47 research outputs found

    Dynamical Evolution of the Debris Disk after a Satellite Catastrophic Disruption around Saturn

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    The hypothesis of a recent origin of Saturn's rings and its mid-sized moons is actively debated. It was suggested that a proto-Rhea and a proto-Dione might have collided recently, giving birth to the modern system of mid-sized moons. It is also suggested that the rapid viscous spreading of the debris may have implanted mass inside Saturn's Roche limit, giving birth to the modern Saturn's ring system. However, this scenario has been only investigated in very simplified way for the moment. This paper investigates it in detail to assess its plausibility by using NN-body simulations and analytical arguments. When the debris disk is dominated by its largest remnant, NN-body simulations show that the system quickly re-accrete into a single satellite without significant spreading. On the other hand, if the disk is composed of small particles, analytical arguments suggest that the disk experiences dynamical evolutions in three steps. The disk starts significantly excited after the impact and collisional damping dominates over the viscous spreading. After the system flattens, the system can become gravitationally unstable when particles are smaller than ∼\sim 100 m. However, the particles grow faster than spreading. Then, the system becomes gravitationally stable again and accretion continues at a slower pace, but spreading is inhibited. Therefore, the debris is expected to re-accrete into several large bodies. In conclusion, our results show that such a scenario may not form the today's ring system. In contrast, our results suggest that today's mid-sized moons are likely re-accreted from such a catastrophic event.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A

    On the Impact Origin of Phobos and Deimos I: Thermodynamic and Physical Aspects

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    Phobos and Deimos are the two small moons of Mars. Recent works have shown that they can accrete within an impact-generated disk. However, the detailed structure and initial thermodynamic properties of the disk are poorly understood. In this paper, we perform high-resolution SPH simulations of the Martian moon-forming giant impact that can also form the Borealis basin. This giant impact heats up the disk material (around ∼2000\sim 2000 K in temperature) with an entropy increase of ∼1500\sim 1500 J K−1^{-1} kg−1^{-1}. Thus, the disk material should be mostly molten, though a tiny fraction of disk material (<5%< 5\%) would even experience vaporization. Typically, a piece of molten disk material is estimated to be meter sized due to the fragmentation regulated by their shear velocity and surface tension during the impact process. The disk materials initially have highly eccentric orbits (e∼0.6−0.9e \sim 0.6-0.9) and successive collisions between meter-sized fragments at high impact velocity (∼3−5\sim 3-5 km s−1^{-1}) can grind them down to ∼100μ\sim100 \mum-sized particles. On the other hand, a tiny amount of vaporized disk material condenses into ∼0.1μ\sim 0.1 \mum-sized grains. Thus, the building blocks of the Martian moons are expected to be a mixture of these different sized particles from meter-sized down to ∼100μ\sim 100 \mum-sized particles and ∼0.1μ\sim 0.1 \mum-sized grains. Our simulations also suggest that the building blocks of Phobos and Deimos contain both impactor and Martian materials (at least 35%), most of which come from the Martian mantle (50-150 km in depth; at least 50%). Our results will give useful information for planning a future sample return mission to Martian moons, such as JAXA's MMX (Martian Moons eXploration) mission.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Asteroid Flyby Cycler Trajectory Design Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Asteroid exploration has been attracting more attention in recent years. Nevertheless, we have just visited tens of asteroids while we have discovered more than one million bodies. As our current observation and knowledge should be biased, it is essential to explore multiple asteroids directly to better understand the remains of planetary building materials. One of the mission design solutions is utilizing asteroid flyby cycler trajectories with multiple Earth gravity assists. An asteroid flyby cycler trajectory design problem is a subclass of global trajectory optimization problems with multiple flybys, involving a trajectory optimization problem for a given flyby sequence and a combinatorial optimization problem to decide the sequence of the flybys. As the number of flyby bodies grows, the computation time of this optimization problem expands maliciously. This paper presents a new method to design asteroid flyby cycler trajectories utilizing a surrogate model constructed by deep neural networks approximating trajectory optimization results. Since one of the bottlenecks of machine learning approaches is the computation time to generate massive trajectory databases, we propose an efficient database generation strategy by introducing pseudo-asteroids satisfying the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. The numerical result applied to JAXA's DESTINY+ mission shows that the proposed method is practically applicable to space mission design and can significantly reduce the computational time for searching asteroid flyby sequences

    Exploring the recycling model of Phobos formation: rubble-pile satellites

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    Phobos is the target of the return sample mission Martian Moons eXploration by JAXA that will analyze in great details the physical and compositional properties of the satellite from orbit, from the surface and in terrestrial laboratories, giving clues about its formation. Some models propose that Phobos and Deimos were formed after a giant impact giving rise to an extended debris disk. Assuming that Phobos formed from a cascade of disruptions and re-accretions of several parent bodies in this disk, and that they are all characterized by a low material cohesion, Hesselbrock & Milton (2017) have showed that a recycling process may happen during the assembling of Phobos, by which Phobos' parents are destroyed into a Roche-interior ring and reaccreted several times. In the current paper we explore in details the recycling model, and pay particular attention to the characteristics of the disk using 1D models of disk/satellite interactions. In agreement with previous studies we confirm that, if Phobos' parents bodies are gravitational aggregates (rubble piles), then the recycling process does occur. However, Phobos should be accompanied today by a Roche-interior ring. Furthermore, the characteristics of the ring are not reconcilable with today`s observations of Mars' environment, which put stringent constraints on the existence of a ring around Mars. The recycling mechanism may or may not have occurred at the Roche limit for an old moon population, depending on their internal cohesion. However, the Phobos we see today cannot be the outcome of such a recycling process.Comment: Accept in The Astronomical Journa