743 research outputs found

    Dakwah Berbasis Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Mad'u

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    Dompet Peduli Umat (DPU) Daarut Tauhid exists around people through Desa Ternak Mandiri (DTM) program as a concern in poverty. DTM program conducted by the DPU has a unique character which using this approach in doing poverty alleviation mission. This phenomena indicates that the DPU has contributed to the community to improve the welfare of people who are categorized as a poor. With typical propaganda materials that can motivate and help people who are economically weak to grow and be empowered so they can live independent economically and spiritually as well. This program succeed to increase such as family income, a better understanding of the religious, and scientific livestock management. These sciences and experiences are very useful to them to support life after the program is completed. This program is run by zakat funds raised by the charity as well as active participation DPU's companion activities that comprise the religious field assistance, animal healthcare assistance deployed at the Desa Ternak Mandiri at Cimenyan - Bandung

    Influence of Concentration of Rind Extract of Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Costaricensis) Against the Dssc Effeciency

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    Research on utilization of rind extracts of red dragon fruit (hylocereus costaricensis) as sensitizer for dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) has been conducted by reviewing influence of the concentration against the DSSC efficiency. Characterization on optical absorption at various concentrations and identification of functional groups, each using an UV-Vis spectrometer and Fourier transform infra red (FTIR), have done to the dye in the form of the extracts. The dye characterization result on optical absorption at various concentration shows that the optical absorption at range of wavelength 320-760 nm has the peak of absorbance tend to increase with increasing the concentration. Therefore the dye is capable to role as a sunlight absorber. Meanwhile, infra red absorption spectrum obtained from FTIR results indicate the presence of functional groups O-H, C=O, C=C, C-O, and C-H aromatic. Results of current-voltage characterization of DSSC show an increase in maximum power and efficiency with increasing concentration.Penelitian mengenai pemanfaatan ekstrak kulit buah naga merah (hylocereus costaricensis) sebagai penyensitif pada dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) telah dilakukan dengan meninjau pengaruh konsentrasi ekstrak terhadap efisiensi DSSC. Terhadap dye berupa ekstrak kulit H. Costaricencis dilakukan pengujian serapan optik pada berbagai konsentrasi dan identifikasi gugus fungsi, masing-masing menggunakan spektrometer UV-Vis dan fourier transform infra red (FTIR). Hasil pengujian dye pada konsentrasi 100 %, 50 %, 33,33 %, 25%, dan 20% menunjukan serapan optik yang terjadi pada panjang gelombang 320-760 nm, memiliki puncak yang cenderung semakin tinggi seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi. Dye yang berasal dari ekstrak kulit H. Costaricensis ini mampu berperan sebagai sunlight absorber. Sementara itu, spektrum serapan infra red yang diperoleh dari hasil FTIR mengindikasikan adanya gugus fungsi O-H, C=O, C=C, C-O, dan C-H aromatik. Hasil karakterisasi arus-tegangan dari DSSC menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai daya maksimum dan efisiensi seiring peningkatan konsentrasi

    Stem Virtual Lab : an Alternative Practical Media to Enhance Student's Scientific Literacy

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    This research aimed to develop a STEM-based virtual lab as an alternative media in improving scientific literacy of junior high school students on the theme of water pollution. Development is done by using 4D methods: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. After the implementation was done, it's effectiveness in increasing scientific literacy was examined using one group pretest-posttest design. At the define stage problems from PISA 2012, KDs, and STEM characteristics were analyzed. Design of flowcharts, storyboards, and user interface were done on design phase. Phases of develop includes the creation of virtual labs and validation by media expert and a science teacher. Phases of disseminate this research is to implement limited to two classes of junior high school students. The results from media expert validation and science teachers validates that STEM-based virtual labs that have been developed shows very decent used in the feasibility study by percentage according to media expert at 86.24% and 82.71% according to science teacher. The results show that the implementation of the STEM-based virtual lab that has been developed can improve scientific literacy of students with a large increase (N-gain) in the class 7B of 0.46 which falls in to medium category and class 7D of 0.29 with medium category

    Disain dan Pengujian Metering Device untuk Alat Penjatah Pupuk Granular Laju Variabel (Variable Rate Granular Fertilizer Applicator)

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    Uniform Rate of fertilizer Application (URA) practice is disregarding the productive potential of the various areas within the field. Thus, some area is less fertilized and other is over fertilized. It is also an important issue recently that nitrogen from fertilizers may be subjected to lost into atmosphere or enters streams through surface or subsurface drainage (leaching). The place with over-fertilization will be a potential source of pollution in the form of ammonia (NH3), nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3) which may hazard people health. Variable rate of fertilizer applicator is a solution to overcame the negative impact of URA. It can control the appropriate of fertilizer dosage and location of application in the field. The objective of this research is to design a metering device for variable rate granular fertilizer applicator. The result of variable rate fertilizer testing with single metering device with single rotor indicated that the rate of urea, SP-36 and NPK are 0.84, 0.96 and 1.2 g/rotation respectively. The testing with double rotor indicated that the rate of urea, SP-36 and NPK are 1.14, 2.22 and 2.1 g/rotation respectively. The all of the testing result indicated that metering device which designed can be applied with urea, SP-36 and NPK fertilizer

    Karakterisasi Parameter Model Prediksi Untuk Eleviasi Dari Perangkap Kemiskinan Melalui Intervensi Kebijakan Fiskal

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a model of poverty eleviation in the buffer zone of National Park through the optimization of the impact of the fuel subsidiary reallocation (BLT), statrted from April to October 2013 in three villages which representent ethnic culture in Lampung, Java, and the mixture of both, selecting 50 poor households (RTM) who received BLT (direct cash assistance) in 2005. In-depth interview was conducted to capture the economy performance of each household. Qualitative probability model was applied to the response variable (Yi) that were scored 1 for those have been exited from the poverty and scored 0 if not yet. The predictor variables used (Xij) including: fuel prices (Rp/liter), total of BLT (Rp), demographics (age, sex, family head education, as well as the number of dependents), the value of productive assets (Rp million/household), revenue from damar resin, and other sources (Rp million/household), access to public services, the distance to the border of BBSNP, the availlability of PNPM (national project of community empowermnent that scored 1 if any and 0 if not), the performance of social capital and the extention program conveyed. The Minitab Version 16 was employed for exzamining the goodness to the model and the significancy of the parameters pursued at the level of 5% and 10%. The conclusions were the exit capability against poverty were significantly affected by: fuel prices, the ammount of the BLT, the exisistency of PNPM, gender & education of household, number of dependents, the distance to central districts, the presence of electricity, the power of social capital, land ownership of both damar agroforest and paddy field acreages, the owner of productive assets such as ruminants. Accordingly, there were no culturetribe significantly affected by the existing from of poverty, which means that the poverty in this region was more structural cause than that of the cultural one

    The Mobilization of Using Cultures and Local Government's Political-Economy Goals in Post-Reformation Banyuwangi

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    This article deals with an ethnic identity-based-power through the mobilization of Using cultures in Banyuwangi under local government policies in post-Reformation. By juxtaposing Foucauldian discourse, Gramscian hegemony, and political economy perspective, we discuss some cultural projects conducted by two Banyuwangi regents in post-Reformation periods, Samsul Hadi (2000-2005) and Abdullah Azwar Anas (2010-2015 and re-elected for 2016-2021 period). With different emphasized aspects, both of them created programs, which incorporated and mobilized Using cultures for accomplishing their political economy goals. Samsul legalized Using cultural expression, such as a local dance and language, as the way to strengthen the dominant-ethnic identity and reach consensus for his political authority. In more sparkling activities, Anas has transformed Using identity into various carnival programs, which, in one side, have supported tourism industry and, in other side, have helped him in gaining consensus for his hegemonic position. However, in the context of real cultural empowerment, those programs have not given positive effect for the cultural worker in the grass root

    Analisis Faktor–faktor yang Dipertimbangkan Konsumen Kosmetika dalam Keputusan Pembelian Produk Pemutih Wajah

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    The women's desire to be more beautiful in their appearance with clean and clear and white skin, thus it is supported by the emerged of facial whitening series. As many as these facial whitening series, the customers were facing certain directions I order to making decision of facial whitening series products. Purposes of this study are: first, to know what kind of factors that are related to customer's consideration on buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. Second, to know the relationship among social groups, references group, family, attitude, motivation, and perception toward the decision of buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. Third, to know the dominant factor, this mostly has influenced customer on buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. The survey was done on August 2, 2002 until October 15, 2002. The respondents were university students who have used the cosmetics product of facial whitening series as far as nowadays. The data was collected by using purposive sampling methods and accidental sampling. Data were taken by using questionnaire. This paper using factors analysis and double regression analysis. There are 18 variables, they are: social level, income level, taste level, college friend experiences, neighbour experience, best friend experience, mother roles, womb sister, relatives, new brand, same brand, safety, trend or mode, trust, beauty, packaging, quality, and price. It is concluded that (1) there are 6 factors, which were considered by university students on buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. Those six factors are family and attitude, including safety, new brand, mother roles and womb sister; motivation, including mode and trust; references group, including taste level and social level; beauty factor, including safety and old brand. (2) The result of double regression showed that those six factors, they are family and attitude perception, motivation, references group, social level, and beauty factors simultaneously influenced the decision of buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. (3) Partially, the influenced factor toward the decision of buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series is attitude and family (F), perception (F2), motivation (F3), and social level (F4). From those four factors, the dominant one is perception, and operationally it was shown by packaging (X16), quality (X17), and price (X18). Reminding how bigger the proportion or contribution of independent variables to dependent variable for 84.80% and still 15.20% independent variables which are not surveyed, thus for the future research, it is suggested to develop the variables widely, such as included the skin sensitivity or skin health, and so on
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