9 research outputs found

    Vulvovaginal benign mesenchymal tumors

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    Scopul lucrării. Tumorile mezenchimale benigne vulvovaginale (TMBV) sunt o patologie destul de rară și în literatura de specialitate sunt prezentate ca cazuri clinice rare sau serii mici. Este oportun să se împartă TMBV în: specifice pentru această zonă (angiofibrom celular, angiomiofibroblastom etc.) și nespecifice (lipom, leiomiom etc.). Scopul studiului este de a evalua rezultatele diagnosticului și tratamentului chirurgical al TMBV pe o perioadă de douăzeci de ani. Materiale și metode. A fost analizată baza de date a doisprezece paciente cu TMBV, vârsta medie a pacientelor fiind de 44.7±3.3 ani (95% CI:37.40–51.94). TMBV au fost caracterizate prin prezența unei tumori solide, cu creștere lentă, cu contururi destul de clare. Tumorile au fost localizate: labiile mari (n=9,75%), pereții anteriori și laterali ai vaginului (n=2, 16.7%) și labiile mari extinzându-se spre perineu (n=1, 8.3%). Pentru o descriere mai detaliată a TMBV au fost efectuate ultrasonografie (USG, n=5) și imagistica prin rezonanță magnetică (IRM, n=2). În toate cazurile au fost înregistrate tumori unice cu o dimensiune maximă medie de 80.9±14.1 mm (95% CI:49.56–112.3) și o dimensiune minimă de 54.1±9.1 mm (95% CI:33.73–74.27). Diagnosticul preoperator corect a fost stabilit în 10(83.3%) cazuri. Rezultate. În toate cazurile de TMBV a fost efectuată excizia tumorii cu margine chirurgicală negativă macro- și microscopică (R0). Examenul histopatologic a evidențiat următoarele variante de TMBV: lipom (n=8, 66.7%), leiomiom (n=2, 16.6%), angiofibrom celular (n=1, 8.3%) și angiomiofibroblastom (n=1, 8.3%). Urmărirea pe termen lung în perioada postoperatorie nu a evidențiat nici o recidivă a TMBV (zero) și o autoevaluare înaltă a rezultatului cosmetic al intervenției chirurgicale. Concluzii. Astfel, TMBV sunt tumori unice, cu creștere lentă, cu contururi destul de clare. Pentru o caracterizare mai detaliată, se recomandă utilizarea ultrasonografiei și/sau imagisticii prin rezonanță magnetică. Excizia unei tumori cu margine chirurgicală negativă macro- și microscopică este cea mai optimă metodă pentru tratarea TMBV.Aim of study. Benign vulvovaginal mesenchymal tumors (BVVMT) are a rather rare pathology and in the specialized literature they are presented as rare clinical cases or small series. It is appropriate to divide BVVMT into: specific for this area (cellular angiofibroma, angiomyofibroblastoma, etc.) and non-specific (lipoma, leiomyoma, etc.). The aim of the study is to evaluate the results of the diagnosis and surgical treatment of BVVMT over a period of twenty years. Materials and methods. The database of twelve patients with BVVMT was analyzed, the average age of the patients being 44.7±3.3 years (95% CI:37.40–51.94). BVVMTs were characterized by the presence of a solid, slow-growing tumor with fairly clear outlines. The tumors were located: the labia majora (n=9, 75%), the anterior and lateral walls of the vagina (n=2, 16.7%) and the labia majora extending to the perineum (n=1, 8.3%). For a more detailed description of BVVMT, ultrasonography (USG, n=5) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, n=2) were performed. Single tumors with a mean maximum size of 80.9±14.1 mm (95% CI:49.56–112.3) and a minimum size of 54.1±9.1 mm (95% CI:33.73–74.27) were recorded in all cases. The correct preoperative diagnosis was established in 10(83.3%) cases. Results. In all cases of BVVMT tumor excision with negative macro- and microscopic surgical margin (R0) was performed. The histopathological examination revealed the following variants of BVVMT: lipoma (n=8, 66.7%), leiomyoma (n=2, 16.6%), cellular angiofibroma (n=1, 8.3%) and angiomyofibroblastoma (n=1, 8.3%). Long-term follow-up in the postoperative period revealed no recurrence of BVVMT (zero) and a high self-assessment of the cosmetic result of the surgery. Conclusions. Thus, BVVMTs are single, slow-growing tumors with fairly clear outlines. For a more detailed characterization, the use of ultrasonography and/or magnetic resonance imaging is recommended. Excision of a tumor with a negative macro- and microscopic surgical margin is the most optimal method for treating BVVMT

    Agronomical biofortification of garlic plant (Allium sativum L.) in aspect of increasing selenium content and antioxidant properties

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    ABSTRACT The paper presents results of studying the effect of garlic plant (Allium sativum L.) foliar treatment with gibberellins and potassium selenate on the yield, selenium content and antioxidant protection capacity of the leaves and bulbs. It has been found that biological fortification of the garlic plant by treating the leaves with the solution of potassium selenate increases the selenium content in leaves and bulbs, the capacity of the antioxidant protection of cells, the content of the proline, pigment assimilation and, reduces lipid peroxidation. Potassium selenate amplifies the adaptive potential of plants, reduces the negative impact of moisture deficit, enhances the accumulation of the substances that increase the water retention capacity in the leaves, and optimizes the processes of growth and productivity


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    The interaction of [Fe(DfgH)2Py2] (where DfgH=monodeprotonated diphenylglyioxime, Py-pyridune) and 1,3,5-triazine (Trz) in chloroform resulted in a new coordination compound with the composition [Fe(DfgH)2(Trz)2]·2CHCl3 (1). The crystal structure of 1, determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction, revealed that Fe(II) atom is coordinated by four oximic nitrogen atoms of two DfgH and two nitrogen atoms of two Trz ligands resulting in octahedral surrounding

    Synthesis and Characterization of Coordination Compound [Eu(µ<sub>2</sub>-OC<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>)(btfa)(NO<sub>3</sub>)(phen)]<sub>2</sub>phen with High Luminescence Efficiency

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    A high-luminescent, blue-light excitable europium(III) coordination complex, [Eu(µ2-OC2H5)(btfa)(NO3)(phen)]2phen (1) {btfa = benzoyl trifluoroacetone, phen = 1,10-phenantroline}, has been synthesized and investigated. The complex was characterized by infrared (IR) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The PL emission spectra of powder samples registered in a range of 10.7–300 K exhibit characteristic metal-centered luminescence bands, assigned to internal radiative transitions of the Eu3+ ion, 5D1→7Fj and 5D0→7Fj (j = 0–4). The high-resolution spectrum of the transition 5D0→7F0 shows that it consists of two narrow components, separated by 0.96 meV, which indicates the presence in the matrix of two different sites of the Eu3+ ion. The splitting pattern of 5D0→7Fj (j = 0–4) transitions indicates that europium ions are located in a low-symmetry environment. The absolute quantum yield and the sensitization efficiency were determined to be 49.2% and 89.3%, respectively. The complex can be excited with low-cost lasers at around 405 nm and is attractive for potential applications in optoelectronics and biochemistry