68 research outputs found

    The Nearby and Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxy CGCG 269-049

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Spitzer Space Telescope images and photometry of the extremely metal-poor (Z = 0.03 Z_sol) blue dwarf galaxy CGCG 269-049. The HST images reveal a large population of red giant and asymptotic giant branch stars, ruling out the possibility that the galaxy has recently formed. From the magnitude of the tip of the red giant branch, we measure a distance to CGCG 269-049 of only 4.9 +/- 0.4 Mpc. The spectral energy distribution of the galaxy between ~3.6 - 70 microns is also best fitted by emission from predominantly ~10 Gyr old stars, with a component of thermal dust emission having a temperature of 52 +/- 10 K. The HST and Spitzer photometry indicate that more than 60% of CGCG 269-049's stellar mass consists of stars ~10 Gyr old, similar to other local blue dwarf galaxies. Our HST H-alpha image shows no evidence of a supernova-driven outflow that could be removing metals from the galaxy, nor do we find evidence that such outflows occurred in the past. Taken together with CGCG 269-049's large ratio of neutral hydrogen mass to stellar mass (~10), these results are consistent with recent simulations in which the metal deficiency of local dwarf galaxies results mainly from inefficient star formation, rather than youth or the escape of supernova ejecta.Comment: 35 Pages, 7 Figures, accepted for publication in ApJ; new version corrects errors in Table 1, Figure 3, and related calculations in tex

    Wolf 1130: A Nearby Triple System Containing a Cool, Ultramassive White Dwarf

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    Following the discovery of the T8 subdwarf WISEJ200520.38+542433.9 (Wolf 1130C), with common proper motion to a binary (Wolf 1130AB) consisting of an M subdwarf and a white dwarf, we set out to learn more about the old binary in the system. We find that the A and B components of Wolf 1130 are tidally locked, which is revealed by the coherence of more than a year of V band photometry phase folded to the derived orbital period of 0.4967 days. Forty new high-resolution, near-infrared spectra obtained with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) provide radial velocities and a projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of 14.7 +/- 0.7 km/s for the M subdwarf. In tandem with a Gaia parallax-derived radius and verified tidal-locking, we calculate an inclination of i=29 +/- 2 degrees. From the single-lined orbital solution and the inclination we derive an absolute mass for the unseen primary (1.24+0.19-0.15 Msun). Its non-detection between 0.2 and 2.5 microns implies that it is an old (>3.7 Gyr) and cool (Teff<7000K) ONe white dwarf. This is the first ultramassive white dwarf within 25pc. The evolution of Wolf 1130AB into a cataclysmic variable is inevitable, making it a potential Type Ia supernova progenitor. The formation of a triple system with a primary mass >100 times the tertiary mass and the survival of the system through the common-envelope phase, where ~80% of the system mass was lost, is remarkable. Our analysis of Wolf 1130 allows us to infer its formation and evolutionary history, which has unique implications for understanding low-mass star and brown dwarf formation around intermediate mass stars.Comment: 37 pages, 9 Figures, 5 Table

    The Chemical Compositions of Very Metal-Poor Stars HD 122563 and HD 140283; A View From the Infrared

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    From high resolution (R = 45,000), high signal-to-noise (S/N > 400) spectra gathered with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) in the H and K photometric bands, we have derived elemental abundances of two bright, well-known metal-poor halo stars: the red giant HD 122563 and the subgiant HD 140283. Since these stars have metallicities approaching [Fe/H] = -3, their absorption features are generally very weak. Neutral-species lines of Mg, Si, S and Ca are detectable, as well as those of the light odd-Z elements Na and Al. The derived IR-based abundances agree with those obtained from optical-wavelength spectra. For Mg and Si the abundances from the infrared transitions are improvements to those derived from shorter wavelength data. Many useful OH and CO lines can be detected in the IGRINS HD 122563 spectrum, from which derived O and C abundances are consistent to those obtained from the traditional [O I] and CH features. IGRINS high resolutions H- and K-band spectroscopy offers promising ways to determine more reliable abundances for additional metal-poor stars whose optical features are either not detectable, or too weak, or are based on lines with analytical difficulties.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (28 pages, 4 tables, 6 figures

    High-resolution near-IR Spectral mapping with H2_{2} and [Fe II] lines of Multiple Outflows around LkHα\alpha 234

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    We present a high-resolution, near-IR spectroscopic study of multiple outflows in the LkHα\alpha 234 star formation region using the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS). Spectral mapping over the blueshifted emission of HH 167 allowed us to distinguish at least three separate, spatially overlapped, outflows in H2{_2} and [Fe II] emission. We show that the H2{_2} emission represents not a single jet, but complex multiple outflows driven by three known embedded sources: MM1, VLA 2, and VLA 3. There is a redshifted H2{_2} outflow at a low velocity, \VLSR << ++50 {\kms}, with respect to the systemic velocity of \VLSR == −-11.5 {\kms}, that coincides with the H2{_2}O masers seen in earlier radio observations two arcseconds southwest of VLA 2. We found that the previously detected [Fe II] jet with ∣|\VLSR∣| >> 100 {\kms} driven by VLA 3B is also detected in H2{_2} emission, and confirm that this jet has a position angle about 240°\degree. Spectra of the redshifted knots at 14\arcsec−-65\arcsec northeast of LkHα\alpha 234 are presented for the first time. These spectra also provide clues to the existence of multiple outflows. We detected high-velocity (50−-120 {\kms}) H2{_2} gas in the multiple outflows around LkHα\alpha 234. Since these gases move at speeds well over the dissociation velocity (>> 40 {\kms}), the emission must originate from the jet itself rather than H2{_2} gas in the ambient medium. Also, position-velocity diagrams and excitation diagram indicate that emission from knot C in HH 167 come from two different phenomena, shocks and photodissociation.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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