15 research outputs found

    Materials based on BIFEVOX and bismuth or iron simple oxides nanopowders

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    Received: 22.09.2017; accepted: 17.10.2017; published: 20.10.2017.Compositions of composite materials based on BIFEVOX and nanopowders of bismuth and iron oxides have been obtained. The absence of chemical interaction between the components has been proved, the total electrical conductivity of materials in the average temperature region has been determined. It has been shown that under the selected formation conditions, it has not yet been possible to achieve significant improvement of the functional characteristics of heterogeneous compositions in comparison with individual phases. However positive results on chemical and structural stability give way to further investigations.The work was partially supported by the Scholarship of the President (SP-3376.2016.1) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No 17-53-04098)

    Status of selective permeability of hematosalivary barrier in individuals of different age groups

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    Hematosalivary barrier (HSB) maintains the relative im mutability of physical, chemical and biological properties of saliva, which ensures the proper functioning of the oral cavity. GSB is a hallmark of selective permeability. Aim of this study was to investigate some biochemical parameters (calcium, m agnesium , phosphorus, protein, TBC-active products) of oral fluid of individuals of different age groups. 90 people of different age groups were studied. The first main group consisted of 30 people aged 60 to 86 years, the second group consisted of 30 people from 45 to 59 years and the third group included 30 people aged 2 0-30 years. The content of total protein, total Са, P, Mg, and TBC - active products were determ ined in oral fluid. Studies carried out demonstrated significant differences in the content of basic m acronutrients and other substances in the oral fluid in different age groups, that allows to speak about the change of functioning and selective permeability of HSB depending on age.Гематосаливарный барьер (ГСБ) поддерживает относительную неизменность состава физических, химических и биологических свойств слюны, что обеспечивает нормальное функционирование органов полости рта. Отличительным признаком ГСБ является селективная проницаемость. Целью исследования явилось изучение некоторых биохимических показателей (кальций, магний, фосфор, белок, ТБК-активны е продукты) ротовой жидкости у лиц различных возрастных групп. Обследовано 90 людей разных возрастных групп. Основную 1 группу составили 30 человек в возрасте от 60 до 86 лет, 2 группу сравнения составили 30 человек от 45 до 59 лет, в 3 группу были включены 30 человек в возрасте 20-30 лет. В ротовой жидкости определяли содержание общ его белка, общ его Са, Р, Mg и ТБК - активные продукты. Проведенные исследования показали достоверные различия содержания основных макроэлементов и других веществ в ротовой жидкости в различных возрастных группах, что позволяет говорить об изменении функционирования и селективной проницаемости ГСБ в зависимости от возраста

    Kpna6 deficiency causes infertility in male mice by disrupting spermatogenesis

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    Spermatogenesis is driven by an ordered series of events, which rely on trafficking of specific proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm. The importin α family of proteins mediates movement of specific cargo proteins when bound to importin β. Importin α genes have distinct expression patterns in mouse testis, implying they may have unique roles during mammalian spermatogenesis. Here we use a loss-of-function approach to specifically determine the role of importin α7 in spermatogenesis and male fertility. We show that ablation of importin α7 in male mice leads to infertility and has multiple cumulative effects on both germ cells and Sertoli cells. Importin α7-deficient mice exhibit an impaired Sertoli cell function, including loss of Sertoli cells and a compromised nuclear localization of the androgen receptor. Furthermore, our data demonstrate devastating defects in spermiogenesis including incomplete sperm maturation and massive loss of sperms that are accompanied by disturbed histone-protamine-exchange, differential localization of the transcriptional regulator Brwd1 and altered expression of Rfx2 target genes. Our work uncovers the essential role of importin α7 in spermatogenesis and hence in male fertility

    Трансформация модели памяти языка программирования C в объектно-ориентированное представление на языке EO

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    The paper analyzes the possibilities of transforming C programming language constructs into objects of EO programming language. The key challenge of the method is the transpilation from a system programming language into a language of a higher level of abstraction, which doesn’t allow direct manipulations with computer memory. Almost all application and domain-oriented programming languages disable such direct access to memory. Operations that need to be supported in this case include the use of dereferenced pointers, the imposition of data of different types in the same memory area, and different interpretation of the same data which is located in the same memory address space. A decision was made to create additional EO-objects that directly simulate the interaction with computer memory as in C language. These objects encapsulate unreliable data operations which use pointers. An abstract memory object was proposed for simulating the capabilities of C language to provide interaction with computer memory. The memory object is essentially an array of bytes. It is possible to write into memory and read from memory at a given index. The number of bytes read or written depends on which object is being used. The transformation of various C language constructs into EO code is considered at the level of the compilation unit. To study the variants and analyze the results a transpiler was developed that provides necessary transformations. It is implemented on the basis of Clang, which forms an abstract syntax tree. This tree is processed using LibTooling and LibASTMatchers libraries. As a result of compiling a C program, code in EO language is generated. The considered approach turns out to be appropriate for solving different problems. One of such problems is static code analysis. Such solutions make it possible to isolate low-level code fragments into separate program objects, focusing on their study and possible transformations into more reliable code.В работе проводится анализ возможностей трансформации конструкций языка программирования C в объекты языка программирования EO. Особенностью рассматриваемого подхода является транспиляция из языка системного программирования в язык с более высоким уровнем абстракции, не поддерживающий непосредственные манипуляции с компьютерной памятью. К действиям, которые в этом случае необходимо поддерживать, относится использование разыменованных указателей, наложение данных различного типа на одну и ту же область памяти, а также различная интерпретация одних и тех же данных, расположенных в одном и том же адресном пространстве памяти. Принято решение о создании дополнительных EO-объектов, напрямую имитирующих непосредственную работу с компьютерной памятью в языке C и инкапсулирующих ненадежные операции с данными посредством указателей. Для отображения возможностей языка C, обеспечивающих взаимодействие с компьютерной памятью, предлагается абстрактный объект-память. Он представляет собой массив байт, при работе с которым возможны запись и чтение по заданному индексу. Для исследования вариантов и анализа полученных результатов разработан транспилятор, обеспечивающий необходимые трансформации. Он реализован на основе Clang, который формирует абстрактное синтаксическое дерево. Обработка этого дерева осуществляется с использованием библиотек LibTooling и LibASTMatchers. Рассмотренный подход оказывается целесообразным при решении ряда задач, к одной из которых относится статический анализ кода. Подобные решения позволяют выделить в отдельные программные объекты низкоуровневые фрагменты кода, акцентировав внимание на их изучении и возможных преобразованиях в более надежный код

    Generation of Trophoblast Stem Cells from Rabbit Embryonic Stem Cells with BMP4

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    Trophoblast stem (TS) cells are ideal models to investigate trophectoderm differentiation and placental development. Herein, we describe the derivation of rabbit trophoblast stem cells from embryonic stem (ES) cells. Rabbit ES cells generated in our laboratory were induced to differentiate in the presence of BMP4 and TS-like cell colonies were isolated and expanded. These cells expressed the molecular markers of mouse TS cells, were able to invade, give rise to derivatives of TS cells, and chimerize placental tissues when injected into blastocysts. The rabbit TS-like cells maintained self-renewal in culture medium with serum but without growth factors or feeder cells, whilst their proliferation and identity were compromised by inhibitors of FGFs and TGF-β receptors. Taken together, our study demonstrated the derivation of rabbit TS cells and suggested the essential roles of FGF and TGF-β signalings in maintenance of rabbit TS cell self-renewal

    Activation of the PTHRP/adenylate cyclase pathway promotes differentiation of rat XEN cells into parietal endoderm, whereas Wnt/β-catenin signaling promotes differentiation into visceral endoderm

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    During early mammalian development, primitive endoderm (PrE) is specified and segregated away from the pluripotent epiblast. At a later developmental stage, PrE forms motile parietal endoderm (PE) lying proximal to the trophectoderm, and visceral endoderm (VE) that contacts the developing epiblast and extraembryonic ectoderm. Mouse extraembryonic endoderm (XEN) cells were isolated and became widely used to study signals governing lineage specification. Rat XEN cell lines have also been derived, but were distinguished from mouse by expression of SSEA1 and Oct4. We showed here that rat XEN cells grown in the presence of a GSK3 inhibitor or overexpressing beta-catenin exhibited enhanced formation of cell contacts and decreased motility. Rat XEN cells treated with BMP4 revealed similar morphological changes. Furthermore, we observed that rat XEN cells cultured with GSK3 inhibitor formed adhesion and tight junctions, and acquired bottom-top polarity, indicating the formation of VE cells. In contrast, forskolin, an activator of the cAMP pathway, induced the disruption of cell contacts in rat XEN cells. Treatment with forskolin induced the PE formation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in rat XEN cells. Using microarray and real-time PCR assays, we found that VE versus PE formation of rat XEN cells was correlated with change in expression levels of VE or PE marker genes. Similar to forskolin, EMT was prompted upon treatment of rat XEN cells with recombinant parathyroid hormone related peptide (PTHRP), an activator of the cAMP pathway in vivo. Taken together, our data suggest that rat XEN cells are PrE-like cells. The activation of Wnt or BMP4 pathways in rat XEN cells leads to the acquisition of VE characteristics, whereas the activation of the PTHRP/cAMP pathway leads to EMT and the formation of PE

    Features of immune status in patients with various clinical forms of oral lichen planus

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    Oral mucosal lesions hold one of the lead places in the structure of dental diseases. Oral lichen planus (OLP) considered as a multifactorial disease is of top priority among dermatoses of oral mucosa and red lip border. Diverse putative concepts behind developing lichen planus pathogenesis are discussed including immunoallergic, viral, genetic and membrane-destructive theories. However, an immune theory is thought to play a crucial role in developing lichen planus. Despite documented induction of immune mechanisms, complex interaction between pathological process and normal defense response as well as stirred interest to it, multiple aspects of immunological conflict in lichen planus remain unclear. Few data describing altered immune parameters depending on clinical picture of lichen planus are currently available that suggested to perform the study aimed at examining immune status in patients with various forms of oral lichen planus. There were enrolled 286 oral lichen planus patients (248 females and 38 males), aged 27–84 years. Based on clinical picture, all OLP patients were divided into 6 groups: a typical type, exudative-congestive, erosive-ulcerous, hyperkeratotic, atypical, bullous type. An immune status in peripheral blood samples was evaluated by analyzing innate defense mechanisms as well as humoral and cellular immunity. Multiple altered immune parameters characterized by impaired phagocytic capture and metabolic activity, disimmunoglobulinemia, altered ratio of major immunocompetent cell types and subsets were documented during the study. Moreover, OLP patients with typical, hyperkeratotic, exudative hyperemic, atypical and erosive ulcerous forms were found to have increased amount of CD4+ helper T cells associated with a self-sustained immune response due to suppressed elimination of pathogenic agents consequently resulting in developing autoimmune process. While analyzing immune status in OLP patients, it allowed to find a relationship between dysphagocytosis signs, impaired humoral and cellular immunity as well as various clinical forms of the disease. Thus, it suggests imbalanced mechanisms responsible for pathogen elimination might play a role in OLP pathogenesis, including infectious agents being involved in its development

    Characterization of trophoblast and extraembryonic endoderm cell lineages derived from rat preimplantation embryos.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous attempts to isolate pluripotent cell lines from rat preimplantation embryo in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell culture conditions (serum and LIF) were unsuccessful, however the resulting cells exhibited the expression of such traditional pluripotency markers as SSEA-1 and alkaline phosphatase. We addressed the question, which kind of cell lineages are produced from rat preimplantation embryo under “classical” mouse ES conditions. RESULTS: We characterized two cell lines (C5 and B10) which were obtained from rat blastocysts in medium with serum and LIF. In the B10 cell line we found the expression of genes known to be expressed in trophoblast, Cdx-2, cytokeratin-7, and Hand-1. Also, B10 cells invaded the trophectodermal layer upon injection into rat blastocysts. In contrast to mouse Trophoblast Stem (TS) cells proliferation of B10 cells occurred independently of FGF4. Cells of the C5 line expressed traditional markers of extraembryonic-endoderm (XEN) cells, in particular, GATA-4, but also the pluripotency markers SSEA-1 and Oct-4. C5 cell proliferation exhibited dependence on LIF, which is not known to be required by mouse XEN cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm and extend previous findings about differences between blastocyst-derived cell lines of rat and mice. Our data show, that the B10 cell line represents a population of FGF4-independent rat TS-like cells. C5 cells show features that have recently become known as characteristic of rat XEN cells. Early passages of C5 and B10 cells contained both, TS and XEN cells. We speculate, that mechanisms maintaining self-renewal of cell lineages in rat preimplantation embryo and their in vitro counterparts, including ES, TS and XEN cells are different than in respective mouse lineages