6,917 research outputs found

    Structure in Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    We show that requiring sixteen supersymmetries in quantum mechanical gauge theory implies the existence of a web of constrained interactions. Contrary to conventional wisdom, these constraints extend to arbitrary orders in the momentum expansion.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Spin relaxation in mesoscopic superconducting Al wires

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    We studied the diffusion and the relaxation of the polarized quasiparticle spins in superconductors. To that end, quasiparticles of polarized spins were injected through an interface of a mesoscopic superconducting Al wire in proximity contact with an overlaid ferromagnetic Co wire in the single-domain state. The superconductivity was observed to be suppressed near the spin-injecting interface, as evidenced by the occurrence of a finite voltage for a bias current below the onset of the superconducting transition. The spin diffusion length, estimated from finite voltages over a certain length of Al wire near the interface, was almost temperature independent in the temperature range sufficiently below the superconducting transition but grew as the transition temperature was approached. This temperature dependence suggests that the relaxation of the spin polarization in the superconducting state is governed by the condensation of quasiparticles to the paired state. The spin relaxation in the superconducting state turned out to be more effective than in the normal state.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Giant Gravitons in type IIA PP-wave Background

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    We examine giant gravitons with a worldvolume magnetic flux qq in type IIA pp-wave background and find that they can move away from the origin along x4x^4 direction in target space satisfying Rx4=qRx^4=-q. This nontrivial relation can be regarded as a complementary relation of the giant graviton on IIA pp-wave and is shown to be connected to the spacetime uncertainty principle. The giant graviton is also investigated in a system of N D0-branes as a fuzzy sphere solution. It is observed that x4x^4 enters into the fuzzy algebra as a deformation parameter. Such a background dependent Myers effect guarantees that we again get the crucial relation of our giant graviton. In the paper, we also find a BIon configuration on the giant graviton in this background.Comment: 10 pages, no figure, content added, typo corrected, reference adde

    Renormalization Group Analysis of \rho-Meson Properties at Finite Density

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    We calculate the density dependence of the ρ\rho-meson mass and coupling constant(gρNNg_{\rho NN}) for ρ\rho-nucleon-nucleon vertex at one loop using the lagrangian where the ρ\rho-meson is included as a dynamical gauge boson of a hidden local symmetry. From the condition that thermodynamic potential should not depend on the arbitrary energy scale, renormalization scale, one can construct a renormalization group equation for the thermodynamic potential and argue that the various renormalization group coefficients are functions of the density or temperature. We calculate the β\beta-function for ρ\rho-nucleon-nucleon coupling constant (gρNNg_{\rho NN}) and γ\gamma-function for ρ\rho-meson mass (γmρ\gamma_{m_\rho}). We found that the ρ\rho-meson mass and the coupling constant for gρNNg_{\rho NN} drop as density increases in the low energy limit.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, revised versio

    Microscopic Theory of Rashba Interaction in Magnetic Metal

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    Theory of Rashba spin-orbit coupling in magnetic metals is worked out from microscopic Hamiltonian describing d-orbitals. When structural inversion symmetry is broken, electron hopping between dd-orbitals generates chiral ordering of orbital angular momentum, which combines with atomic spin-orbit coupling to result in the Rashba interaction. Rashba parameter characterizing the interaction is band-specific, even reversing its sign from band to band. Large enhancement of the Rashba parameter found in recent experiments is attributed to the orbital mixing of 3d magnetic atoms with non-magnetic heavy elements as we demonstrate by first-principles and tight-binding calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Intersecting D-branes in Type IIB Plane Wave Background

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    We study intersecting D-branes in a type IIB plane wave background using Green-Schwarz worldsheet formulation. We consider all possible D±D_\pm-branes intersecting at angles in the plane wave background and identify their residual supersymmetries. We find, in particular, that DD±D_\mp - D_\pm brane intersections preserve no supersymmetry. We also present the explicit worldsheet expressions of conserved supercharges and their supersymmetry algebras.Comment: 32 pages, 2 tables; Corrected typos, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Cold Dense Baryonic Matter and Compact Stars

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    Probing dense hadronic matter is thus far an uncharted field of physics. Here we give a brief summary of the highlights of what has been so far accomplished and what will be done in the years ahead by the World Class University III Project at Hanyang University in the endeavor to unravel and elucidate the multifacet of the cold dense baryonic matter existing in the interior of the densest visible stable object in the Universe, i.e., neutron stars, strangeness stars and/or quark stars, from a modest and simplified starting point of an effective field theory modeled on the premise of QCD as well as from a gravity dual approach of hQCD. The core of the matter of our research is the possible origin of the 99\sim 99% of the proton mass that is to be accounted for and how the "vacuum" can be tweaked so that the source of the mass generation can be uncovered by measurements made in terrestrial as well as space laboratories. Some of the issues treated in the program concern what can be done - both theoretically and experimentally - in anticipation of what's to come for basic physics research in Korea.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; Based on the review prepared for the "2011 World Class University (WCU) International Conference," August 2011, Seoul, Kore