1,716 research outputs found

    S-DIMM+ height characterization of day-time seeing using solar granulation

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    To evaluate site quality and to develop multi-conjugative adaptive optics systems for future large solar telescopes, characterization of contributions to seeing from heights up to at least 12 km above the telescope is needed. We describe a method for evaluating contributions to seeing from different layers along the line-of-sight to the Sun. The method is based on Shack Hartmann wavefront sensor data recorded over a large field-of-view with solar granulation and uses only measurements of differential image displacements from individual exposures, such that the measurements are not degraded by residual tip-tilt errors. We conclude that the proposed method allows good measurements when Fried's parameter r_0 is larger than about 7.5 cm for the ground layer and that these measurements should provide valuable information for site selection and multi-conjugate development for the future European Solar Telescope. A major limitation is the large field of view presently used for wavefront sensing, leading to uncomfortably large uncertainties in r_0 at 30 km distance.Comment: Accepted by AA 22/01/2010 (12 pages, 11 figures

    On the Role of Interfacial Reactions, Dissolution and Secondary Precipitation During the Laser Additive Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites: A Review

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    Since current trends in the transportation, energy or mechanical industries impose increasingly demanding service conditions for metallic parts, metal matrix composites (MMCs) are the object of a growing interest. Powder-based laser additive manufacturing, which allows making parts with complex shapes, appears particularly adapted for the production of MMCs. This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art in the production of MMCs by additive processes, with the aim of assessing the potentials and difficulties offered by these techniques. Two main processing routes are envisaged, i.e. (1) the processing of ex situ composites in which the reinforcing phase as a powder—often of ceramic particles—is directly mixed with the powder of the matrix alloy, and both powders are simultaneously processed by the laser. (2) Alternatively, the reinforcing phase can be produced in situ by a chemical reaction during the fabrication of the composite. For both processing routes, a careful control is needed to overcome challenges brought, e.g. by the behaviour of the reinforcement particles in the laser beam, by changes in laser absorptivity or by the dissolution of the reinforcing particles in the molten metal, in order to produce MMCs with enhanced usage properties

    Laser Guide Stars for Extremely Large Telescopes: Efficient Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor Design using Weighted center-of-gravity algorithm

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    Over the last few years increasing consideration has been given to the study of Laser Guide Stars (LGS) for the measurement of the disturbance introduced by the atmosphere in optical and near-infrared astronomical observations from the ground. A possible method for the generation of a LGS is the excitation of the Sodium layer in the upper atmosphere at approximately 90 km of altitude. Since the Sodium layer is approximately 10 km thick, the artificial reference source looks elongated, especially when observed from the edge of a large aperture. The spot elongation strongly limits the performance of the most common wavefront sensors. The centroiding accuracy in a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, for instance, decreases proportionally to the elongation (in a photon noise dominated regime). To compensate for this effect a straightforward solution is to increase the laser power, i.e. to increase the number of detected photons per subaperture. The scope of the work presented in this paper is twofold: an analysis of the performance of the Weighted Center of Gravity algorithm for centroiding with elongated spots and the determination of the required number of photons to achieve a certain average wavefront error over the telescope aperture.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Spectropolarimetric observations of Herbig Ae/Be Stars I: HiVIS spectropolarimetric calibration and reduction techniques

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    Using the HiVIS spectropolarimeter built for the Haleakala 3.7m AEOS telescope in Hawaii, we are collecting a large number of high precision spectropolarimetrc observations of stars. In order to precisely measure very small polarization changes, we have performed a number of polarization calibration techniques on the AEOS telescope and HiVIS spectrograph. We have extended our dedicated IDL reduction package and have performed some hardware upgrades to the instrument. We have also used the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter on CFHT to verify the HiVIS results with back-to-back observations of MWC 361 and HD163296. Comparision of this and other HiVIS data with stellar observations from the ISIS and WW spectropolarimeters in the literature further shows the usefulness of this instrument.Comment: 35 pages, 44 figures, Accepted by PAS

    On realizations of nonlinear Lie algebras by differential operators

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    We study realizations of polynomial deformations of the sl(2,R)- Lie algebra in terms of differential operators strongly related to bosonic operators. We also distinguish their finite- and infinite-dimensional representations. The linear, quadratic and cubic cases are explicitly visited but the method works for arbitrary degrees in the polynomial functions. Multi-boson Hamiltonians are studied in the context of these ``nonlinear'' Lie algebras and some examples dealing with quantum optics are pointed out.Comment: 21 pages, Latex; New examples added in Sect.

    Invariant vector fields and the prolongation method for supersymmetric quantum systems

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    The kinematical and dynamical symmetries of equations describing the time evolution of quantum systems like the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator in one space dimension and the interaction of a non-relativistic spin one-half particle in a constant magnetic field are reviewed from the point of view of the vector field prolongation method. Generators of supersymmetries are then introduced so that we get Lie superalgebras of symmetries and supersymmetries. This approach does not require the introduction of Grassmann valued differential equations but a specific matrix realization and the concept of dynamical symmetry. The Jaynes-Cummings model and supersymmetric generalizations are then studied. We show how it is closely related to the preceding models. Lie algebras of symmetries and supersymmetries are also obtained.Comment: 37 pages, 7 table

    Evaluation de l’utilisation du pepsinogène sanguin comme biomarqueur de l’intégrité de la muqueuse gastrique chez le porc. 2. Méthodes de dosage et intérêt en pathologie porcine

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    Pepsinogen is one component of the gastric juice which participes in the digestion. This macromolecule enters the blood circulation in a small measurable quantities in healthy subjects. Therefore, blood pepsinogen is claimed to be an indicator of the integrity of the gastric mucosa. This paper was written to review the use of porcine in the diagnostic of stomach ulcers and Hyostrongylus rubidus infection. The methods of measurement of blood pepsinogen and the diagnostic values are discussed.Le pepsinogène est une composante du suc gastrique qui participe à la digestion des protéines alimentaires. Il est aussi parmi les macromolécules qui entrent dans la circulation sanguine en faibles quantités mesurables chez des sujets normaux. Son dosage est utilisé dans la mise en évidence de certaines pathologies gastriques chez le porc. Cette synthèse décrit les méthodes de dosage et des valeurs sériques ou plasmatiques du pepsinogène en relation avec des ulcères ou les infestations parasitaires à Hyostrongylus rubidus chez le por
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