7 research outputs found


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    The agricultural lands, which are not used in a crop rotation, grow over with weed vegetation forming a thick sod cover. The greatest damage is caused by overgrowing of the farmland a bush and a half-grown forest. Especially it is shown in the conditions of the increased moisture. Technologies and technical means for restoration of not cultivated lands should correspond to conditions of zone specifics. The volume and rates of introduction of the long-fallow lands depend on technical equipment of the agricultural enterprises. The combined soil-cultivating unit Leader-2.5Н and the modular ring harrows Lider-BKM-6 were tested. They intended for introduction of fallow lands. These machines are worked out by JSC Sibirskiy Agropromyshlennyy Dom (Novosibirsk). Hardness of the soil changes depending on processing depth. In the 0-10 cm layer it decreases from 13 to 8.2-8.3 kg/sq•cm, in a layer of 10-20 cm - from 18.7 to 9.7-12.8 kg/cc, at a depth of 20-30 cm - from 26.1 to 15.7-24.1 kg/sq•cm. It was showed that energy consumption on recovery of 1 hа of wetlands make 1932.24 MJ that is equivalent 45.25 kg of diesel fuel.Земли сельскохозяйственного назначения, не задействованные в севообороте, зарастают сорной растительностью, которая образует мощную дернину. Наибольший ущерб наносит зарастание сельхозугодий кустарником и мелколесьем. Особенно это проявляется в условиях повышенной влажности. Технологии и технические средства для восстановления необрабатываемых земель должны соответствовать условиям зональной специфики. Объем и темпы введения в оборот необработанных земель связаны с технической оснащенностью сельскохозяйственных предприятий. Установили, что технология введения в оборот залежных земель включает в себя следующие операции: разуплотнение дернинного слоя без оборота пласта на глубину до 10 см; сепарация верхнего слоя бороной; обработка почвы дискатором; обработка почвы на глубину 10-15 см агрегатом со стрельчатыми лапами; обработка почвы кольцевой бороной. Провели испытания разработанных ОАО «Сибирский агропромышленный дом» (г. Новосибирск) комбинированного почвообрабатывающего агрегата Лидер-2,5Н и модульной кольцевой бороны Лидер-БКМ-6, предназначенных для введения в оборот залежных земель. Твердость почвы изменяется в зависимости от глубины обработки. На уровне 0-10 см она снижается с 13 до 8,2-8,3 кг/кв. см, в слое 10-20 см - с 18,7 до 9,7-12,8 кг/кв. см, на глубине 20-30 см - с 26,1 до 15,7-24,1 кг/кв. см. Показали, что на восстановление 1 га залежных земель в условиях повышенной влажности затраты энергии составляют 1932,24 МДж, что равноценно 45,25 кг дизельного топлива

    Modeling and Forecasting the Removal of Biogenic Elements from Agricultural Lands Depending on the Soil Agrophysical Properties

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    Introduction. Environmental pollution prevention, including prevention of water bodies, with nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) when they are removed from agricultural lands with possible runoff is a topical problem that requires a timely solution. The studies have found that the removal of nutrients is a result of geochemical processes, fertilization, and other factors. In this regard, mathematical modeling of the process of removal of nutrients from agricultural lands and their possible entry into water bodies is an urgent task. Aim of the Study. The study is aimed at modeling and predicting the process of possible removal of nutrients from agricultural lands to water bodies. Materials and Methods. When conducting the study, there were used well-known modeling methods. They are the methods for calculating the removal of nutrients from agricultural objects into water bodies, based on the minimum amount of initial information for predicting the eutrophication of water bodies and agrochemical methods taking into account the structure and size of field and agricultural areas, crop yields, and removal nutrients with the harvest. Results. Based on an analysis of the literature and expert judgment, a list of the most significant indicators influencing the process of nitrogen and phosphorus removal was justified. There have been developed mathematical models to determine and predict the input of nutrients from agricultural lands to water bodies. There have been found significant indicators influencing the amount of input of nutrients, such as the amount of applied fertilizers, the volume of moisture, soil water capacity, field area, depth of cultivation, etc. There is given an example of calculating the amount of input of nutrients into water bodies with a rainfall intensity of 50 mm per hour. Discussion and Conclusion. The essence of the proposed mathematical models comes down to the synthesis of numerous indicators in the complex process of removal of nutrients and their impact on water quality. The proposed mathematical models make it possible to predict the removal of nutrients from agricultural lands and to develop and implement technical and technological solutions to prevent environmental pollution

    Evaluation of the ecological efficiency of soil cultivation machines with innovative dynamic working bodies

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    The research results are related to the problem of enhancing the environmental safety of technical means in crop production. A research object is a tillage machine with standard and innovative dynamic working bodies. The research is aimed to a comparative ecological assessment of the efficiency of using typical and dynamic working bodies for surface tillage. The scientific novelty is represented by the regularities of changes in resistivity per unit of active frontal area of the investigated working bodies, inertia force and total kinetic energy, per hectare fuel consumption, fuel economy and reduction of emissions of toxic components at different speed modes of operation of the tillage unit. During the research, the methods of experimental research in the field, analysis and generalization of experimental data were used. It has been established that the resistivity per unit of active frontal area of a dynamic tillage working body with an energy-storage transmission mechanism within the range of speed variation from 2.22 to 3.33 m/s decreases by 33-41% in comparison with a typical working body. With an increase in the speed of the tillage unit with standard working bodies from 2.22 to 3.33 m/s, the fuel consumption increases from 5.12 to 9.21 kg/ha. Within these limits of the speed of the tillage unit with dynamic tillage working bodies and energy-accumulating transmission mechanisms, the per hectare fuel consumption increases from 4.81 to 8.30 kg. The use of dynamic working bodies on the tillage machine allows to save from 0.310 to 0.910 kg of fuel per 1 ha. Herewith, the decrease in the level of emissions of toxic components is 6-10%, which ensures a decrease in the environmental load of soil-cultivating units during the cultivation of crop products