagi masyarakat adalah dengan proyek Second Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities (WSLIC-2). Metode penelitian adalah mixed methods (kombinasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif) dengan teknik analisis, (1) deskriptif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi proyek WSLIC-2 dibandingkan dengna 10 prinsip CDD, (2) analisis statistik parametrik dengan uji T berpasangan, serta (3) analisis statistik non parametrik dengan uji Mc Nemar dan uji bertanda Wilcoxon dengan pendekatan before and after comparison. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) desain proyek WSLIC-2 cukup sejalan dengan 10 prinsip CDD, namun masih terdapat kelemahan terutama pada fase pemeliharaan dan rencana keberlanjutan program yang terkait dengan proyek, (2) proyek WSLIC-2 memberikan pengaruh yang positif bagi peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat di Desa Neglasari tetapi belum signifikan, serta (3)proyek WSLIC-2 memberikan pengaruh positif yang signifikan bagi tingkat kesehatan masyarakat sehingga pada akhirnya meningkatkan derajat kualitas hidup masyaraka

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Tenaga Kontrak melalui Pendekatan Fuzzy Inference System dengan Metode Tsukamoto (Studi Kasus PT. Solo Murni)

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    Sumber Daya Manusia atau pegawai sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap proses bisnis dan performa suatu Perusahaan. Dalam perekrutan pegawai haruslah dilakukan dengan pertimbangan yang matang, sehingga mampu memberikan keuntungan yang maksimum bagi Perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini akan diusulkan suatu pendekatan baru dalam memutuskan penerimaan pegawai kontrak dari pegawai harian lepas pada PT. Solo Murni menggunakan Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) dengan metode Tsukamoto. Metode Tsukamoto dipilih karena paling fleksibel, lebih intuitif, diterima oleh banyak pihak, lebih cocok untuk masukan yang diterima dari manusia bukan mesin. Penilaian pegawai saat ini masih menggunakan teknik penilaian rata-rata dari hasil penilaian bulanan selama periode 6 bulan, sehingga hasil yang didapatkan menjadi kurang akurat dan lekat dengan unsur kesubjektifan. Penggunaan FIS diharapkan mampu menjembatani keterbatasan-keterbatasan pengambilan keputusan konvensional sebelumnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah alat bantu bagi Perusahaan dalam meningkatkan performa pemilihan pegawai kontrak dari pegawai lepas

    Development of Empirical Formula for Computing Sediment Loads in Al-Meshkab Regulator Channel

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    In this research, the sediments' transport and how to compute their amount have been studied in Al-Meshkab regulator channel. Twenty four cross-sections were selected along the reach of Euphrates river to study the characteristics and the rate of transport of sediments. The measured data included: cross-sections of the channel, average velocity, discharge, water surface width, water surface slope, sediment concentration, bed material samples as well as the specific gravity of bed sediments. The length of the study region was 6 km upstream of Al-Meshkab regulator. The study was divided into two parts: the practical part (field and laboratory works) and the statistical part. The research covered the suggestion of an empirical formula which was used to fit the dimensionless form and to predict a relationship between the sediment rate and the different variables. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the differences between the observed sediment rate and the predicted sediment rate. Results indicated that no statistically significant differences could be detected between observed and computed sediment rate values using the statistical model

    Analisis Kesesuaian Wisata Pantai Di Pantai Krakal Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

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    Pantai Krakal terletak di Desa Ngestirejo, Kecamatan Tanjungsari. Pantai ini memiliki potensi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk dijadikan sebagai kawasan wisata. Masalah yang belakangan ini muncul di kawasan Pantai Krakal adalah masih kurangnya minat masyarakat untuk mengunjungi pantai, semakin rusaknya lingkungan di kawasan pantai, pengelolaan sampah yang kurang baik serta tata ruang yang masih belum baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesesuaian wisata pantai di Pantai Krakal.Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan pada siang hari dan pada saat air laut sedang pasang. Metode pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada bulan Mei 2014, yang terbagi menjadi tiga stasiun pengamatan. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan untuk analisis hasil penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) yang menghasilkan nilai kesesuaian wisata. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada siang hari dan saat air laut sedang pasang menyimpulkan bahwa tingkat kesesuaian wisata pantai di Pantai Krakal di Stasiun 1,2, dan 3 masuk ke dalam kategori sangat sesuai untuk wisata pantai karena memiliki nilai Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) diatas 80% dengan rincian sebagai berikut: di Stasiun 1 dengan nilai IKW sebesar 82,759%; di Stasiun 2 nilai IKW sebesar 88,506%; serta Stasiun 3 memiliki nilai IKW sebesar 85,057%

    The TV Advertisement Effect to the Purchase Intention of Indomie Through Brand Awareness (Study on the TV Advertisement of Indomie in Surabaya)

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    Business competition not only demands a firm to be more innovative and efficient, but also affects to the delivery if information to the consumer.  Indomie spends 981,5 billion rupiahs to advertise the product in television ads since 2017. This research aims to determine the description of television advertisement, brand awareness, and purchase intention. In addition, to identify how much the effect of TV advertisement to the brand awareness, TV advertisement to the purchase intention, the brand awareness to the purchase intention, and TV advertisement to the purchase intention through brand awareness. According to the type of research, this research is categorized into descriptive and causal-explanatory research with quantitative approaches. The population of research is taken from the audiences whoever have seen the TV advertisement of Indomie and also consumed the product of Indomie. The population sample is around 389 respondents by applying the technique of convenience sampling.The research data is collected by having questionnaire instrument. The questionnaire is shared in Kecamatan Sukolilo, Surabaya. The analysis technique exerted in this research is descriptive statistic and path analysis. From the research findings, it shows that the TV advertisement, brand awareness, and purchase intention are in the high category. The TV advertisement affects positively and significantly to build brand awareness, the TV advertisement affects positively and significantly to the purchase intention, and the brand awareness affects positively and significantly to the purchase intention.This research concludes that the indirect effect of TV advertisement towards the purchase intention through the brand awareness is higher than the direct effect of TV advertisement towards the purchase intention of Indomie product in Surabaya. According to the research, the researcher recommends the firm of Indomie could evaluate the advertisement shown in TV to seize the audience attention, be more attractive, and have tendency to purchase the product of Indomie. Moreover, the firm should upgrade the slogan of Indomie to be easily remembered for the consumer. As for the next researchers, they should add the variable of online advertisement which affects to the purchase intention of consumer in wider area coverage of research.. Keywords: Advertising, TV Advertisement, Brand Awareness, Purchase Intentio

    Structure and electronic properties of substitutionally doped Cycloheptane molecule using DFT

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    AbstractA density functional theory (DFT) has been carried out of the calculation molecular structure of Cycloheptane molecule (C7H14) with Gaussian 09 and Gaussian view 5.08 programs. The effects of the substitution Silicon atom in place of the Carbon atom and substituting the one Hydrogen atom by one hydroxyl (OH) were performed using DFT at B3LYP level with CC-PVDZ basis set. The optimized structure, ionization potential, electron affinity, energy gap, electronegativity, total energies, force constant, reduces mass, Raman spectral, electrostatic potential surface and electron density surface were calculated. The results showed decrease in energy gaps, increases in the electron affinity, and discusses the effect of the substitution for all properties

    Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises Agricultural in West Java

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    Agricultural Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in maintaining national food security. In terms of sources of economic growth, the agricultural sector is the largest contributor to West Java's economic growth in the first quarter of 2021. The agricultural business sector contributed as much as 0.94%, greater than its contribution in the fourth quarter of 2020 which amounted to 0.39%. MSMEs still have external and internal constraints, especially in terms of financing, product marketing, and lack of access to information. These constraints often hinder MSMEs in developing their business and expanding their market share. From various cases of marketing agricultural MSME products in West Java, it is necessary to implement technology to market agricultural commodities. One of them is a map application, which is useful in providing the location of agricultural MSMEs and how to reach that location from the customer's current location. So that sellers/farmers and buyers can do direct transactions. Therefore, map applications using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can be used as the alternative technology to solve that problem. While, this research only focuses on generating the map. UAV - DJI Phantom 4 Pro has been used in this research to take images at each location of the sample locations. To control the UAV automatically for each mission, it used Pix4D capture flight plans. The data were processed by Agisoft Metashape Professional software. The location of image data collection was carried out in various areas: a building, an open space area and a real small and medium agriculture enterprises location. Two-dimensional maps and 3D maps of these areas have been successfully created. The average RMS error is 0.17 (2.88 pixels) indicating under 1% of the average error

    Study Compression and Impact Properties of PMMA Reinforced by Natural Fibers Used in Denture

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    The fracture in dentures prepared from acrylic resin occurs frequently during the accidental damage or service through heavy occlusal force [1]. Impact failures usually occur out of the mouth as a result of accidental dropping due to cleaning, coughing or sneezing or a sudden blow to the denture [2]. This paper is focused on the effect of natural fibers on the mechanical properties of PMMA by changing two parameters (content of fibers and length of fibers). Fibers were treated with alkaline solution to improve the interfacial adhesion. Composite specimens were prepared by using hand lay-up method. The results were showed that the increasing the weight fraction of both fibers lead to increase compression strength and decrease impact strength of composite specimens. While, increasing fiber length of both fibers lead to decrease compression strength and increase impact strength of the composite specimens. The largest value obtained for bamboo specimens at (2mm) fiber length and (9wt. %) and reach (530 MPa.). The main goal of this research is studying the impact and compression properties of PMMA reinforced by natural fibers (siwak and bamboo) by varying length and concentration of both kinds of fibers
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