1,085 research outputs found

    Non-monotonic orbital velocity profiles around rapidly rotating Kerr-(anti-)de Sitter black holes

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    It has been recently demonstrated that the orbital velocity profile around Kerr black holes in the equatorial plane as observed in the locally non-rotating frame exhibits a non-monotonic radial behaviour. We show here that this unexpected minimum-maximum feature of the orbital velocity remains if the Kerr vacuum is generalized to the Kerr-de Sitter or Kerr-anti-de Sitter metric. This is a new general relativity effect in Kerr spacetimes with non-vanishing cosmological constant. Assuming that the profile of the orbital velocity is known, this effect constrains the spacetime parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for Class. Quant. Gra

    A New Cosmological Model of Quintessence and Dark Matter

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    We propose a new class of quintessence models in which late times oscillations of a scalar field give rise to an effective equation of state which can be negative and hence drive the observed acceleration of the universe. Our ansatz provides a unified picture of quintessence and a new form of dark matter we call "Frustrated Cold Dark Matter" (FCDM). FCDM inhibits gravitational clustering on small scales and could provide a natural resolution to the core density problem for disc galaxy halos. Since the quintessence field rolls towards a small value, constraints on slow-roll quintessence models are safely circumvented in our model.Comment: Revised. Important new results added in response to referees comment

    Long-lived Charginos in the Focus-point Region of the MSSM Parameter Space

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    We analyse the possibility to get light long-lived charginos within the framework of the MSSM with gravity mediated SUSY breaking. We find out that this possibility can be realized in the so-called focus-point region of parameter space. The mass degeneracy of higgsino-like chargino and two higgsino-like neutralinos is the necessary condition for a long lifetime. It requires the fine-tuning of parameters, but being a single additional constraint in the whole parameter space it can be fulfilled in the Constrained MSSM along the border line where radiative electroweak symmetry breaking fails. In a narrow band close to the border line the charginos are long-lived particles. The cross-sections of their production and co-production at the LHC via electroweak interaction reach a few tenth of pb.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 11 eps figure

    Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: Finite time quenches

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    The electroweak symmetry breaking transition may supply the appropriate out-of-equilibrium conditions for baryogenesis if it is triggered sufficiently fast. This can happen at the end of low-scale inflation, prompting baryogenesis to occur during tachyonic preheating of the Universe, when the potential energy of the inflaton is transfered into Standard Model particles. With the proper amount of CP-violation present, the observed baryon number asymmetry can be reproduced. Within this framework of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis, we study the dependence of the generated baryon asymmetry on the speed of the quenching transition. We find that there is a separation between ``fast'' and ``slow'' quenches, which can be used to put bounds on the allowed Higgs-inflaton coupling. We also clarify the strong Higgs mass dependence of the asymmetry reported in a companion paper (hep-ph/0604263).Comment: 18 pages, 20 figure

    H-alpha Survey of the Local Volume: Isolated Southern Galaxies

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    We present our H-alpha observations of 11 isolated southern galaxies: SDIG, PGC 51659, E 222-010, E 272-025, E 137-018, IC 4662, Sag DIG, IC 5052, IC 5152, UGCA 438, and E149-003, with distances from 1 to 7 Mpc. We have determined the total H-alpha fluxes from these galaxies. The star formation rates in these galaxies range from 10^{-1} (IC 4662) to 10^{-4}_{\odot}/yr (SDIG) and the gas depletion time at the observed star formation rates lies within the range from 1/6 to 24 Hubble times H_0^{-1} .Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Simple cosmological de Sitter solutions on dS4×Y6_4 \times Y_6 spaces

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    Explicit time-dependent solutions of the 10D vacuum Einstein equations are found for which spacetime is compactified on six-dimensional warped spaces. We explicitly work out an example where the internal manifold is a six-dimensional generalized space having positive, negative or zero scalar curvature, whose base can be a five-sphere S5S^5 or an Einstein space T1,1=(S2×S2)S1T^{1,1}=(S^2\times S^2)\rtimes S^1. In this paper, inflationary de Sitter solutions are found just by solving the 10D vacuum Einstein equations. Our results further show that the limitation with warped models studied to date has arisen partly from an oversimplification of the 10D metric ansatz. We also give some explicit examples of a non-singular warped compactification on de Sitter space dS4_4.Comment: 15 pages, no figures; matches published versio

    Frame-independence of the Inhomogeneous Mixmaster Chaos via Misner-Chitre'-like variables

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    We outline the covariant nature,with respect to the choice of a reference frame, of the chaos characterizing the generic cosmological solution near the initial singularity, i.e. the so-called inhomogeneous Mixmaster model. Our analysis is based on a "gauge" independent ADM-reduction of the dynamics to the physical degrees of freedom. The out coming picture shows how the inhomogeneous Mixmaster model is isomorphic point by point in space to a billiard on a Lobachevsky plane. Indeed, the existence of an asymptotic (energy-like) constant of the motion allows to construct the Jacobi metric associated to the geodesic flow and to calculate a non-zero Lyapunov exponent in each space point. The chaos covariance emerges from the independence of our scheme with respect to the form of the lapse function and the shift vector; the origin of this result relies on the dynamical decoupling of the space-points which takes place near the singularity, due to the asymptotic approach of the potential term to infinite walls. At the ground of the obtained dynamical scheme is the choice of Misner-Chitre' like variables which allows to fix the billiard potential walls.Comment: 8 pages,2 figures, to appear on Phys Rev

    Dark matter from SU(4) model

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    The left-right symmetric Pati-Salam model of the unification of quarks and leptons is based on SU(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) groups. These groups are naturally extended to include the classification of families of quarks and leptons. We assume that the family group (the group which unites the families) is also the SU(4) group. The properties of the 4-th generation of fermions are the same as that of the ordinary-matter fermions in first three generations except for the family charge of the SU(4)_F group: F=(1/3,1/3,1/3,-1), where F=1/3 for fermions of ordinary matter and F=-1 for the 4-th generation. The difference in F does not allow the mixing between ordinary and fourth-generation fermions. Because of the conservation of the F charge, the creation of baryons and leptons in the process of electroweak baryogenesis must be accompanied by the creation of fermions of the 4-th generation. As a result the excess n_B of baryons over antibaryons leads to the excess n_{\nu 4}=N-\bar N=n_B of neutrinos over antineutrinos in the 4-th generation. This massive fourth-generation neutrino may form the non-baryonic dark matter. In principle their mass density n_{\nu 4}m_N in the Universe can give the main contribution to the dark matter, since the lower bound on neutrino mass m_N from the data on decay of the Z-bosons is m_N > m_Z/2. The straightforward prediction of this model leads to the amount of cold dark matter relative to baryons, which is an order of magnitude bigger than allowed by observations. This inconsistency may be avoided by non-conservation of the F-charge.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, version accepted in JETP Letters, corrected after referee reports, references are adde

    Inflation Assisted by Heterotic Axions

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    We explore the possibility of obtaining inflation in weakly coupled heterotic string theory, where the model dependent axions are responsible for driving inflation. This model can be considered as a certain extrapolation of m2ϕ2m^{2}\phi^{2}-inflation, and is an attempt to explicitly realize the so called N-flation proposal in string theory. The instanton generated potential for the axions essentially has two parameters; a natural mass scale MM and the string coupling gsg_{s}. For isotropic compactifications leading to of order O(104)\mathcal{O} (10^4) axions in the four dimensional spectrum we find that with (M,gs)(MGUT,0.5)(M, g_{s})\simeq(M_{GUT}, 0.5) the observed temperature fluctuations in the CMB are correctly reproduced. We assume an initially random distribution for the vevs of the axions. The spectral index, nsn_{s}, is generically more red than for m2ϕ2m^{2}\phi^{2}-inflation. The greater the vevs, the more red the spectral index becomes. Allowing for a wide range of vevs 55 ee-foldings from the end of inflation, we find 0.946ns0.9620.946\lesssim n_{s} \lesssim 0.962. The tensor-to-scalar ratio, rr, is more sensitive to the vevs, but typically smaller than in m2ϕ2m^{2}\phi^{2}-inflation. Furthermore, in the regime where the leading order theory is valid, rr is bounded by r<0.10r < 0.10. The spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio are correlated. For example, ns0.951n_{s}\simeq 0.951 corresponds to r0.036r\simeq 0.036.Comment: 1+21 pages, 2 figures, v2: Typos corrected, v3: Typos, very minor corrections, reference added, to appear in JCA

    Stability of a vacuum nonsingular black hole

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    This is the first of series of papers in which we investigate stability of the spherically symmetric space-time with de Sitter center. Geometry, asymptotically Schwarzschild for large rr and asymptotically de Sitter as r0r\to 0, describes a vacuum nonsingular black hole for mmcrm\geq m_{cr} and particle-like self-gravitating structure for m<mcrm < m_{cr} where a critical value mcrm_{cr} depends on the scale of the symmetry restoration to de Sitter group in the origin. In this paper we address the question of stability of a vacuum non-singular black hole with de Sitter center to external perturbations. We specify first two types of geometries with and without changes of topology. Then we derive the general equations for an arbitrary density profile and show that in the whole range of the mass parameter mm objects described by geometries with de Sitter center remain stable under axial perturbations. In the case of the polar perturbations we find criteria of stability and study in detail the case of the density profile ρ(r)=ρ0er3/r02rg\rho(r)=\rho_0 e^{-r^3/r_0^2 r_g} where ρ0\rho_0 is the density of de Sitter vacuum at the center, r0r_0 is de Sitter radius and rgr_g is the Schwarzschild radius.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, submitted to "Classical and Quantum Gravity