22 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kecernaan Protein Kasar Dan Retensi Nitrogen Pada Ayam Broiler Dengan Ransum Berbeda Level Protein Dan Asam Asetat (Evaluation of Crude Protein Digestibility and Nitrogen Retention of Broiler with Different Level Crude Proteindiet and Acetic A

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    This research was aimed to find interaction effect of using different level protein of crude diet and acetic acid on broiler. Matters were used 180 broiler chicken, acetic acid and crude diet (rice brand, yellow corn, fish meal, soybean meal, poultry meat meal and premix).Equipments wereused including cage, brass, plastic, buckets, brooms, spray and chaff. The method of this study was done by raising broiler according with the treatment started from 8 to 21 days old. This research used completely randomized factorial design with 2 x 3 treatment with each three replication. First factor was level crude protein 21% (T1) and 20% (T2). Second factor was level acetic acids 0% (V0), 0,75% (V1) and 1,5% (V2). Research used variance analysis. The research showed there was no significant interaction (P>0,05) between using diet with different level of crude protein and acetic acid to crude fiber digestibility and nitrogen retention on broiler

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sari Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia) Dalam Ransum Terhadap Kecernaan Protein Kasar Dan Retensi Nitrogen Pada Itik Magelang Jantan

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    The aim of the research is to assess the effect of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) addition in the diet on protein digestibility and nitrogen retention in male Magelang ducks. The material used is 100 ducks Magelang age of 5 weeks with an average body weight of 460 ± 4.51 g. Constituent materials used ration consisting of corn, bran, parched rice, fish meal, soybean meal and premix. Ration of research compiled by the protein content of 18.25% and metabolic energy 2902 kcal / kg. The research design used was completely randomized design with four for the treatment and five replications. Treatment research is T0 (ration without the addition of lime), T1 (ration + 1.5 ml of lime), T2 (ration + 3 ml of lime) and T3 (4.5 ml + ration of lime). Parameters measured were ration consumption, body weight gain, protein digestibility and nitrogen retention. The results showed the addition of lime treatments non significant to ration consumption, protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and body weight gain. Based on the research results can be concluded that the addition of 1.5 ml of lime level, 3 ml, and 4.5 ml in Magelang male duck ration did not increase the ration intake, protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and body weight gain

    Persentase Karkas Dan Non Karkas Serta Lemak Abdominal Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Acidifier Asam Sitrat Dalam Pakan Double Step Down (Percentage of Carcass and Non-carcass and Abdominal Fat of Broiler Chickens Were Given Acidifier Citric Acid in Feed Doubl

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    This research aim to determine the effect of feed acidifier citric acid in a double step-down (phase starter and finisher) on body weight , carcass weight and percentage, non carcass and abdominal fat . Using Lohman broiler strains unsex as many as 168 MB 202 tail consisting of 84 males and 84 females aged 7 days with average initial body weight - average 186.3 ± 0.68 g ( cv = 0.36 ) were placed in cages with size of 1 x 1 x 0.6 m is partitioned into 28 units and each unit in the experiment with the contents of 6 chickens (3 ♀ : 3♂) . Feed used consisted of corn , rice bran, vegetable oil, soybean meal, fish meal , CaCO3 and flour shells. Acidifier citric acid are given in the form of synthetic and lime . The method used was completely randomized design (CRD), with 7 treatments and 4 replications, namely : Feed control (without double step-down and citric acid) , double step-down feed without citric acid , double step-down feed lime + 0.8 %, double step-down synthetic citric acid + 0.4; 0.8; 1.2; and 1.6 % . Data were analyzed using analysis of variance procedure with F test at level 5% and followed by Duncan 's multiple range test (p<0.05). The results showed that treatment significantly (p<0.05) increase in the percentage of carcass weight and abdominal fat loss, but had no effect (p> 0.05) on body weight and persentasse non carcass weight. Conclusion that the double step-down feeding by the addition of 1.6 % citric acid can be applied to studies broilers

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Ekstrak Daun Beluntas (Pluchea Indica Less) Sebagai Pengganti Klorin Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Organik Dan Retensi Nitrogen Ayam Broiler (the Effect of Beluntas (Pluchea Indica Less) Leaves Extract as Clorine Subtitution in Organik Mat

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    This study is aimed to determine effect of addition of Beluntas leaves extract (BE) as chlorine (Cl) in organic matter digestion as well as and nitrogen retention. The study was used complete randomized experimental design a hundrend and fourty heads of broilers DOC with weght 45,58 ± 40 g, were treated with 5 treatments and 4 replications as 7 broilers. Treatments in study are T0= control; T1= basal feeds + (2% BE+ 30 ppm Cl); T2= basal feeds+ (4% BE+ 20 ppm Cl); T3= basat feeds + (6% BE + 10 ppm Cl); T4= basal feeds + (8% BE+ 0 ppm Cl). Parameters were measured are organic matter digestions and nitrogen retention. Measured data were analized with ANOVA and duncan multiple range test. Results of the study showed that treatment had significant effect (P<0.05) to parameters. The best result is T4 (which has organic matter digestion 82.07%, nitrogen retention 3.07% and protein utilization 0.78%. It concluded that BE has effect to organic matter digestion as well as nitrogen retention and can substitute Cl in 8% level of BE

    Pengaruh Residu Pestisida Organoklorin Terhadap Persentase Bobot Hati Ayam Pedaging Lohman Akibat Pemberian Campuran Pakan Salvinia Molesta Rawa Pening (Influnce Residu Organochlorine Pesticides Presentage of Heavy Hearts and Giving Due Lohman Broiler

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    The goal of this research was to examine the contain of pesticides organochlorine and influence presentage in the heart of Lohman broiler chicken especially which given mix Salvinia molesta weft in Rawa Pening. Material given in this research were heart of Lohman broiler chicken 42 days from 16 cut up of the chickens, from 100 breeding Lohman broiler chicken. The design of the research used in the raising the chickens was Completely Random Design with 4 treatments which for each treatments has been done in four times treatment (To = Broiler ration with 0% of S. molesta; T1 = Broiler ration with 6% of S.molesta; T2 =Broiler ration with 12% of S. molesta; T3 = Broiler ration with 18% of S. molesta). The analysis statistic used was analysis variance (anova) with level 5% significancy level if there was significance effect the analysis was continuing by double region test Duncan. While, the data about the content of organochlorine profile was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research the results of this study concluded that administration of Salvinia molesta feed mixtures to increase the percentage level of 18% by weight of chicken heart and total analysis in the heart of Lohmann broiler chicken at the different treatments was on the standart limit, although all haven\u27t indentification as real kind of residu pesticide organochlorin