3 research outputs found

    Ptice ribnjaka »Končanica«, Hrvatska

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    The paper presents the ornithofauna of the carp fish-ponds of Končanica and the surroundings. The research was conducted between the spring of 1985 and the autumn of 2001 The material comprises data on the registration and counting of individual species throughout the year. The investigation covered resident birds, summer visitors, winter visitors, passage migrants, regular vagrants and irregular vagrants. During approximately 3000 working hours, 170 bird species were recorded, of which there were 98 (57. 6%) species of breeding birds. The fish-ponds and the surrounding area are included in the migration routes of many bird species, particularly of the Anseriformes and Charadriformes. The European Threat Status is given for all the recorded species. Economic activities (agriculture, forestry, hunting), ongoing inside and outside the area of the fish-ponds, endanger the ornithofauna to a certain extent. The Končanica fish-ponds and the surrounding area are an exceptionally valuable ornithological locality, and as a result, should be proclaimed a protected area.Predstavljena je fauna ptica šaranskih ribnjaka »Končanica« i bliže okolice koja je istraživana od proljeća 1985. godine do jeseni 2001. godine. Materijal predstavljaju podaci registriranja i brojenja primjeraka pojedinih vrsta tijekom cijele godine. Obrada je obuhvatila ptice stanarice, gnjezdarice selice, zimovalice, preletnice, redovite skitalice i neredovite skitalice. Tijekom oko 3000 radnih sati zabilježeno je 170 vrsta ptica, od kojih je 98 vrsta (57,6 %) gnjezdarica. Ribnjaci i okolno područje uključeni su u migracijske putove mnogih vrsta ptica, poglavito patkarica (Anseriformes) i vivčarica (Charadriformes). Za sve zabilježene vrste dat je status ugroženosti na području Europe (European Threat Status). Gospodarske aktivnosti (poljoprivreda, šumarstvo, lov) koje se odvijaju unutar ili izvan područja ribnjaka u određenoj mjeri ugrožavaju ptičju faunu. Ribnjaci »Končanica« i bliže okolno područje izuzetno su vrijedan ornitološki lokalitet, te ih zbog toga treba proglasiti zaštićenim područjem

    Exonic Versus Intronic Snps: Contrasting Roles In Revealing The Population Genetic Differentiation Of A Widespread Bird Species

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    Recent years have seen considerable progress in applying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to population genetics studies. However, relatively few have attempted to use them to study the genetic differentiation of wild bird populations and none have examined possible differences of exonic and intronic SNPs in these studies. Here, using 144 SNPs, we examined population genetic differentiation in the saker falcon (Falco cherrug) across Eurasia. The position of each SNP was verified using the recently sequenced saker genome with 108 SNPs positioned within the introns of 10 fragments and 36 SNPs in the exons of six genes, comprising MHC, MC1R and four others. In contrast to intronic SNPs, both Bayesian clustering and principal component analyses using exonic SNPs consistently revealed two genetic clusters, within which the least admixed individuals were found in Europe/central Asia and Qinghai (China), respectively. Pairwise D analysis for exonic SNPs showed that the two populations were significantly differentiated and between the two clusters the frequencies of five SNP markers were inferred to be influenced by selection. Central Eurasian populations clustered in as intermediate between the two main groups, consistent with their geographic position. But the westernmost populations of central Europe showed evidence of demographic isolation. Our work highlights the importance of functional exonic SNPs for studying population genetic pattern in a widespread avian species.Wo