5 research outputs found

    Complete agglomerative hierarchy document’s clustering based on fuzzy luhn’s gibbs latent dirichlet allocation

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    Agglomerative hierarchical is a bottom up clustering method, where the distances between documents can be retrieved by extracting feature values using a topic-based latent dirichlet allocation method. To reduce the number of features, term selection can be done using Luhn’s Idea. Those methods can be used to build the better clusters for document. But, there is less research discusses it. Therefore, in this research, the term weighting calculation uses Luhn’s Idea to select the terms by defining upper and lower cut-off, and then extracts the feature of terms using gibbs sampling latent dirichlet allocation combined with term frequency and fuzzy Sugeno method. The feature values used to be the distance between documents, and clustered with single, complete and average link algorithm. The evaluations show the feature extraction with and without lower cut-off have less difference. But, the topic determination of each term based on term frequency and fuzzy Sugeno method is better than Tsukamoto method in finding more relevant documents. The used of lower cut-off and fuzzy Sugeno gibbs latent dirichlet allocation for complete agglomerative hierarchical clustering have consistent metric values. This clustering method suggested as a better method in clustering documents that is more relevant to its gold standard


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    Industri kelistrikan merupakan salah satu penyumbang emisi karbon untuk udara di Indonesia. Gas buang dari pembangkitpembangkitlistrik berbahan bakar fosil turut serta memberi dampak pada kerusakan lingkungan. Indonesia telah melakukanberbagai upaya untuk mengurangi emisi karbon. Dalam Rencana Umum Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik PT. PLN (Persero) tahun2011-2020 untuk penguatan pasokan sistem Bali memberikan peluang untuk mengurangi emisi karbon untuk daerah Bali, denganbeberapa skenario operasi sistem pembangkitan Bali. Pemerintah Indonesia juga berencana untuk memberlakukan pajak karbonpada tahun 2014 untuk mengurangi emisi karbon Indonesia. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mendapatkan total emisi karbonsistem pembangkitan Bali dengan diterapkan beberapa skenario operasi yang berbeda serta pajak karbon yang seharusnya dibayarsistem pembangkit Bali. Enam buah skenario pola operasi disusun dengan kombinasi pengoperasian pembangkit yang tersediadalam sistem pembangkitan Bali. Perhitungan emisi masing-masing skenario dilakukan sehingga mampu memberikanpengetahuan tentang emisi karbon sistem Bali, pemilihan pola operasi pembangkitan yang tepat untuk sistem pembangkit Balidengan emisi karbon minimum serta memberikan gambaran yang dapat digunakan untuk perencanaan sistem pembangkit yangmampu mengurangi polusi karbon. Dari hasil analisis dan perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pola operasi skenario 6 denganpembebanan maksimum pada kabel laut dan Jawa Bali Crossing memiliki emisi karbon terendah daripada pola operasi skenariolainnya. Pengoperasian kabel laut, PLTU Celukan Bawang serta Jawa Bali Crossing akan menghasilkan emisi karbon yang lebihrendah dari pembangkit yang beroperasi di Bali, sehingga untuk mendapatkan emisi karbon yang lebih rendah pembangkit Baliharus dibebankan setelah pembebanan kabel laut, PLTU Celukan Bawang serta Jawa Bali Crossing untuk menyuplai kebutuhanenergi listrik Bali


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    Network design Micro Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Udayana aims to harness solar power contained in the Department of Electrical Engineering are still stand alone system, namely, its use is still limited area of internet corner, has not been used as one of the suppliers of electrical power for the building - a building in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Based on simulation results show PLTS only able to serve load in an on-grid of 0.66% of the total production of electrical energy generated while the condition of the off-grid solar power can only serve load building DJs and building DH (load lighting and socket) at 3:21% and generator sets were installed in the Department of Electrical Engineering serve at 96.79%. Solar power capacity to be installed to meet the entire load of the building in the Department of Electrical Engineering is equal to the number of 211.814 Watt PV Module is needed as much as 26.267 pieces. This amount is influenced by the size of the capacity and efficiency of PV Module installed at this time. </div