56 research outputs found

    Effect of Osmotic Pressure on the Stability of Whole Inactivated Influenza Vaccine for Coating on Microneedles

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    Enveloped virus vaccines can be damaged by high osmotic strength solutions, such as those used to protect the vaccine antigen during drying, which contain high concentrations of sugars. We therefore studied shrinkage and activity loss of whole inactivated influenza virus in hyperosmotic solutions and used those findings to improve vaccine coating of microneedle patches for influenza vaccination. Using stopped-flow light scattering analysis, we found that the virus underwent an initial shrinkage on the order of 10% by volume within 5 s upon exposure to a hyperosmotic stress difference of 217 milliosmolarity. During this shrinkage, the virus envelope had very low osmotic water permeability (1 – 6×10−4 cm s–1) and high Arrhenius activation energy (Ea = 15.0 kcal mol–1), indicating that the water molecules diffused through the viral lipid membranes. After a quasi-stable state of approximately 20 s to 2 min, depending on the species and hypertonic osmotic strength difference of disaccharides, there was a second phase of viral shrinkage. At the highest osmotic strengths, this led to an undulating light scattering profile that appeared to be related to perturbation of the viral envelope resulting in loss of virus activity, as determined by in vitro hemagglutination measurements and in vivo immunogenicity studies in mice. Addition of carboxymethyl cellulose effectively prevented vaccine activity loss in vitro and in vivo, believed to be due to increasing the viscosity of concentrated sugar solution and thereby reducing osmotic stress during coating of microneedles. These results suggest that hyperosmotic solutions can cause biphasic shrinkage of whole inactivated influenza virus which can damage vaccine activity at high osmotic strength and that addition of a viscosity enhancer to the vaccine coating solution can prevent osmotically driven damage and thereby enable preparation of stable microneedle coating formulations for vaccination

    Recent Progress in Advanced Nanobiological Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications

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    In this review, we briefly introduce our efforts to reconstruct cellular life processes by mimicking natural systems and the applications of these systems to energy and environmental problems. Functional units of in vitro cellular life processes are based on the fabrication of artificial organelles using protein-incorporated polymersomes and the creation of bioreactors. This concept of an artificial organelle originates from the first synthesis of poly(siloxane)-poly(alkyloxazoline) block copolymers three decades ago and the first demonstration of protein activity in the polymer membrane a decade ago. The increased value of biomimetic polymers results from many research efforts to find new applications such as functionally active membranes and a biochemical-producing polymersome. At the same time, foam research has advanced to the point that biomolecules can be efficiently produced in the aqueous channels of foam. Ongoing research includes replication of complex biological processes, such as an artificial Calvin cycle for application in biofuel and specialty chemical production, and carbon dioxide sequestration. We believe that the development of optimally designed biomimetic polymers and stable/biocompatible bioreactors would contribute to the realization of the benefits of biomimetic systems. Thus, this paper seeks to review previous research efforts, examine current knowledge/key technical parameters, and identify technical challenges ahead

    Non-Invasive Vaccines: Challenges in Formulation and Vaccine Adjuvants

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    Given the limitations of conventional invasive vaccines, such as the requirement for a cold chain system and trained personnel, needle-based injuries, and limited immunogenicity, non-invasive vaccines have gained significant attention. Although numerous approaches for formulating and administrating non-invasive vaccines have emerged, each of them faces its own challenges associated with vaccine bioavailability, toxicity, and other issues. To overcome such limitations, researchers have created novel supplementary materials and delivery systems. The goal of this review article is to provide vaccine formulation researchers with the most up-to-date information on vaccine formulation and the immunological mechanisms available, to identify the technical challenges associated with the commercialization of non-invasive vaccines, and to guide future research and development efforts

    Challenges and Recent Progress in Oral Drug Delivery Systems for Biopharmaceuticals

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    Routes of drug administration and the corresponding physicochemical characteristics of a given route play significant roles in therapeutic efficacy and short term/long term biological effects. Each delivery method has favorable aspects and limitations, each requiring a specific delivery vehicles design. Among various routes, oral delivery has been recognized as the most attractive method, mainly due to its potential for solid formulations with long shelf life, sustained delivery, ease of administration and intensified immune response. At the same time, a few challenges exist in oral delivery, which have been the main research focus in the field in the past few years. The present work concisely reviews different administration routes as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method, highlighting why oral delivery is currently the most promising approach. Subsequently, the present work discusses the main obstacles for oral systems and explains the most recent solutions proposed to deal with each issue

    Microfabrication for Drug Delivery

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    This review is devoted to discussing the application of microfabrication technologies to target challenges encountered in life processes by the development of drug delivery systems. Recently, microfabrication has been largely applied to solve health and pharmaceutical science issues. In particular, fabrication methods along with compatible materials have been successfully designed to produce multifunctional, highly effective drug delivery systems. Microfabrication offers unique tools that can tackle problems in this field, such as ease of mass production with high quality control and low cost, complexity of architecture design and a broad range of materials. Presented is an overview of silicon- and polymer-based fabrication methods that are key in the production of microfabricated drug delivery systems. Moreover, the efforts focused on studying the biocompatibility of materials used in microfabrication are analyzed. Finally, this review discusses representative ways microfabrication has been employed to develop systems delivering drugs through the transdermal and oral route, and to improve drug eluting implants. Additionally, microfabricated vaccine delivery systems are presented due to the great impact they can have in obtaining a cold chain-free vaccine, with long-term stability. Microfabrication will continue to offer new, alternative solutions for the development of smart, advanced drug delivery systems

    A mechanistic study on the destabilization of whole inactivated influenza virus vaccine in gastric environment.

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    Oral immunization using whole inactivated influenza virus vaccine promises an efficient vaccination strategy. While oral vaccination was hampered by harsh gastric environment, a systematic understanding about vaccine destabilization mechanisms was not performed. Here, we investigated the separate and combined effects of temperature, retention time, pH, and osmotic stress on the stability of influenza vaccine by monitoring the time-dependent morphological change using stopped-flow light scattering. When exposed to osmotic stress, clustering of vaccine particles was enhanced in an acidic medium (pH 2.0) at ≥25°C. Fluorescence spectroscopic studies showed that hyper-osmotic stress at pH 2.0 and 37°C caused a considerable increase in conformational change of antigenic proteins compared to that in acidic iso-osmotic medium. A structural integrity of membrane was destroyed upon exposure to hyper-osmotic stress, leading to irreversible morphological change, as observed by undulation in stopped-flow light scattering intensity and transmission electron microscopy. Consistent with these analyses, hemagglutination activity decreased more significantly with an increasing magnitude of hyper-osmotic stress than in the presence of the hypo- and iso-osmotic stresses. This study shows that the magnitude and direction of the osmotic gradient has a substantial impact on the stability of orally administrated influenza vaccine

    Protection induced by virus-like particle vaccine containing tandem repeat gene of respiratory syncytial virus G protein.

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract illness in infants, young children and the elderly. However, there is no licensed vaccine available against RSV infection. In this study, we generated virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine and investigated the vaccine efficacy in a mouse model. For VLP vaccines, tandem gene (1-780 bp) for V1 VLPs and tandem repeat gene (repeated 450-780 bp) for V5 VLPs were constructed in pFastBacTM vectors, respectively. Influenza matrix protein 1 (M1) was used as a core protein in the VLPs. Notably, upon challenge infection, significantly lower virus loads were measured in the lung of mice immunized with V1 or V5 VLPs compared to those of naïve mice and formalin-inactivated RSV immunized control mice. In particular, V5 VLPs immunization showed significantly lower virus titers than V1 VLPs immunization. Furthermore, V5 VLPs immunization elicited increased memory B cells responses in the spleen. These results indicated that V5 VLP vaccine containing tandem repeat gene protein provided better protection than V1 VLPs with significantly decreased inflammation in the lungs. Thus, V5 VLPs could be a potential vaccine candidate against RSV

    Stopped-flow light scattering (SFLS) measurement of osmotic behavior of liposomes.

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    <p>(A) Time course of SFLS analysis of phosphatidylcholine (PC)-liposomes. Liposome suspension was exposed to osmolyte solutions containing different concentrations of sucrose in a SFLS apparatus and the resulting changes in scattered light intensity (I) were recorded at 546 nm for 0.8 s. Osmotic stress (Δ = C<sub>ex</sub> – C<sub>in</sub>) was controlled by changing osmolarity (osM = 1000×milliosmolarity (mosM)) of both internal (C<sub>in</sub>) and external (C<sub>ex</sub>) medium of liposomes. (B) Rate constant (<i>k</i> [1/s]) as a function of osmotic stress. The relative light scattering data (I<sub>rel</sub> = I/I<sub>0</sub>, I<sub>0</sub>: initial intensity at time zero, I: intensity at time t) were curve-fitted using the equation I = a+b·e<sup>–<i>k</i>·t</sup> where a and b are constants and <i>k</i> is a rate constant, and corresponding rate constants were presented as the mean ± standard deviation (SD) (<i>n</i> = 54). Hyper-osmotic (Δ>0) shrinkage and hypo-osmotic (Δ<0) swelling of liposomes result in an increase and a decrease of light scattering intensity, respectively.</p

    A comparison of pH-dependent osmotic swelling/shrinking behavior of influenza vaccine.

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    <p>SFLS analysis of the virus subjected to osmotic gradient of −150, 0, 150, and 300 mosM using sucrose at (A) pH 7.0 and (B) pH 2.0 at 37°C. Scan time of (i) 4 s and (ii) 100 s. 100-s scan spectra are offset for clarity. (C) t<sub>2nd</sub> as a function of osmotic gradient (−150, 150, and 300 mosM) at pH 7.0 and 2.0. (Mean ± SD; <i>n</i> = 24–36.).</p

    Effects of pH on functional activity of influenza vaccine.

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    <p>Hemagglutinating activity of vaccine in osmolyte solution (Δ = −150, 0, 150, 300, and 500 mosM) was measured after 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min of incubation at pH 2.0 and 37°C, and the remaining activity relative to control (pH 7.0 and 4°C) is plotted as a function of time. No HA activity decrease was observed by increasing temperature to 37°C (pH 7.0) during measurements. (Mean ± SD; <i>n</i> = 8–16.).</p
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