1,669 research outputs found

    The Control Method for Wavelength-Based CCT of Natural Light Using Warm/Cool White LED

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    Reproducing circadian patterns of natural light through lighting requires technology that can control correlated color temperature (CCT) and short wavelength ratio (SWR) simultaneously. This study proposes a method for controlling wavelength-based CCT of natural light using LED light sources. First, the spectral power distribution (SPD) of each channel of the test lighting (two-channel LED lighting with warm white and cool white) is identified through actual measurement. Next, CCT and SWR are calculated based on the additive mixing of SPD using the mixing ratio from the measured SPD. Finally, the regression equations for mixing ratio-CCT and mixing ratio-SWR are derived through regression analysis. These equations are then utilized to implement a wavelength-based CCT control algorithm. For performance and evaluation purposes, natural light reproduction experiments were conducted, achieving a mean error of 94.5K for CCT and 1.5% for SWR

    Geodesic Motions in 2+1 Dimensional Charged Black Holes

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    We study the geodesic motions of a test particle around 2+1 dimensional charged black holes. We obtain a class of exact geodesic motions for the massless test particle when the ratio of its energy and angular momentum is given by square root of cosmological constant. The other geodesic motions for both massless and massive test particles are analyzed by use of numerical method.Comment: 13page

    Hemispheric asymmetry in hand preference of right-handers for passive vibrotactile perception: an fNIRS study

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    Hemispheric asymmetry in hand preference for passive cutaneous perception compared to active haptic perception is not well known. A functional near-infrared spectroscopy was used to evaluate the laterality of cortical facilitation when 31 normal right-handed participants were involved in 205 Hz passive vibrotactile cutaneous stimuli on their index fingers of preferred and less-preferred hand. Passive cutaneous perception resulted that preferred (right) hand stimulation was strongly leftward lateralized, whereas less-preferred (left) hand stimulation was less lateralized. This confirms that other manual haptic exploration studies described a higher hemispheric asymmetry in right-handers. Stronger cortical facilitation was found in the right primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and right somatosensory association area (SA) during left-hand stimulation but not right-hand stimulation. This finding suggests that the asymmetric activation in the S1 and SA for less-preferred (left) hand stimulation might contribute to considerably reinforce sensorimotor network just with passive vibrotactile cutaneous stimulation. © 2020, The Author(s).1

    VNM: An R Package for Finding Multiple-Objective Optimal Designs for the 4-Parameter Logistic Model

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    A multiple-objective optimal design is useful for dose-response studies because it can incorporate several objectives at the design stage. Objectives can be of varying interests and a properly constructed multiple-objective optimal design can provide user-specified efficiencies, delivering higher efficiencies for the more important objectives. In this work, we introduce the VNM package written in R for finding 3-objective locally optimal designs for the 4-parameter logistic (4PL) model widely used in education, bioscience and in the manufacturing industry. The package implements the methodology to construct multipleobjective optimal designs in Hyun and Wong (2015). As illustrative examples, we focus on a biomedical application where our objectives are to estimate: (1) the shape of the dose-response curve, (2) the median effective dose level (ED50) and (3) the minimum effective dose level (MED) in the 4PL model. Our VNM package uses a state-of-theart algorithm to generate multiple-objective optimal designs that meet the user-specified efficiency requirement for each objective, provides tools for calculating the efficiency of the generated design under each objective and also a plot for confirming optimality of the VNM-generated design. The package can also be used to determine an optimal scheme for allocating subjects to the various doses when the number and doses of the drug are fixed in advance

    Reciprocal Changes Following Cervical Realignment Surgery

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    Over the last few decades, the importance of the sagittal plane and its contour has gained significant recognition. Through full-body stereoradiography, the understanding of compensatory mechanisms, and the concept of global balance and reciprocal change has expanded. There have been a few reports describing how cervical realignment surgery affects global spinal alignment (GSA) and global balance. Despite the research efforts, the concept of reciprocal change and global balance is still perplexing. Understanding the compensatory status and main drivers of deformity in a patient is vital because the compensatory mechanisms may resolve reciprocally following cervical realignment surgery. A meticulous preoperative evaluation of the whole-body alignment, including the pelvis and lower extremities, is paramount to appreciate optimal GSA in the correction of spinal malalignment. This study aims to summarize relevant literature on the reciprocal changes in the whole body caused by cervical realignment surgery and review recent perspectives regarding cervical compensatory mechanisms