86 research outputs found

    Rising Wage Inequality: The 1980s Experience in Urban Labor Markets

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    Hyclak analyzes information not utilized in previous studies of wage inequality. Whereas researchers previously relied on data derived from the national labor market, Hyclak draws on data from the Area Wage Surveys (AWS), which allows him to focus on changes in the wage structure in a sample of 20 local labor markets for the period of 1974 to 1991. This source also allows him to examine changes in the structure of wages paid for some 40 different jobs found in four different occupational groups. In addition, Hyclak is able to concentrate on jobs and the skills required as the primary determinant of wages, an approach, he says, that complements the more traditional human capital wage model that emphasizes the personal characteristics of workers.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Accumulated Human Capital, Unemployment, And Subsequent Wages

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    The objective of this paper is to empirically examine the determinants of post-unemployment wages and to identify the underlying economic forces triggering the observed wage setting mechanisms. Specifically, the paper focuses on the impact of accumulated human capital on post-unemployment wages and investigates the following issues: (1) Is formal educational attainment a significant determinant of post-unemployment wages? (2) What type of previous labor market experience (general vs. job-specific) is more valued by a new employer? (3) Are workers who find a new job in the same sector, industry or occupation more likely to retain their specific human capital and, thus, earn higher post-unemployment wages? The 1994-2001 Polish Labor Force Surveys are used as the data source for this study

    Rising Wage Inequality in Urban Labor Markets

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    Wage Flexibility and Unemployment Dynamics in Regional Labor Markets

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    Hyclak and Johnes explore the extent to which wage rigidity differs across regional labor markets in the U.S. and how it affects the unemployment response to shifts in regional aggregate demand. They also look at the determinants of differences in wage rigidity across regional labor markets.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1090/thumbnail.jp

    Ethnic Discrimination and Women's Wages in Milwaukee Laundries, 1911-12

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    The extent to which ethnic discrimination affected the employment opportunities of immigrants at the turn of the century is a topic of continuing interest to economic historians. While some studies find that immigrants did experience occupational crowding, the evidence regarding the general labor market impact of ethnic discrimination prior to World War I is mixed. This paper extends the analysis of the immigrant assimilation process in large city labor markets by an examination of the determinants of wage rates paid to native and foreign-born women working in Milwaukee power laundries in 1911-12. We find that ethnic identity was not an important wage determinant in this group of workers.Discrimination; Women

    Introduction [to Rising Wage Inequality]

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    Hyclak analyzes information not utilized in previous studies of wage inequality. Whereas researchers previously relied on data derived from the national labor market, Hyclak draws on data from the Area Wage Surveys (AWS), which allows him to focus on changes in the wage structure in a sample of 20 local labor markets for the period of 1974 to 1991. This source also allows him to examine changes in the structure of wages paid for some 40 different jobs found in four different occupational groups. In addition, Hyclak is able to concentrate on jobs and the skills required as the primary determinant of wages, an approach, he says, that complements the more traditional human capital wage model that emphasizes the personal characteristics of workers.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Didactic and educational difficulties students in grades I-III Elementary School

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    Praca poświęcona została tematyce trudności dydaktyczno-wychowawczych uczniów klas od I do III szkoły podstawowej. Jest to niezwykle ważny okres w życiu i rozwoju każdego dziecka, dlatego od tego jak zostanie on pokierowany zależeć będzie dalszy rozwój wychowanka. Ze względu na dużą złożoność zjawiska w niniejszej pracy analizie poddano różnorodne czynniki decydujące o powodzeniu lub niepowodzeniach szkolnych dziecka.Pierwszy rozdział poświęcony został wspólnym zależnościom występujących pomiędzy trudnościami dydaktycznymi a wychowawczymi.Rozdział drugi to charakterystyka trudności dydaktycznych uczniów klas I-III na którą składa się wyjaśnienie głównego pojęcia oraz przybliżenie podziału tegoż problemu. W dalszej części omówiono przyczyny występowania tychże trudności oraz sposoby radzenia sobie z nimi.Rozdział trzeci to również charakterystyka tym razem trudności wychowawczych. Zawiera opis, klasyfikację oraz przyczyny występowania trudności wychowawczych, jak również przegląd podstawowych warunków zapobiegania i przeciwstawiania się tym trudnościom w szkole.W rozdziale czwartym omówiono założenia metodologiczne niniejszej pracy, przedstawiając przedmiot i cele badawcze, problemy badawcze, metody, techniki i narzędzia badawcze. Zawarto tutaj również przebieg badania i charakterystykę badanej zbiorowości.Rozdział piąty to analiza badań własnych i wysunięcie odpowiednich wniosków w oparciu o wiedzę i doświadczenie nauczycieli nauczania wczesnoszkolnego.The work is devoted to the subject of teaching and educational problems of students in grades I-III school. The first chapter is devoted to the common dependency between teaching and educational difficulties.The second chapter is a characterization of the difficulties of teaching students in grades I to III. I find there to clarify the concepts and the division of the problem.The third chapter is also this time Characteristics of educational problems, contains a description, classification, and prevention of the causes of the difficulties in school.The fourth chapter discusses the methodological assumptions of work. Presents the objectives, goals, research, research problems, methods, techniques and research tools.The fifth chapter is an analysis of their own research and reach appropriate conclusions

    Rising Wage Inequality: The 1980s Experience in Urban Labor Markets

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    Hyclak examines changes in the structure of wages paid for some 40 different jobs found in four different occupational groups. In addition, he concentrates on the jobs and the skills required as the primary determinant of wages, an approach, he says, that complements the more traditional human capital wage model that emphasizes the personal characteristics of workers.wage inequality, skills, human capital, personal characteristics