22 research outputs found

    Uji Daya Hambat Formula Gel Ekstrak Etanol Daun Murbei (Morus Alba L.) Sebagai Anti Acne Terhadap Bakteri Propionibacterium Acne.: Inhibition Test of Ethanol Extract Gel of Mulberry (Morus Alba L.) Leaves as an Anti Acne on Propionibacterium Acne Bacteria

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    A research on the inhibition of formula gel test ethanol extract of leaves of mulberry (Morus alba L.) as an anti-acne against bacteria Propionibacterium acne. This study uses a gel formulation made using mulberry leaf extract (Morus alba L.), which aims to determine the inhibition of antibacterial gel mulberry leaf extract (Morus alba L.) against the bacteria Propionibacterium acne. Gel made three dosage concentrations of 2%, 4% and 6%. Testing inhibition of antibacterial gel agar diffusion method. Test Antibacterial inhibition obtained by looking at the clear zone in the medium and measured using calipers. The results showed that the inhibition of antibacterial gel formulation with a concentration of 2%, 4% and 6% showing that inhibiting bacterial activity

    Efektifitas Kombinasi Terapi Kukusan Labu Siam dan Senam Anti Stroke terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien dengan Hipertensi

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    The purpose of the research is to analize the effectivity of combination labu siam steamer therapy and anti stroke exercises for reduce blood pressure to patiens hypertension. The research used quasy experiment design with non-equivalent control group which divided into experimental group and control group. Sample of this research is 30 people divided into 19 people as the experimental group and 19 people as a control group. Sample in this research taken using purposive sampling of techniques sampling which selected based on inclusion criteria. The equipment was used to measure blood pressure is sphygmomanometer. The experimental group were given interventions with combination labu siam steamer therapy and anti stroke exercises on every morning in three days. Data analysis applied were univariate and bivariate using dependent sample t test and independent sample t test. The result of the reearch showed that mean of the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure before given combination labu siam steamer therapy and anti stroke exercises was 151.23 mmHg and 94.74 mmHg. While mean of the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure after a given combination labu siam steamer therapy and anti stroke exercises of 143.16 mmHg and 89.82 mmHg were mean blood pressure decreased significantly after intervention given by p value 0,000 (<0,05). The conclusion of combination labu siam steamer therapy and anti stroke exercises can reduce blood pressure for patients hypertension

    Indonesian and Western Perspectives on Shackling the Mentally Ill

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    BACKGROUND: Mental illness has become a serious problem in Indonesia. Many people with severe mental disorders remain untreated or drop out of the care service system and eventually end up being shackled. Although attention to human right in Indonesia has grown, physical restraint of people with mental disorders remains prevalent. This study aimed to compare the Indonesian and Western perspectives pertaining to shackling the mentally ill. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a systematic review. The data were mined from news, research and studies pertinent to restrained mentally ill patients. Literature was searched from Google scholar, BMC, BMJ, and the Cochrane library. The key words used in the English language were “shackling and schizophrenia”, and “restraint and mental illnesses”. The Indonesian words included “pemasungan gangguan jiwa”. Searches were conducted until August 2015, resulting in 45 articles that consisted of 36 research articles and 9 non-research articles. Two of the 45 articles were duplicate. RESULTS: The theme of shackling in Indonesian perspective consists of: (1) Misguided perception of families and communities on people with mental illnesses (PMI); (2) Family and community treatment of PMI; (3) Lack of continuity in service programs between psychiatric hospitals, com-munity health centers, and communities. The theme of shackling in Western perspective consists of: (1) The impacts of restraint and shackling; (2) Restraint and shackling prevention; (3) There are no studies on the advantages of physical restraint. CONCLUSION: Research and news obtained from Indonesian articles consist of misguided perception pertaining to PMI and their treatment. Western articles include the impact of shackling PMI and prevention. It is essential to empower communities to raise awareness on mental illness and to provide correct information on treatment and the obligation to prevent shackling the mentally ill persons in Indonesia. Keywords: shackling, restraint, schizophrenia, mental healt

    Keberhasilan Inseminasi Buatan Menggunakan Semen Beku Dan Semen Cair Pada Sapi Peranakan Ongole

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    The purpose of this research was to know about the successfully artificial insemination (AI) using frozen and liquid semen of Ongole cross (PO) cattle indicated by Service per Conception (S/C), Days Open (DO) dan Conception Rate (CR). The materials used were 60 heads of Ongole crossbred cattle which were selected purposively using some criteria, such as having calving experience, healthy, and free from any reproduction disorder. This field experiment consisted of direct observation and interview to acquire primary and secondary data. Datas were analyzed descriptively and continued by a paired t-test. The results showed that the value of (S/C) was very significantly different (P&lt;0.01), DO was not significantly different (P&gt;0.05). CR for P1, P2, P3, and P4 was found 63.33% , 86.67%, 16.33%, 83.33% respectively. The conclusion of this research was AI using frozen and liquid semen with only 5 days preservation had a difference on the value of service per conception. The most successfull AI was found higher in the liquid semen which was stored for 1 and 5 days than that of frozen semen

    How people living with diabetes in Indonesia learn about their disease: A grounded theory study

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    Background:Diabetes education has been found to impact positively on self-management by people withdiabetes although little is known about the process by which they assimilate information.The aim of this study was to generate a theory explaining the process by which people withdiabetes learn about their disease in Indonesia.Methods:This study employed a grounded theory methodology influenced by constructivism andsymbolic interactionism. A total of twenty-eight face-to-face or telephone interviews with participants from Indonesia that included people with diabetes, healthcare professionals, healthservice providers and families of people with diabetes were conducted in both Indonesiaand Australia.Results:This study discloses a core category of Learning, choosing, and acting: self-management ofdiabetes in Indonesia as the basic social process of how people learn about their diabetes.The process includes five distinctive major categories. People with diabetes acted after theyhad received recommendations that they considered to be trustworthy. Factors that influenced their choice of recommendations to adopt are also identified.Conclusions:Awareness of the complexity involved in their decision making will assist healthcare professionals to engage effectively with people living with diabetes

    Two Species of Amorphophallus From Flores Island

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    Flores is one of the four largest islands in the East Nusa Tenggara Province, of Indonesia. Flores still has forest areas with adequate biological diversity. However, empirical data about the biodiversity of plant resources is limited. The NKRI Expedition to Subregion 6 Ende was carried out to reveal the biodiversity of plant resources on Flores. In the expedition\u27s inventory of plants observed, two species of the genus Amorphophallus belonging to the Araceae family were recorded. These are Amorphophallus muelleri Blume and Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson

    Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Universitas Muslim Indonesia (Penerapan Naẓariyah Al-Furū' dan Naẓariyah Al-Wihdah)

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    Bahasa Arab merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang diajarkan di Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang digunakan di UMI ada dua yaitu Nazariyah al Furu' yang digunakan pada Fakultas Sastra Jurusan bahasa dan Sastra Arab dan Fakultas Agama Islam Jurusan Pendidikan &nbsp;Bahasa Arab, dan &nbsp; Nazariyah al Wihdah ‘ sebagai model pembelajarn penyertaan digunakan pada jurusan selain kedua fakultas tersebut. Realitas penerapan kedua teori tersebut, hasilnya kurang memuaskan, dalam artian hasil proses belajar mengajar seringkali memberikan hasil yang tidak maksimal sebagaimana ouput yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeksripsikan efekttifitas model pembelajaran bahasa Arab (Nazariyah al Furu' dan Nazariyah al Wihdah) di Universitas Muslim Indonesia sebagai mata kuliah yang wajib bagi seluruh mahasiswa UMI tidak hanya pada jurusan bahasa dan Sastra Arab fakultas Sastra dan Jurusan pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Agama Islam UMI. Selain itu, mengungkap faktor-faktor yang menjadi problematika dalam penerapan model tersebut dan mencari solusi strategis untuk pencapaian kualitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab. &nbsp;Model pembelajaran bahasa Arab ditekankan pada model komunikatif &nbsp;untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab dan mengoptimalkan metodologis pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang efektif , maka yang dilakukan pertama adalah sosialisasi dan diskusi. Steelah itu, &nbsp;menyusun strategi &nbsp;dengan melaksanakan workshop, menghadirkan &nbsp;dosen bahasa Arab sebelum memasuki &nbsp;tahun ajaran baru untuk membangun persepsi dalam &nbsp;pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Kemudian menyusun &nbsp; modul pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang berisi materi, sistimatika pembelajaran, alat dan &nbsp;metoda &nbsp;sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik (mahasiswa) &nbsp