422 research outputs found

    Photometric and spectroscopic variability of 53 Per

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    A new investigation of the variability of the SPB-type star 53 Per is presented. The analysis of the BRITE photometry allowed us to determine eight independent frequencies and the combination one. Five of these frequencies and the combination one were not known before. In addition, we gathered more than 1800 new moderate and high-resolution spectra of 53 Per spread over approximately six months. Their frequency analysis revealed four independent frequencies and the combination one, all consistent with the BRITE results.Comment: 2 pages, accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the PAS (Proc. of the 2nd BRITE Science conference, Innsbruck

    A fixed combination of probiotics and herbal extracts attenuates intestinal barrier dysfunction from inflammatory stress in an in vitro model using Caco-2 cells.

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    Background: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), are considered a growing global disease, with about ten million people being affected worldwide. Maintenance of intestinal barrier integrity is crucial for preventing IBD onset and exacerbations. Some recent patents regarding oily formulations containing probiotics (WO2010122107A1 and WO2010103374A9) and the use of probiotics for gastrointestinal complaints (US20110110905A1 and US9057112B2) exist, or are pending application. Objective: In this work, we studied the effect of a fixed combination of registered Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus acidophilus strains and herbal extracts in an in vitro inflammation experimental model. Methods: Caco-2 cell monolayer was exposed to INF-\u3b3+TNF-\u3b1 or to LPS; Trans Epithelial Electrical Resistance (TEER) and paracellular permeability were investigated. ZO-1 and occludin Tight Junctions (TJs) were also investigated by mean of immunofluorescence. Results: Pre-treatment with the fixed combination of probiotics and herbal extracts prevented the inflammation-induced TEER decrease, paracellular permeability increase and TJs translocation. Conclusions: In summary, the fixed combination of probiotics and herbal extracts investigated in this research was found to be an interesting candidate for targeting the re-establishment of intestinal barrier function in IBD conditions

    CAOS spectroscopy of Am stars Kepler targets

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    The {\it Kepler} space mission and its {\it K2} extension provide photometric time series data with unprecedented accuracy. These data challenge our current understanding of the metallic-lined A stars (Am stars) for what concerns the onset of pulsations in their atmospheres. It turns out that the predictions of current diffusion models do not agree with observations. To understand this discrepancy, it is of crucial importance to obtain ground-based spectroscopic observations of Am stars in the {\it Kepler} and {\it K2} fields in order to determine the best estimates of the stellar parameters. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of high-resolution spectroscopic data for seven stars previously classified as Am stars. We determine the effective temperatures, surface gravities, projected rotational velocities, microturbulent velocities and chemical abundances of these stars using spectral synthesis. These spectra were obtained with {\it CAOS}, a new instrument recently installed at the observing station of the Catania Astrophysical Observatory on Mt. Etna. Three stars have already been observed during quarters Q0-Q17, namely: HD\,180347, HD\,181206, and HD\,185658, while HD\,43509 was already observed during {\it K2} C0 campaign. We confirm that HD\,43509 and HD\,180347 are Am stars, while HD 52403, HD\,50766, HD\,58246, HD\,181206 and HD\,185658 are marginal Am stars. By means of non-LTE analysis, we derived oxygen abundances from O{\sc I}λ\lambda7771--5{\AA} triplet and we also discussed the results obtained with both non-LTE and LTE approaches.Comment: accepted in MNRAS main journal 13 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.095

    Exploratory study of the EU-DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket behaviour in case of loss of cooling capability

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    Within the framework of the European Roadmap to the realization of fusion energy, a strong international cooperation is ongoing to develop a Breeding Blanket (BB) system for the EU-DEMO reactor. Although it is still to be decided whether the DEMO in-vessel components should perform any safety function, the pursuing of robust blanket concepts able to handle upset and accidental loading conditions has been always seen as good practice in fusion reactor engineering to enhance the inherent plant safety performances. Amongst the several classes of events that might challenge the BB structural integrity, the large Loss of Coolant Accident is one of the most relevant because it usually leads to a fast loss of cooling capability of the structures. Due to the characteristic of the tokamak assembly, the behaviour of each blanket segment during a sudden loss of cooling capability does not depend only upon distinguishing features of the component itself. In fact, the overall transient can be governed by conditions established in surrounding elements, like adjacent blanket segments and vacuum vessel, as well as by the plasma shutdown strategies adopted to protect the reactor. The scope of the activity herein presented is to make a preliminary assessment of the intrinsic capability of EU-DEMO tokamak architecture to cope with the loss of cooling in the Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB concept. Evaluation of BB thermal field in short and medium term under simplified, yet conservative, assumptions was carried out for four transient scenarios with the aim of investigating the response of the structure in case of: a) fast or soft plasma shutdown, and b) different blanket cooling schemes. Moreover, the WCLL BB thermo-mechanical response in the most critical time steps has been assessed. The obtained results shall help for future decisions on safety systems/action to be implemented to cope with accidents

    Structural assessment of the EU-DEMO water-cooled lead lithium central outboard blanket segment adopting the sub-modelling technique

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    The development of a sound conceptual design of the Water-Cooled Lead Lithium Breeding Blanket (WCLL BB) is pivotal to make a breakthrough towards the selection of the driver blanket concept for the EU-DEMO. To achieve this goal, an intense research campaign has been performed at the University of Palermo, in cooperation with ENEA Brasimone, under the umbrella of EUROfusion. In this paper, structural analyses of different poloidal regions of the WCLL BB Central Outboard Blanket (COB) segment are reported. In particular, starting from the results of the thermo-mechanical analysis of the whole WCLL BB COB segment, the sub-modelling technique has been applied to the most significant poloidal regions, located at the top, middle and bottom of the segment. The aim is to focus on the stress field locally arising under purposely selected steady-state nominal and accidental loading scenarios. The nominal BB operating conditions, as well as steady-state scenarios derived from both the in-box LOCA and Vertical Plasma Disruption accidents have been considered. Thanks to the sub-modelling approach, the deformative action of the entire segment can be imposed at the boundaries of each local model to realistically assess its structural performances. Moreover, each local model reproduces structural details not included in the global one, such as the Segment Box (SB) cooling channels. Then, the structural behaviour of the selected regions has been assessed in compliance with the RCC-MRx code. The obtained results highlighted that the structural behaviour predicted by the whole segment analysis is similar to that predicted by sub-modelling calculations within the Stiffening Plates, whereas the application of the sub-modelling is a must to investigate in detail the SB structural performances. In addition, results indicate that the BB attachments should be revised, as they contribute to produce the WCLL COB large deformation originating excessive stresses, mainly within the equatorial region

    Juzgando crímenes de lesa humanidad: avances, retrocesos y qué podemos aprender de la experiencia,

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    The article presents the context of the last military dictatorship in Argentina, and the subsequent path in the prosecution of crimes against humanity that took place during that period. It describes how the amnesties and pardon laws were used in the Argentine case, and analyzes the incompatibility of these mechanisms in the prosecution of crimes against humanity, due to the international commitments and obligations to protect the human rights subscribed by the States. In addition, it explores the role of victims and the concept of reparation, a fundamental element in this kind of processes and particularly in criminal law. El artículo expone el contexto de la última dictadura militar en la Argentina, y el posterior camino en el juzgamiento de los crímenes de lesa humanidad que tuvieron lugar en ese período. Se describe cómo se utilizaron las leyes amnistías e indulto en el caso argentino, y se analiza la incompatibilidad de estos mecanismos en el juzgamiento de delitos de lesa humanidad, en virtud de los compromisos y obligaciones internacionales de protección de los derechos humanos de suscriptos por los Estados. Además, se estudia el rol de las víctimas y el concepto de reparación, un elemento primordial en este tipo de procesos y en particular en el derecho penal

    Exploratory Thermo-Mechanical Assessment of the Bottom Cap Region of the EU DEMO Water-Cooled Lead Lithium Central Outboard Blanket Segment

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    The Water-Cooled Lead Lithium (WCLL) Breeding Blanket (BB) is one of the two BB concept candidates to be selected as the driver blanket for the EU DEMO fusion reactor. In this regard, the development of a sound architecture of the WCLL Central Outboard Blanket (COB) Segment, ensuring the fulfilment of the thermal and structural design requirements, is one of the main goals of the EUROfusion consortium. To this purpose, an exploratory research campaign has been launched to preliminarily investigate the thermo-mechanical performances of the Bottom Cap (BC) region of the WCLL COB segment because of its peculiarities making its design different from the other regions. The assessment has been carried out considering the nominal BB operating conditions, the Normal Operation (NO) scenario, as well as a steady-state scenario derived from the in-box LOCA accident, the Over-Pressurization (OP) scenario. Starting from the reference geometric layout of the WCLL COB BC region, a first set of analyses has been launched in order to evaluate its structural performances under a previously calculated thermal field and to select potential geometric improvements. Then, the analysis of a complete BC region was conducted from both the thermal and structural standpoints, evaluating its structural behaviour in compliance with the RCC-MRx code. Finally, after some iterations and geometric updates, a promising geometric layout of the BC region has been obtained even though some criticalities still persist in the internal Stiffening Plates and First Wall. However, the obtained results clearly showed that the proposed layout is worthy to be further assessed to achieve a robust enough configuration. The work has been performed following a theoretical-numerical approach based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and adopting the quoted Ansys commercial FEM code

    Persistent dysregulation of DNA methylation in cells with arsenic-induced genomic instability

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    The mechanisms by which arsenic-induced genomic instability is initiated and maintained are poorly understood. In previous studies long-term progression of chromosomal instability was typified by increasing aneuploidy in Chinese hamster V79 and human keratinocyte cells treated with arsenite for a 24 hr exposure period followed by growth in arsenic-free medium for 40-120 cell generations. In the current study the role of progressive DNA methylation changes was evaluated in long-term cell cultures after brief arsenite treatments as above. We have found altered genomic methylation patterns in cells that were briefly exposed to arsenic with evidence for widespread dysregulation of CpG methylation that persists for many population doublings after the treatment. In V79 cell populations, progressive aneuploidy increases were notable by 50 cell generations after a 24 hr exposure to 1-10 uM arsenite. Dicentric chromosomes and/or telomeric associations, as well as complex chromosome rearrangements, occurred by 90 cells generations post treatment; and mutator and transformed phenotypes began to appear thereafter. This increasing genomic instability correlated with modifications of global DNA methylation patterns in V79 cells evaluated by 5-methylcytosine antibody binding and MeSAP-PCR. The results show that short-term exposure to arsenite induced an apparent genome hypomethylating effect within a short time after exposure. In identical protocols using human HaCaT keratinocytes exposed to low doses of arsenite (0.05-0.1 M) for 24 hr, genomewide methylation levels were measured by LINE1 pyrosequencing and gene-specific methylation status was assessed by Methylation-Specific-PCR for up to 40 generations post exposure. Global demethylation following treatment was supported by preliminary LINE-1 studies. Moreover, the study of gene-specific MSP and determination of expression levels by RT-PCR of several genes (p16, hMLH1, hMSH2, DNMT1, DNMT3a and DNMT3b) demonstrated that hMSH2 gene was epigenetically regulated by arsenite and that down regulation of DNMT3a and DNMT3b genes occurred in an arsenite dose-dependent manner. The results reported here demonstrate that acute 24 hr arsenic exposure promptly induces genome wide DNA hypomethylation, and support the hypothesis that the cells continue to undergo epigenetic reprogramming both at the gene and genomic levels in the absence of further arsenite treatment; thus likely contributing to long-lasting genomic instability that manifests as aberrant chromosomal, mutator and cell transformation effects


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    Background and Aims: Hepatic enzyme CYP2E1 is involved in the metabolism of a number of exogenous and endogenous substances (i.e. ethanol, drugs and chemical carcinogens). Being polymorphic, CYP2E1 gene can give different xeno-metabolic capabilities in a population and it is well known that inadequate or no enzymatic deactivation of xenobiotics could induce an increased susceptibility to disease and cancer. In particular, one of the 5 -flanking region polymorphisms, able to differentiate CYP2E1 gene transcriptional activity, is caused by the appearance/disappearance of RsaI and PstI restriction sites, which generates two different alleles, namely *C1(Rsa+/Pst−) and *C2(Rsa−/Pst+) respectively, reported to be in complete linkage disequilibrium. Methods: To confirm the existence of a correlation between some particular CYP2E1 genotypes/haplotypes and hepatocarcinoma, we determined CYP2E1 PstI/RsaI genotypes/haplotypes by RFLP-PCR in a cohort of central western Sicily hepatocarcinoma patients and in a population of healthy students from the same geographic area. Results: In hepatocarcinoma patients, modal genotype association was Rsa++/Pst−−, corresponding to CYP2E1 *C1/*C1 haplotype, whereas the Rsa+−/Pst−+ association, equivalent to CYP2E1 *C1/*C2 haplotype, resulted to have the lowest frequency both in patients and in controls. Moreover, both in patients and in controls, noncanonical genotype associations were frequent and arose from a no-linkage disequilibrium between the two polymorphic sites. Other authors reported this finding as a rare occurrence. Thus, from analysis of only one restriction site, Rsa++ genotype was approximately 1.5-fold more frequent in patients than in controls, and the non-canonical Rsa+− genotype was found relatively frequent in patients. Moreover, HuH7 and HA22T transformed hepatocarcinoma cell lines also showed the Rsa+− genotype. Conclusions: These results suggest that the presence in CYP2E1 genotype of at least one allele with an Rsa I restriction site is correlated with hepatocarcinoma. As this site is known a consensus sequence for some specific CYP gene transcription factors, like HNF-1, it may be supposed that a single nucleotide polymorphism can alter the possibility of HNF-1 to bind CYP2E1 promoter. This could determine a marked change in the transcriptional activity of the gene, incompetence in xenobiotic metabolism or in toxic substance deactivation and an increased susceptibility to neoplastic diseases, such as hepatocarcinoma
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