909,864 research outputs found

    Fate of the inert three-flavor, spin-zero color-superconducting phases

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    I investigate some of the inert phases in three-flavor, spin-zero color-superconducting quark matter: the CFL phase (the analogue of the B phase in superfluid 3He^3\rm He), the A and A* phases, and the 2SC and sSC phases. I compute the pressure of these phases with and without the neutrality condition. It is shown that the 2SC phase is identical to the A* phase up to a color rotation. The CFL phase is the energetically favored phase except for a small region of intermediate densities where the 2SC/A* phase is favored.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; the version accepted to publish in PR

    Photon redshift and the appearance of a naked singularity

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    In this paper we analyze the redshift as observed by an external observer receiving photons which terminate in the past at the naked singularity formed in a Tolman-Bondi dust collapse. Within the context of models considered here it is shown that photons emitted from a weak curvature naked singularity are always finitely redshifted to an external observer. Certain cases of strong curvature naked singularities, including the self-similar one, where the photons are infinitely redshifted are also pointed out.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, no figures, one change in the reference. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Pembuatan detektor Sinar-X Isisan Gas jenis proporsional Tipe Jendela samping

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    Telah dibuat dan diteliti detektor proporsional tripe jendela samping dengan gas isian argon dan metana Tekanan total gas isian adalah 400 mmHg dengan perbandingan tekanan 95 : 5. Katoda terbuat clari stainless steel berdiameter 24,2 mm dengan panjang 100mm dan anoda dari tungsten berdiameter 0,08 mm. Jendela terbuat dari berilium, dengan panjang 24 mm dan lebar 12 mm. Dari pengujian detektor diperoleh bahwa tegangan ambang 2200 volt, plats 125 volt, slope 2,3%/100 volt, resolusi energi 11,66 % dan efisiensi 8,57 % terhadap sinar-X dengan somber Fels pada jarak 0 mm. A side window proportional counter has been made and observed. Argon and methane with the total pressure of 400 mmHg and the pressure ratio of 95 ; 5 are used as a filled gas. The cathode with diameter of 24,2 mm, length of 100 mm and anode with diameter of 0,08 mm made of stainless steel and tungsten respectively are used in this experiment. Beryllium with length of 24 mm and width of 12 mm is used as a window. The performance test of this detector shows that the treshold voltage , plateau, slope, energy resolution and efficiency for X-ray with Fe55 as a radiation source at 0 mm are 2200 volt, 125 volt, 2,3%/100 volt, 11,66 % and 8,57 % respectively

    Comment on ``Spin-glass transition of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass''

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    Campos et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 217204] claim that in the 3d Heisenberg Spin Glass, chiral and spin sector ordering temperatures are identical. We point out that in their analysis of their numerical data key assumptions are made which are unjustified.Comment: published versio

    The low temperature Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phases in 3 dimensions

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    We consider the nature of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phases in three dimensions at low temperature. We introduce a new method to handle the quasiclassical equations for superconductors with space dependent order parameter, which makes use of a Fourier expansion. This allows us to show that, at T=0, an order parameter given by the linear combination of three cosines oscillating in orthogonal directions is preferred over the standard single cosine solution. The transition from the normal state to this phase is first order, and quite generally the transition below the tricritical point to the FFLO phases is always first order.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 1 figur