12 research outputs found

    Lexicographic Expected Utility with a Subjective State Space

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    This paper provides a model that allows for a criterion of admissibility basedon a subjective state space. For this purpose, we build a non-Archimedeanmodel of preference with subjective states, generalizing Blume, Brandenburger,and Dekel [2], who present a non-Archimedean model with exogenous states;and Dekel, Lipman, and Rustichini [4], who present an Archimedean modelwith an endogenous state space. We interpret the representation as modelingan agent who has several "hypotheses" about her state space, and who viewssome as "infinitely less relevant" than others


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    We have studied on carrier transport phenomena, especially the evaluation of the mobility and the nature of photocarrier, of regiorandom poly(3-octadecylthiophene), PAT 18 at solid-liquid phase transition by using a time-of-flight technique. With increasing temperature, the hole mobility gradually decreases and decreases sharply at solid-liquid phase transition. On the other hand, the negative carrier mobility can be evaluated in the range from 10^ to 10^ cm^2/Vs, which is comparably the hole mobility at solid state, above solid-liquid phase transition. Then the observed small hydrostatic pressure dependence of conductivity seems to support the interpretation of electronic transport even in liquid phase. Accordingly, the negative carrier is electron. These unique phenomena have been interpreted as modulation of electronic energy state based on conformational change of the PAT18 main chain

    Dynamically Consistent Menu Preferences

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    We provide a unified analysis of dynamically consistent menu preferences that may exhibit preference for flexibility, preference for commitment, or both. Our work generalizes prior results, which investigated this problem for an agent who always exhibits preference for flexibility. By using two types of consistency conditions, we characterize an agent with a subjective state space who reacts to information about her subjective states in a dynamically consistent way. We apply our reuslts to the multiple temptations and the anticipating regret models

    Costly Subjective Learning

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    Information acquisition is an important aspect of decision making. Acquiring information is costly, but the cost of information acquisition is not typically observable and hence it is not obvious how it can be measured. Using preference over menus, de Oliveira, Denti, Mihm, and Ozbek [15] provide an axiomatic foundation for the additive costs model of information acquisition. If obtaining signals from experiments is time-consuming, such as in the case of a long-run investment decision, however, costs may be measured as a discount factor or waiting time for acquiring information. We propose a general class of representations which allows for non-additive costs for information acquisition and provide its axiomatic foundation. Furthermore, the discounting costs model is characterized as a special case

    Lexicographic Expected Utility with a Subjective State Space

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