1,026 research outputs found

    Mitsugumin-29 Regulates RyR1 Activity In Mouse Skeletal Myotubes

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    Submerzni uzgoj i karakterizacija polisaharida iz gljive Grifola frondosa – primjena u kozmetičkoj industriji

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    Grifola frondosa (maitake) is traditionally called \u27the king of mushrooms\u27 and \u27the hen of the woods\u27. Both the fruiting bodies and the mycelium of maitake have been reported to have antitumor and antiviral activities. Recently, submerged culture processes have been developed, with the intention of providing opportunities for increased economic exploitation of maitake. Commonly the aim of these processes is to produce extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), mostly glucans, and to explore their applications, particularly in the cosmetic industry. A wide variety of EPS with different molecular chain length and chemical compositions are produced under different culture conditions. In this article, various biological and physicochemical properties of the EPS of G. frondosa (GF-EPS) are described, with a view to applications in the area of functional cosmeceuticals. The GF-EPS, together with GF mycelial extract (GF-MPS), showed antioxidative activity, stimulation of collagen biosynthetic activity, cell proliferation activity, and inhibitory activity of melanogenesis, without significant cytotoxicity. These diverse functionalities suggest that both GF-EPS and GF-MPS can be promising cosmetic ingredients.Gljivu Grifola frondosa (maitake) u Koreji tradicionalno zovu kraljicom gljiva i šumskim bogatstvom. Dokazano je da plodište i micelij gljiva maitake imaju antitumorski i antivirusni učinak. Ekonomsko iskorištenje te gljive omogućeno je submerznim uzgojem. Uobičajeni je cilj uzgoja proizvodnja ekstracelularnih polisaharida (EPS), uglavnom glukana i istraživanje mogućnosti njihove primjene u kozmetičkoj industriji. Pri raznim uvjetima proizvodnje dobivaju se ekstracelularni polisaharidi različitih duljina lanaca i kemijskoga sastava. U ovom su radu opisana razna biološka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva ekstracelularnih polisaharida gljive Grifola frondosa (GF-EPS), te primjena u proizvodnji kozmetičkih preparata s povoljnim utjecajem na ljudsko zdravlje. Ekstracelularni polisaharidi i ekstrakt micelija gljive Grifola frondosa (GFMPS) imaju antioksidativni učinak, stimuliraju biosintezu kolagena, bujanje stanica, sprečavaju nastanak melanoma i nemaju jače citotoksično djelovanje, zbog čega su prikladni za primjenu u kozmetičkoj industriji

    Enuresis as a Presenting Symptom of Graves’ Disease: A Case Report

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    Enuresis is intermittent urinary incontinence during sleep at night in children aged 5 years or older. The main pathophysiology of enuresis involves nocturnal polyuria, abnormal sleep arousal, and low functional bladder capacity. In rare cases, enuresis is an early symptom of endocrine disorders such as diabetes or thyroid disorders. Herein, we report a case of a 12-year-old girl with enuresis as a rare initial presentation of Graves’ disease. She complained of nocturnal enuresis from a month before visiting our clinic. She also complained of urinary frequency, headache, and weight loss. On physical examination, she had tachycardia, intention tremors, and a diffuse goiter on her anterior neck with bruit on auscultation. Her thyroid function test results revealed hyperthyroidism, and Graves’ disease was diagnosed as the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor autoantibody was positive. After treatment for Graves’ disease with methimazole, symptoms of enuresis resolved within 2 weeks as she became clinically and biochemically euthyroid. In children with secondary enuresis, Graves’ disease should be considered as a differential diagnosis, and signs of hyperthyroidism should be checked for carefully

    Suvremena primjena gljive Phellinus baumii – od fermentacije do proteomike

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    Phellinus baumii is a mushroom used as a folk medicine for a variety of human diseases in several Asian countries. Recently we have reported for the first time about the antidiabetic effect of the crude exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced from submerged mycelial culture of P. baumii in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. The diabetic rats study revealed that orally administrated P. baumii EPS lowered the blood glucose levels and stimulated insulin excretion in diabetic rats, and consequently restored the functions of pancreas, liver, and kidney, suggesting that the EPS might be useful for the management of human diabetes mellitus. We undertook proteomic analyses for plasma, pancreas, liver, and kidney of the rats to search for novel biomarkers for monitoring diabetes before and after EPS treatments. In this article, we describe the production of EPS in submerged culture of P. baumii and studies of their hypoglycemic activity. We also explore the issue of proteomic analyses for mining biomarkers of diabetes.Phellinus baumii je gljiva koja se koristi kao narodni lijek za liječenje raznih bolesti u nekoliko azijskih zemalja. Nedavno smo po prvi put objavili da nerafinirani egzopolisaharidi (EPS), dobiveni submerznim uzgojem micelija gljive P. baumii, smanjuju razinu šećera u krvi štakora s dijabetesom induciranim streptozotocinom (STZ). Istraživanje je pokazalo da egzopolisaharidi gljive P. baumii, dodani oralnim putem, snizuju razinu šećera u krvi štakora, stimuliraju lučenje inzulina i time obnavljaju funkcije gušterače, jetre i bubrega. Zaključeno je da bi se mogli primjenjivati i u liječenju ljudi od dijabetesa. Autori su proveli proteomsku analizu plazme, gušterače, jetre i bubrega štakora za određivanje novih biomarkera za praćenje dijabetesa prije i nakon obrade egzopolisaharidima. U ovom je radu opisana proizvodnja egzopolisaharida u submerznoj kulturi gljive P. baumii i studija njihova utjecaja na razinu šećera u krvi. Također je provedena proteomska analiza radi određivanja biomarkera dijabetesa

    Overexpression of the miR-141/200c cluster promotes the migratory and invasive ability of triple-negative breast cancer cells through the activation of the FAK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways by secreting VEGF-A

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    Migration in miR-141/200c-transduced HCC-38 and Hs578T cells treated with an anti-VEGF-A-neutralizing antibody. (A, D) Migration in miR-141/200c-transduced HCC-38 and Hs578T cells. Images of the crystal violet-stained cells that migrated horizontally in the trans-well migration assay (upper). The absorbance values of extracted crystal violet in migrated cells (lower). The migratory abilities of the miR-200c cells (~1.6-fold and ~1.7-fold, HCC-38 and Hs578T, respectively) were significantly increased compared with those of the control cells. (B, E) Measurement of the secreted levels of cytokines and growth factors (IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, GM-CSF, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and VEGF-A). Transduction of miR-141/200c into HCC-38 and Hs578T cells promoted significantly higher VEGF-A secretion than that of control cells. (C, F) Trans-well migration of anti-VEGF-A-neutralizing antibody-treated cells. The enhanced migration of the miR-141/200c-transduced HCC-38 cells were significantly suppressed by treatment with anti-VEGF-A-neutralizing antibodies, but miR-141/200c-transduced Hs578T cells still showed increased migratory ability compared with control cells. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001. (JPG 188 kb

    A Millimeter-Wave GaN MMIC Front End Module with 5G NR Performance Verification

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    This paper proposes a millimeter-wave (mmWave) 5G front end module (FEM) based on multiple gallium nitride (GaN) monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) with 5G new radio (NR) performance verification. The proposed structure is configured by a wide band GaN single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch MMIC, a GaN low-noise amplifier (LNA) MMIC, and a GaN power amplifier (PA) MMIC with the target operation band from 26.5 GHz to 29.5 GHz. The LNA and PA MMICs are designed with 150 nm GaN/SiC technology, and the SPDT MMIC is designed with 100 nm GaN/Si. The LNA MMIC shows the measured noise figure less than or equal to 2.52 dB within the operation band. The PA MMIC is based on a two-stage configuration and shows about 35 dBm measured saturated power with power-added efficiency better than 34% within the operation band. Also, the SPDT MMIC is based on an artificial transmission line configuration for wideband performance and shows that the measured insertion loss is less than 1.6 dB, and the measured isolation is higher than 25 dB within the operation band. Furthermore, all MMICs are integrated within a single carrier as an FEM and successfully verified by 5G NR test signals

    Scale-up study for ex-vivo expansion of allogeneic natural killer cells in stirred-tank bioreactor

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are a type of lymphocyte in the blood that are responsible for innate and adaptive immune response, and they mature in the liver and bone marrow. Being a key role in host defense system with direct and indirect killing of virus-infected cells or cancer cells, NK cell has been considered an attractive candidate for cancer therapy. Peripheral blood shows the low frequency of NK cells, so ex vivo expansion method is important to obtain sufficient NK cells for therapeutic use. Currently, we successfully developed bioreactor process for NK cell expansion on lab-scale. Stirred-tank bioreactor could be considered as optimal alternative system for large-scale NK cell expansion compared with other ones because it is automated, less labor intensive, scalable, well-controlled and cost-effective. In bioreactor process, agitation is one of important parameters for NK cell expansion because it is necessary to provide homogenous culture conditions. So we defined effects of agitation in bioreactor and figured out an optimum condition. After that scale-up studies were carried out with manufacturing-scale bioreactor based on these results. The results in terms of growth rate, viability cytotoxicity and purity, were comparable with lab-scale